Zyzz thread

zyzz thread

say anything positive or negative about zyzz

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He was a good dancer, gave me many hard ons

He was motivational.
Would he have sold out and been a generic cookie cutter instagram whore if he was here today?

Apart from the "Skinny to Jow Forums" progress he really didn't do anything major of substance

And idiots still say zyzz wasn’t big or that his physique wasn’t impressive

It's almost been 7 years already

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Who is that lol?

He had cool hair.

is the zyzz routine any good brahs?

Attached: Zyzz-Workout-Routine.jpg (577x450, 66K)


are u havin a lauf friend

I refuse to believe he's dead.

Only positive

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Haha yeah you too man, alright i'll see you at defcon next yea-

Sometimes when I'm doing nothing at home, I say "Fuck it man, zyzz." and get up and head to the gym. It Works!

The truth was he is a loser that was nothing without steroids that caused his death.

He was motivational though.

I hate the threads about this guy and Pianna being dead while boogie lives. All it shows is that roids and drugs kill the same as obesity, sometimes much faster.

He was almost certainly gay. Dude was hilarious though. You will never be like Zyzz brah!

*hair system

He's literally the reason I don't want to take steroids kek

Say hi to Arnold for me, brah.

Summer is coming and the Zyzz feels are getting stronger.

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just keep pushing yourself to make yourself the best person you can be. it's the only message zyzz was trying to tell everyone

the only people who hate zyzz are the people who hate themselves

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>He was almost certainly gay
Do you have a source for that?

Male bimbo

Yes, his videos. He was camp as fuck. He was smashing bitches left and right but was almost certainly bumming guys on the down low.



he a an gay lol

How many years does it take with roids to get zyzz mode? Impossible without roids?

zyzz went to defcon?

yes. However, he was more a progressive house and trance fag.

In on a Zyzz thread. We’re all gonna make it

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Zyzz mode is more about the insertions. Zyzz had godlike muscle insertions, that is what makes hiim so good looking. That and plastic surgery

anything positive or negative about zyzz

I unironically own a $300 yellow lifting belt that says RIP ZYZZ in all caps black impact font on the back.

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post pic

I'm at work breh

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the fuck? he really doesn't look good in that
the only time he looked good is after gym with full pump, that's all ever

Ni Hao, wealthy Chinaman!

He's not coming back.

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he lives on in everyone who remembers him. constantly striving to /makeit/. when you are tired at the gym just remember that zyzz is watching over you and if he was alive he would do those reps. it is your duty to do those last reps for zyzz. honor the legacy

Ni Hao, wealthy Chinaman!

Pretty certain he died of a congenital heart defect and not because of stereoids. Which is funny because one of his parents is a cardiologist.

Jow Forums will always love you Az
And i love you the most nohomo, you made me loose 35 kilos of pure fat over the years.
When i go to sleep all i see is you, when i wake up i wish you were here with me making sikk gainz.
Forever mirin the God of Mount olympus
I love you.

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The same can be said for the piano man

Ni Hao, wealthy Chinaman!

everytime I get a thought to skip a set or exercise, I remember that zyzz and piano died for our gains so I power through

Ni Hao, wealthy Chinaman!

feels incoming

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i miss zyzz brahs

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feels everywhere

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is zyzz' routine legit?

I've never been the same since i saw this video,something happened , Zyzz spirit took over me body, and i will forever feel his presence

What a god

do it for him

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And you are nothing with or without steroids. How does it feel?

>Newfag projecting this hard

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>but was almost certainly bumming guys on the down low.

Translation: I fuck guys on the low, therefore he does too.

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jeff pls go

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Ni Hao, wealthy Chinaman!

>dead before average life expectancy

t. boogie enthusiast

u mirin?

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his skelly gains? Yep

ye he mirin

Ni Hao, wealthy Chinaman!

funnily enough im actually margin trading bitcoin on bitmex right now. just put in a short at 12x leverage lol

hes still alive, right?

thats poo 3x10 clean and jerk is stupid and so is everything else

zyzz didn't die. he was permabanned from life for being the sikkest kunt ever

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>8-10 reps

good luck

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i have some bad news for you friend

Ni Hao, wealthy Chinaman!

so much for passing "strong" genes on to his children...

CJ for volume is a priori retarded

cryptofaggot get out
Also this is a way better meme than any of you retards understand

I aspire to be this alpha

we need some new meme guy to be the mascot of Jow Forums.

And as a femanon, I hope he is either incredibly beautiful or downright deformed.

Ni Hao, wealthy Chinaman!

His legacy will never die.

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mean :(

Your comment does not make sense. I'v never taken steroids and Zyzz is the main reason I stay the fuck away from being a fraud.

what was his actual ethnicity? his name sounds armenian and ive never heard of a christian kurd before

Passed on to the fags

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He also took grams of steroids per week to get to that physique.

How come no one in the thread discusses zyzz as a real person?
Like, that all of his gains and "sick" physique were just him cycling steroids after steroids and never coming off?
That when he got his desired physique he behaved like a total douche bag, behaving like a boy slut?
Him dying in a sauna was from flying to the sun too high. He would have lived years despite his liver and natural test destroyed if it werent for his stupid party drugs.

>inb4 not making it
Zyzz was just an average guy who took loads of crap and "made it". His training and diet were nonexistant, his brother even confirmed multiple times. All he did was roid heavily and train.
Everyone can make it. But when they do, it depends on them if they will be able to be remembered for being a man-slut and a party-whore.
Sorry guys, the truth is hard and youll have to swallow. All of his achievments were locked inside tablets, oils and needles.

>leg press
>leg extensions till failure

I don't want a ticket to snap city. I think I'd change it for Bulgarian squats.


I was on the misc just around the time he came to prominence. He was a funny bloke, and generally pretty helpful. The douchebag rep likely comes from the festival stuff.

At bottom, he was a nerd with a sense of humor and great genetics.

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He was below 6feet for sure

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Girls love mean guys. I guarentee the girl spend hours afterwards trying to rationalize how the message was actually kind of sweet and how deep Zyzz is and how he needs her to change him.