Is cheese bad for you? Is it worth eating? If so, what types and how often?

Is cheese bad for you? Is it worth eating? If so, what types and how often?

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Dick cheese is the only Jow Forums approved cheese

I hope so it’s probably the only thing keeping me happy if this point.

If I couldn’t eat cheese I would commit suicide

Vegetarians get the bullet, too.

Where my muenster bois at?

I always put a slice of Colby jack on my sandwich. Don’t worry about it bruh. Just don’t stuff your face with it.

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It's like 5g of fat and 120 calories per slice.

Cheese is garbage
Way too many calories, plus it's dairy therefore garbage

>dairy therefore garbage
Dairy is fine as long as you eat it in moderation. Good for bone and heart health. They provide phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, B12, D and riboflavin

Saturated fats are kinda up in the air if they are bad for you. Better to limit without having to eliminate.

Are you guys tripping balls or what, emmentaller cheese has close to 30 g of protein per 100 at roughly 270~ calories.

cheese is amazing both for bulking and for cutting

Cheese is a really good way to get natural phosphorous in your diet which I'm 95% sure that you do not get enough of with your current diet unless you eat a lot of seafood or pumpkin seeds.

Cheese is good, unless it's american """cheese"""

mozzarella also has a ton of protein.

Cottage cheese is enlightenment.
It KILLS the supplement shill.

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Less than that.

Sargento shit is normally around 80 calories.

That shit is too expensive though.

1lb nonfat cottage cheese is 280kcal and 48g protein at $3.79 reg or $2.99 on sale.

1lb boneless skinless chicken breast is 440kcal and 92g protein at $2.99 reg or $1.99 on sale.

The cottage cheese packs way more flavor and use, but come on. That shit is the most expensive thing I buy in terms of groceries.

I get aldi for

High in saturated fat and sodium and contains the strong carcinogen and mutagen vinyl carbamate. The whey is also usually strained or filtered out which means loss of many water soluble nutrients.

Feta, Cottage and Blue Cheese are best IMO

Before you puke when I mentioned blue cheese don't forget that it's a Vitamin K and probiotic powerhouse.

I like it but I'd rather get my calories from other sources. Like, if I could have a slice of cheese, or I could have a can of albacore, I'm going with the fishy.

basically this. I'm never giving up cheese, not even if a dozen good studies come out conclusively stating that it's one of the worst things you could eat. there's rarely a meal I eat that doesn't have a good amount of cheese in it
huh, for me it comes in 1.5lb containers and costs $3 regularly and $2 or rarely $1 on sale. 720 calories and 72g protein for a container of full fat. it's kind of annoying since I can only get the wet stuff that has cream added after the curd has been made, but it's so cheap that it's not really worth buying milk and making my own just to have a drier cottage cheese

>They provide phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, B12, D and riboflavin
you literally described meat. cept meat is even better

Cheese is so fucking GOOD, senpai. FUck.

I buy Stop and Shop cottage cheese for $2 a tub of 24 oz. It's pretty cheap unlike the brand name stuff.

if its to complement a meal then yea its cool

>tfw ate 200g of cheese + 200g of cottage cheese today
in eastern europe you never doubt of meat, cheese, milk and eggs

>pumpkin seeds
i do with pumpkin and chia seed granola

like with everyone, always in moderation. Same goes for literally everything you do.