Best way to practice for amateur Rugby

I want to join one of my state's local Rugby teams. I am about at 3pl8 dead, 2pl8 squat, 1.5pl8 bench, and I don't OHP. My cardio needs work seeing as each half is 20 minutes and jogging with occasional sprints consistently on a tread mill gets me winded pretty fast. What routine should I do?

Attached: Rugby.jpg (1280x719, 158K)

>each half is 20 minutes

m8 what rugby are you playing, a half is 40

You need to do heavy barbell work like SL and then once you're a good bit strong start training for exposiveness.

Along with some endurance carido you should probably do HIIT as well as rugby is high bursts on intensity.

To be honest though, the best way to train rugby is to play rugby. There's a lot of skills required that you can't learn without a ball in your hand.

go to biggerfasterstronger dot com and their program download section
you want to find their
>speed program
>plyo program
>conditioning program
>25 free agility drills
keep doing your weight program but add power cleans to it, you should lift full-body 3x/week
on the other two, you should workout using the tools i pointed you to
>day one, do speed+agility drills+conditioning
>day two, do speed+plyo+conditioning
these workouts should be 45 min to an hour, including general warmup before and stretching after

What position do you want to play frien

Probably a prop.

I'm playing prop too add push presses to your routine since your going to be putting your hands in a guys pants cupping his ass and push pressing him

and get STRONGER you wanna be able to just throw skinny fag backs out of a ruck by their jersey

If you just go to training the coach will help you improve rugby skills. That's what they're for after all. If you're strong then you'll just need to improve fitness/skills and you should be ready to play in no time. Especially as a prop. Good luck anom

Dunno what level you're at or if it's competitive scrums (20 minute it 10s?) but you'll want to OHP if you're propping as they typically lift in the lineout and that needs shoulder strength.
For cardio, games are mostly HIIT but obviously the sheer length means LISS training is good too.
Drink pints to train for after the match so your liver isn't manshamed
If you're propping in competitive scrusm you'll want to do core work as thats what keeps you tight and square, similarly so you don't get snapped in a ruck

Rugby is gay. Play football.

Attached: Rugby vs Football.jpg (610x515, 177K)

>left is comfortable with his image and body to wear vibrant colors
>right has to mask his persona with masculine imagery to hide the fact that he lets the blacks on his team run a train on his wife in the locker room before every game

>your going to be putting your hands in a guys pants cupping his ass

N-no homo though right


Do push presses, do olympic lifts to train explosiveness, and do sprint intervals

push presses
power cleans (or just explosive clean pulls)
along with regular squat/DL work

just as no homo as when the second row wraps their arm around your arse and grips it tight as your thigh gently rubs their face

I swear there's one faggot in this board that has this pic saved up and you post it every time rugby is mentioned. You wake up, ctrl f, rugby, post pic and stick a dildo up your ass. I bet you're really happy with your sad and pathetic life aren't you? I hope posting this pic in every rugby thread makes you feel more of a "man" rather than the soyboy that you are


The pic is stupid but he does have a point. Football is a much more physical sport than rugby is. The hits are harder and the athletes are far superior.

it's obvious that no-one in this thread has ever played rugby.

the funnel neck of physical atributes isnt strength at all, it's cardio vascular ability.

weight room work for pros is secondary, probaby tertiary, to match fitness which is all ssp cardio traianing.

Cardio needs to become the top priority out of all of this.

If you can't get to a ruck, or are tired when you get to a ruck, you literally just jog around the field doing nothing until there's a stoppage of play.

You need to be the first to the ball/ruck at all times. It's much easier to defend a ruck than it is to overpower one to try and get possession back.

I played rugby in my high school years.
Our coach started us out in January for practice. Made us run all the fucking time. Weight room this, cardio that, but the cardio was worth it. We won cwossa and ofsaa. Went to Ireland to play and we won that tournament as well.
Like all we honestly did was run our fucking hearts out and practiced mad plays.
Really amazing experience! 10/10 would do it all over again.

even more pitiful is that the guy never played football. imagine how historically pathetic this lonely loser is

>never played either

Rugby has a shitload more contact just less ABSOLUTELY REKT contact

This tbqh.