Friendly reminder that women only and ONLY care about looks

friendly reminder that women only and ONLY care about looks.

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Pshhh... Nothin personell

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Note even him you autistic incel. Cope harder, loser.

nice try u absolute betacuck.

kill yourself

>Note even him
>what is growing up
>what is focal lens
Not only is that a terrible picture by itself, he was obviously going through puberty in the first pic.

its not him dumbfuck

Can you prove it?

Different lips, different size eyes and no frog eyelids,far different eyebrows, different shape ears,

look at his face

nah is all about character and confidence my nigga

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>giving up

*blocks your path*

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you faggots need to /fa it up a little bit

short hair is more masculine. If you can pull off a buzz cut, do it. otherwise the shorter the better generally speaking. you can also pick a haircut based on face shape. google it.

scruff, not a beard, is the most attractive to the majority of females. notice in both pics u faggots have by comparison

leaner is better- but you /fit faggots should be onto that

lastly, style. wear a watch and sunglasses. and wear darker shades of color, not bright color. and clothes that fit. keep it simple; dont try to hard or you will look like you are trying too hard.

compare the two people in both pics you posted based on these tips

Cope. Getting a different haircut and some fancy clothes wont make you any less subhuman compared to the to the chad on the left. You could swap their hair and body fat, it would literally make no difference.

imo if that guy on the right worked out a bit and got a less faggoty haircut he actually wouldn't look half bad

is that fucking mike myers?

true in a sense

but you would be amazed at the drastic difference that can be made thru style or "packaging."

notice how the left pics are models who have their hair and clothes and style picked out? and how they align with the tips I gave?

the right people would look drastically better with a good short haircut, scruff, and shades. and of course a couple of months in the gym would put them closer to the chads, but still inferior, agreed.

last tip: get a tan.

One is topless. They could be wearing rags it literally wouldn't matter.

i have a good body but dress like shit because i never paid any attention to that. Can u give more specific advice on how to dress for fit people? some general guidelines or examples?

Jow Forums is about non-surgical looksmaxing

I used to believe that women cared about face. But since I started a job that requires working with people I’ve seen a lot of dimes walking around with ugly guys. The one redeeming feature nearly every guy I saw had?

They were all tall

Hot women care about height, penis size and muscle mass more than they care about face

I see a lot of pretty boys with ugly girls too

Hot girls don’t care about the face. Just be tall and look rough

But mainly just be tall

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>Durrhurr I don't know what lens distortion is

You guys piss me off.

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sexy ass lips. This motherfucker just needs to lose some face fat and go to a barber

guy on the right isn't that bad at all, cruise test-e for a year while working out and eating right and he'll be easily above average

If you ever watched the vid he is in, you'll see he is not only autism incarnate, buy beyond salvation.

Steven hawking is an outlier

all of this is true but the haircut lmao that's pretty 2012

check out this guy, he has some nice fits

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St. BLOPS II was identified as some East Yurop slav farmer and guy on right is clearly English/American/something Anglo. Besides it clearly not being him, there's background that supports it too.

keep it simple. A plain black shirt and jeans can look great. You dont have to spend shitloads of money to be in high fashion, just go to the cheaper /fa stores for men

In general good looking women pair with handsome men and average looking with each other etc. There are outlier hollywood couples and such, but on average people date people close to their own range

Contrary to popular belief women are not too keen on faggy / overly fashion style dressing men they sense it as compensating. It's mostly just your looks that matter, over dressing can be a turn off.

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I have height, penis size and muscle mass and am still KHV @ 22 almost 23
My face can't be that fucked up if I can't even pinpoint the exact flaws except going into full blown lookism autism? I think I look like tyson ballou minus 2-3 points overall

report and sage

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as long as ur not a midget women only care about ur looks sorry.
how the fuck are they even supposed to know ur penis size dumbfuck?
beautiful people know they are beautiful. if u cant pinpoint exacts flaws you are probably average looking.

Looks Red Pill:
If you are not physically attractive to most women, then, by definition, you are physically unattractive (but not necessary ugly).

You probably see "ugly" men with hot women all the time, because men do not know what an attractive male face looks like. When we think of a beautiful male face, we envision a male face that looks like a beautiful woman's.

>lookism autism
the lookism terms originate from plastic surgery forums the guys, that werent successful with PUA, lurked back before ER happened.
being aware of specific terms doesnt invalidate what they lookism posters attribute to them; they just quantify and name what people innately, subconsciously feel and act on.

/fa sticky

seriously just use the tips i gave

short hair
darker shades of color
clothes that fit- think straight leg not baggy or too tight jeans

mild accessories like a watch and sunglasses

but dont over do it

all of these things look masculine. thats the point. you dont want to look faggy or girly, but you can overdo it by looking like you're trying too hard.
clothes that fit

the topless guy has scruff and short hair (I know its long on the top but it's short generally speaking- like on the sides)

>They could be wearing rags it literally wouldn't matter

not true.

think actual bum rags. like on the nearest city street corner. all fucked up clothes. dirty as shit. smelly. not like "hipster" dirty or cowboy dirty. like an actual bum. that would def matter. maybe he would still be attractive. but LESS attractive because of the packaging. thats the point. making the others MORE attractive thru packaging.

>skeletons: only frame matters
>ugly people and lanklets: only face matters
>manlets: only height matters
Its retarded beyond comprehension how each and every poster singles out what specific trait trumps all others when it comes to attracting women.
get it into your head, we perceive humans as a whole. your model face wont help you if you dont have limbs. being 6'9 cant save the repulsion people feel when your facial skin was burned off. an imposing frame helps little if you are disfigured
unremarkable eye color doesnt matter as much if your face overall is attractive. perfect bicep insertions dont matter if you are 5'1.
its the combination of several advantageous traits that makes one very attractive, since it signifies genetic health. you can get away with flaws if you offset them with other good features. only very few people have virtually no flaws whatsoever.

unfortunately, you all are too ugly to compensate for your worryingly low IQs

you're deluded

Left could have any hairstyle in the world. His face is virtually flawless. Long jesus hair, buzzcut or anything else will look good on him

think of every god damn movie where they turn and "ugly ducking" into a "swan"

its literally what I'm talking about. they just switch the packaging

>I'm deluded

pic related

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woman only care for looks. looks means face/head, muscularity and height.
OP did not say women only care about the face.

Why do you retards always try to act like you don't care about looks?


That guy would still smash. Despite a horrid hairstyle which is intentionally bad and conceals most of his god tier facial features

You shouldn't base your opinions around fictional movies

>only care for looks
looks is everything together. your face tells most information about you, thats why face is most important. all it does is signify whether your genes are good enough for a woman to be impregnated by you
all traits are relevant


main point here is that women dont care if ur a murderer, dumb, unconfident or socially retarded.
they only care about physical characteristics.
too many of our fellow brothers would rather take the blue pill though.

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>men do not know what an attractive male face looks like

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ur just ugly

I'd rather be delusional desu, I get laid anyways and I don't have a good face. If I took the blackpill I'd just LDAR. Honestly unless you're a rich 10/10 a healthy level of conscious delusion is almost necessary I'd say.