Arnold dying?

I can't handle this, bros.

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He's like 80 years old man
The roids always get you in the end

that's what happens after a lifetime of juice

He's getting a valve replacement apparently. Nothing too serious. I read that he's out of the OR already and in stable condition.

experimental valve surgery which went wrong... but yes apparently now stable

isn't this his second heart surgery?

Lmao who gives a fuck about this retard?

>elected as republican
>changed into a Democrat mid term
adios faggot

We need digits ITT, boys. Rolling for Arnold's survival.

Yeah, idk if it's on the same valve though

I hope he doesn't die but not because I'd be sad. I don't want the "guess he won't be back huh" "jokes".

I think he'll pull through.. I mean, he's rich, right?

Good job lad

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Arnold(almost), Zyzz and Rich=dead
David Hogg and Boogie=alive and kicking
Face it boyos, the world supports people like David Hogg rather than people like you guys. Lifting is considered toxic while being like Hogg is considered brave. Face it boyos, the world doesn't want us anymore

If digits arnold dies on April 1st

i thought it was pretty funny

Arnold confirmed to pulling through last minute!

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Roids, not even once.

That was close

>Steroids are healthy brah just dose them in modera-

why should i care what the world wants

Once you have a heart surgery / bypass / angioplassty you are totally fucked for the reset of your lives (retirement days). Blood thinners, daily aspirin to prevent clotting, statins etc. all reduce life quality

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Because he clearly did them in Moderation right, and not using a fuckton to become one of the most muscular human beings that ever existed?

Did you even think about who you were talking about before you typed that?

Unless you're filthy rich

I think they have some pretty good Stem cell therapy in Panama to fix this shit now..
it's like 20,000+ though.

>Blood thinners, daily aspirin to prevent clotting, statins etc. all reduce life quality
Living after 70 is pretty much the same

The worst part about open heart surgery is how many patients have they're personality completely change afterwards. People who have open heart surgery are rarely the same afterwards.

I don't want Arnold to change, he does so much good for the world.

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There we go, Arnold's gonna live forever

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Schwarzenegger was born with a bicuspid aortic valve, an aortic valve with only two leaflets (a normal aortic valve has three leaflets). He opted in 1997 for a replacement heart valve made of his own transplanted tissue; medical experts predicted he would require heart valve replacement surgery in the following two to eight years as his valve would progressively degrade. Schwarzenegger apparently opted against a mechanical valve, the only permanent solution available at the time of his surgery, because it would have sharply limited his physical activity and capacity to exercise.


honestly the age i wish on going over, unless medicine advances and you don't become an empty husk of a human being after that. No reason to live more than that

Living past 70 should not be a problem at all, but it becomes a struggle with heart disease

Arnold definitely has a severe body dysmorphia if you look his pics past few years he is only upping his roid dosages =)

Absolutely, open heart surgery results personality changes and serious cognitive decline while doctros may claim the other. It's the famous pump head effect that happens during the surgery => lack of oxygen to brain => permanent brain damage

Angioplasty is easier for body but the meds required to avoid complications have side effects that effect peoples behavior too

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>people on Jow Forums talking shit about Arnold
i hope he's fine brehs

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He may be rich, but not piano


Funny how all the great bodybuilders end up dying due to heart problems. Arnie, Zyzz, Wealthy Piano, etc.
Guess the roids really catch up to you sooner or later. :)
If you're not natty for most of your life and only take roids after 65, you'll probably die young.

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no shit

>and only take roids after 65
Test should be standard for elderly men, and younger men should be getting their test levels checked. Low test is a fucking killer.

already had a pig valve replacement about 15 years ago.

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Arnold dies in 2018

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But you ignore all the ones that don't die of heart problems. It's called confirmation bias.

That’s because he dies March 31st

Wrong. He dies TODAY>

oh nonononono


He was just pronounced dead. feelsbadman one of the great action stars of my childhood.


Arnie is 70, that's a pretty natural age to doe at.

>70 year old man
>family history of heart problems
must be the roids

I call bullshit. Heart disease is the leading cause of death overall.

Arnie will live to be 83 and continue to lift until his final days.

Papa bless

Arnold will live to 1000 years old after having his conscious uploaded into a computer. As a computer he can lift as much weight as he possibly can imagine.

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Stop being a fucking retard

A man of sense I see, I approve


Welp. Another reason to feed my insane phobia of heart trouble.

>t. Nigger that loves shitty politicians

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who gives a fuck, he stopped being a fitness icon the moment he went into politics and had him pictures removed from golds. Hes as rotten as the rest of politicians.


no he wasnt you fucking faggot

he's a self-loving narcistic overrated fuck who became successful by deceiving people

he should have vanished after doing some cool films


He. Will. Endure.

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Boogie is NEVER going to live to Arnold's age, be a governor, be a movie star (YouTube faggot doesn't count), marry a Kennedy, father children, or revolutionize an entire sport single handedly.


check em

Not only are people not reading news articles about this before commenting, they're not even reading this post.

You did good work, user. It's wasted on these people.

He'll be around

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Arnie - pre existing hereditary heart condition he had since being a child. Over 70, used roids for years, still kicking.

Zyzz - deadly heart condition he knew about, went into a sauna in Thailand in the height of summer on coke, booze, DNP. Not on roids at the time.

Piano - Used insane amounts of roids, but was also fucking around with insulin. Incredibly dangerous and was told he could die.

TL; DR - roids aren't dangerous, stupidity is

People just read the headlines these days I'm afraid.

Anyway here is the update from his PR guy

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>open heart surgery
no.. not like this

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People make it sound like these are the only humans on earth who use/have used steroids and as a result are dead or dying

TFW my dad is 73 and still jogs daily, mom is 68 and gyms daily, grandparents all lived til 95 despite being smokers. Great grandma even lived to 106 on a diet of cigarettes tequila and daily hikes. I take that as God's permission to roid

Stem cell therapies are a huge gimmick, ESPECIALLY those mesenchymal stem cell injections Rogan constantly boasts about.

developmental/stem cell biology PhD here

Bill Clinton is basically a walking shambling corpse at this point isn't he?

His mind was fucked from the party drugs and whoring and cagey fucked up shit he and his thundercunt dyke wife were up too.

I love this cat. Is there a video with this cutie in it?

Come on Arnold, leave humanity behind.

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He's 70, breh.

fuck off thats unironically my birthday you nigger

Stop it Zombie Piano

Hes a commie now. The real arnold died 20 years ago.

>all the great bodybuilders
>proceeds to list 3 people

Fuck you asshole.

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Even if is body die, he will not die. If this is one man, only one, that made it on earth, it's him.

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>boogie = mid thirties
>internet star

>came to America, learned how to speak English
>became famous for lifting
>became even MORE famous for iconic movies
>married into the Kennedy's, one of the most important and well-known families in the country
>became a governer even though he wasn't a politician
>still kicking ass at 70, an age Boogie will never reach, even if he gets to 20% bf right now
>"hurr durr the world support people like boogie"
No they don't you fuck, Arnie is just old. It happens to everyone.

He survived mate. Everything's gonna be ok