Thoughts on Coffee causing cancer?

Thoughts on Coffee causing cancer?

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Do the opposite of what California does and you'll probably be better off.

Good maybe I'll die sooner

Everything "causes" cancer. The truth is that in the end, it's a lottery anyway.



why do people still live in this hellhole again?

EVERYTING will lead you to cancer.

Even the oxygen that you need to live is slowly killing every cell in your body.

Roasted burnt organic matter causes cancer. How is this news? It's been known since cigarettes.

Provide citation rather than clickbait

I don't buy it

It’s only cancerous IN California.

California says everything causes cancer lol I see this shit all the time

Im not suprised and im glad I dont drink anything like that

Breathing air requires a warning sign in California

California is truly fucked up beyond all repair.

As a Doctor I will tell you life causes cancer. Some substances are more conducive than others.

Everything causes cancer in California except for HIV and AIDS

Well starbucks coffee surely causes cancer with all that sugar in it


also take everything from huffpost with a boulder of salt. even if it's true, they'll put a leftist spin on it


>he still drinks coffee
holy moly user you will never make it

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Stopped there

>coffee reduces estrogen levels in whites
really makes me think

Is this new?

I remember reading how coffee is full of antioxidants and how it prevents cancer like 2 months ago.

>coffeine causes stress
>stress ... estrogen?

doubt it

What is up with coffee? Every few weeks I hear about a study that has a total different opinion of it.

>legally obligated to tell people coffee may be linked to cancer
>not legally obligated to tell people you have AIDS before buttfucking them
heh California you crazy

1. California puts warnings on everything
2. Starbucks coffee is on the same level as soda
It's the additives, not the coffee. Someone post coffee pepe.

Tfw conservacucks always shit on the fittest state that makes the majority of the United states' pork
Stay beta

I got a tip for you, brew your own damn coffee.
Not only will it taste better it's cheaper too.
Besides California in itself is cancer.

California isn’t even in top ten fittest states you fucking dumbass lol. Think about all los goblinos y creaturas there are in SoCal

You're confusing muscle beach and tanned surfers with your trailer park

>coffee is an antioxidant
>coffee causes cancer
which one is it?

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All these cucks jerking it to our porn while spilling our food all over their beer guts kek

ok go ahead and show the evidence Cali is the fittest state, preferably before your chuck shed burns down in another fire

To be fair hawaii and Colorado have us beat, but they're just as lefty as us kek

DC doesn't count but leftys win again

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Look up “coffee cancer”

It’s a brand new study showing that it isn’t because of the additives it’s the roasting process. The same carcinogen is in burnt toast and roasted potatoes

>fittest state by obesity rate
>probably done with BMI
discarded completely
See muscle beach

>largest economy is US
>10th largest economy in the world

Most things are bad for you when consuming too much. Many things are carcinogenic.

Instead of the government forcing companies to do things, we should educate the people about nutrition and let the free market solve it.

Born and raised in Oakland. This is as true as it gets.

Found the problem

Said the guy who's never heard of Kaposi's Sarcoma, the skin cancer people get when they have interested HIV.

>largest pile of debt

Wow impressive

2/3 of cancers are the result of somatic cell mutations, meaning they are unavoidable and purely due to bad luck...

the rest are due to heritable or environmental factors (usually due to frequent handling carcinogenic substances) Increasing your risk of this by a couple % from drinking coffee won't do much to your chances. Drink as much of the stuff as you want. Everyone gets cancer if they live long enough.

pic for attention

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>our porn
That's not your porn you cuck, stop trying to take credit for the shitty accomplishments of some millionaire kike you never even met just because he may be within 500 miles of your location. Also anime is the superior jerk off material.


Existence causes cancer. If you want to avoid cancer then stop existing.

who gives a shit
enjoy your life and enjoy the things that make you happy

easy clicks.
everyone drinks it so its a great target for clickbait titles

A ton of it also comes out of Florida, the only other state as insane as Califags

Take it with a grain of salt. Faggots in CA think everything causes cancer, even weights.

This. Literal fucking air causes cancer.

Are you guys so fucking stupid as to equate frappalattemochancuckster with extra semen to regular black coffee?? Why do you think it's startbucks are not coffee beans?


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le brainlet argument

Better specifically eat and drink the things that are the most cancer-promoting then, since EVERYTHING causes cancer !

>only 24.1% obesity is considered fit these days

We need another global flood.

