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fucking roids man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fucking roids man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fucking roids man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's going to make it.

fucking roids man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fucking roids man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fuck it's true, i can't believe it

he inspired me to do this

rest in peace big guy F

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Rip in peace

deca is 11x more damaging to your blood cells than testosterone, imagine how shitty Tren is in comparison...

ya steroids, not even ONCE

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Pls don't leave me too big guy, you are the reason i started this

First Zyzz, then Piano and now you. What's the fucking point of living

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NO. he will be FINE.

pls no

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Didn't he have a congenital heart defect before roids?

>2011 Zyzz dies
>2015 Plitt dies
>2017 Pianoman dies
>2018 Arnie dies
>2019 Lenny dies
>2020 Bloatlord dies
>2021 Scooby dies

>Boogie lives

if dubs you die this year instead

Sources say doctors informed the movie legend that he had to come with them if he wanted to live.

take my life force arnold

re-roll to kill that faggot



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Hope he dies. One less juicer and politician. Scum

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got em'

Nah. He's a douche. You like politicians and people who feel the need to juice?

predator was pretty good thou

I may not like someone, but that doesn't mean I'd wish for them to die. Besides you can't deny that he has achieved a lot, which is something that shouldn't be discarded so out of hand.

He'll be fine

I thought he already has a different heart or some shit ?


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>arnie will die in your lifetime

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Achievement is subjective. And as a politician he had probably caused more suffering and waste than his single life is worth. His movies lower IQ and his bodybuilding career is one of fraud.

Bump for interest


I think it was a bicuspid aortic valve from memory


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>you will die in your lifetime

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Fucking roids man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No I won't.

>Boogie will die in your lifetime

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He's fine boys, he made it.

>Arnold will die before Boogie

>imlplying you won't get killed in overpopulation wars


forgot sauce

"As for his condition ... we're told he's stable."


im natty myself but your retarded if you think you should hate people who juice

Friendly reminder that arnieGOD already had aortic valve replacement surgery in 1997 and was just fine. Apparently he knew of a congenital heart condition and wanted to treat it early, perhaps that's the cause of his valve replacement today as well.

Hate him or love him, he's done a shitload more with his life than you could ever dream of

Damn that's an annoying voice


Enjoy your trips. Probably the most you ever have or will achieve.

dont they have to replace them every so many years aswell?

Is this the work of the Trump curse ?

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Heh reading the article Arnie had the exact same procedure as my dad 14 years prior got a triple bypass and pig valve on top of that he died in 2014

As a user with alot of 2nd hand knowledge on the subject slot of shit can go wrong my dad was only 60 odd when he had his done and it was a nightmare you go in for a relatively straightforward surgery and it snowballs especially with someone like Arnie

I'm no medfag but my dad only got 10 more years and was healthier than Arnie in terms of what shit he didn't do and was also a fitness freak gym junkie
If Arnie pulls out of this he will be very lucky to make 75+ as my dad was told a couple of months before he died he had a couple of years not fucking months.

Beware anons if you ever hear the words imminent demise or verities of those words around anyone start making preparations and if it's about yourself well what can I say.

Rip Arnie wish u didn't go full soy in the the 2000s you where me and my dad's idol.
Stupid roids reeee

>congenital heart defect before roids?

That's what they all say. They said the same about Zyzz.

Zyzz was a cocaine addict though. That and roids did him in.

>roids did him in

You're right. I forgot Arnie has never taken roids...

But that disgusting pig is not going to live that much.

He was a natty GOAT. Him and yea-buddy-man.

>la creatura
>Jeff "wants to be zyzz" seid
>random with lazy eye
>no cavaliere

Whoever made this should be shot

Until he stops the Universe from heat death, what he's done will have about as much effect on the world as a dung beetle.

not envy, just get tired of the hypocrisy of society worshiping some douche.

enjoy your dubs, probably the most you'll contribute to the discussion.

If dubs he dies this year

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dios mio.....el hermano...

He's still more loved than you are or ever will be and has had a better, more interesting and more enjoyable life than you (or I or anyone else here) will have.

Even if he does die, a physique like that when you actually matter is worth dying in your seventies when you don't a thousand times over


He was then swiftly loaded into a MEDEVAC helicopter.

Frantic medics rushed Arnold to the aircraft, and were reportedly heard screaming 'get to the chopper!'.

It's also missing grizzly bloat lord

>random with lazy eye
fucking newfags

>random with lazy eye
fucking kys

>He's still more loved than you are or ever will be and has had a better, more interesting and more enjoyable life than you (or I or anyone else here) will have.

So does every pop icon and dictator (yes, there's more people that love Hitler than love you). Also, you'll never know if someone's life is more enjoyable because you'll never be them.

>bloatlord dies

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Well no shit roids on top of a defect is bad. Just saying it wasn't 100% that



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Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!
I love you Arnold.

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you're pebis smal

Soyboys hate him because Arnold is what peak masculinity is all about. Of course he made some stupid decisions to get there but he chased his dreams and made it bros.

Bloatlord is gonna outlive them ALL. Mark my words.
This desu. The author should be gassed.

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Dude they even say in the article it's a congenital defect, not the result of roids. He's at Cedars-Sinai, literally among the best in the world. Guy will be fine. He isn't some obscure meatsack like Piano or some Armenian fuccboi.

fucking roids man!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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It's okay, he's going to make it, he's going to be back.

>is he going to make it?
Look at his life. He already has, anons, he already has.


> Arnold Schwarzenegger wakes up after emergency heart surgery - and his first words were 'I'm back'

How do we know it's really him?

You can change that =^)

>Jeff "wants to be zyzz" seid
>random with lazy eye
>no cavaliere

>no bugenhagen
>no bloatman
>no clarence

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