Cancer is the last thing that should worry you about caffeine. Heavy usage (5+ cups a day) is fucking taxing on your adrenal glands and a heavy stress on your body. I wonder when they will figure out that compensating for 12 hour work days with 2 kettles of coffee isn't a good idea long term

It's fucking insect poison

>somatic cell mutations
>unavoidable and purely due to bad luck

plenty of things can influence mutation behavior though. its not like carcinogens and mutagens dont exist.

but yes, in general the whole "X causes cancer" meme can safely be ignored most of the time, unless you are dealing with serious shit like industrial chemicals lol

I don't live in california so I'm okay. I'll make sure I don't drink coffee if/when I do go to cali though.

There's no way that's right, DC is half nogs although the bugmen and stronk aggrocunts are skinny

yes, we should continue to allow corporate marketing departments to bury objective facts that disagree with the company line because the average person wants to feel good about the choices the have made for them because they are to stupid and lazy to find and read the original research. I fully agree with you.

He was being sarcastic

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Coffee can have acrylamide in it due to the combination of glucose and arginine. Acrylamide is toxic as fuck, but prior to recently was though only to be exogenous to food stuffs. Turns out heat + glucose + arginine = acrylamide.

Tbh, might want to skip coffee.

>fittest state
>24% obesity
The absolute state of america

>literally every single thing in that image

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Considering Starbucks "coffee" is 80% filler garbage, I'm not surprised. They sell what amounts to hot soda.

I mean, red meat also causes cancer.

How so?

user! Stop being so homophobic

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man, cancer is just a meme. If you're really eating, drinking, smoking, or doing enough of anything to get cancer from it, you're doing it in inhuman levels. It takes an entire lifetime to develop lung cancer from smoking, and some people never smoke and get it anyway. Just live life and ignore all these cancer cucks.

Dunno, scientists just say they are very likely to increase your cancer chances.

This label is on everything in california. Picked up some wood fuel pellets and they had the cancer warning on it.

It's just a cycle, the decent, middle class whites that helped usher in the shit leftist policies that made them want to flee CA just tucked tail and moved to CO, where they are flipping the state from red to blue, causing the same problems that they ran from. So now, because of leftist policies, CO's getting a huge influx of illegals looking to sponge of social services that won't deny them. Even black's have doubled in population percentage here even though they have remained steady, or slightly declined over the last decade.

>some people never smoke and get it anyway

Yes but that number is small. 80%+ caused by smoking

There may already be good studies, but I'm guessing we won't really have a good idea about that for another couple decades. The vast majority of people that are old now were lifelong smokers, and detection of lung cancer is relatively recent. We'll have to see about the current generations rate of lung cancer since there are quite a few percentage of them smoking. Hell, it may just get worse because it might be from air pollutants over cigarettes.

sadly fatties float


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roasted meat, not roasted plants

So should I keep it pure black?

If coffee caused cancer, the french and italians would all have cancer. They drink it all the time, yet have lower cancer rates and higher life expectancies than Americans. Plus they smoke more.

What don't they have? Garbage processed foods all day, every day, fast food restaurants on every corner, a population that believes "fat acceptance", a population that believes if you exercise then you must be vain and insecure...

As an American who has lived in Europe for 3 years for work, Americans (moreso their beliefs) honestly disgust me.

>Proposal: ALL unhealthy food should have cancer and health risk warnings on them. The same food should have to be in plain white packaging and the only graphics allowed should be showing pictures of obesity and other health problems.

Yes or no?

I don't know about coffee but this thread gave me cancer.

>the french and italians would all have cancer
They do, the jihadi kind.

I unironically yet also literally take 1 gram of caffeine anhydrous every day. What do you think will happen to me?
>This will probably never change, my brain has been ruined by years of heroin at a very young age

It would explain all the soy balding

starbucks' method of processing coffee gives you cancer*

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I swear this is a parody of itself, what the fuck does that stand for?

California literally has streets covered in human shit and dirty needles. I don't give two fux what they think about coffee


Isn't California the state that made it a misdemeanor for knowingly exposing someone to fucking AIDS?


well he's right though, every time your skin cells replenish there's a chance there will be a glitch and you'll get cancer.

Really? Acetaldehyde, product of ethanol metabolism, is much worse.
There's one important thing to know. Carcinogens don't really cause cancer. They only increase the chance of getting one.

>cigarettes are made from meat, not plants

Here you go, mate

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Oh yeah, I've also been home roasting an ethiopian single origin, and I get a good upper limb workout from hand grinding the beans.

It's amazing.