21 yr old kissless virgin today you guys are my only friends so I thought I'd share

21 yr old kissless virgin today you guys are my only friends so I thought I'd share

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Stop being pathetic. Sort your life out. Seek professional help.

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Happy birthday buddy

21 is not that old so dont feel too bad.

Are you american?

If you end up shooting a school at least post a timestamped pic here.

Happy birthday. Work towards making your next different. We're all going to make it

If that's true, then save yourself for marriage. In the Islamic world (Yes there are some good people there they are not all radical) most of the women and men wait until marriage and that is culturally acceptable and desirable, and it is looked down upon if you are not a kissless virgin. and most people there get married at about 26 or 27 these days.

Happy Birthday, sharing my favorite image for you friend

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Pakistani girl as an example

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Fuck off with your shitskin posting, go back to r9k or wherever you're from we actually have standards on this board

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21 isn't bad
Get your shit together before you're a 24 year old kissless virgin like me

22 kissless incel here. It only gets worse 20, user

if you are white, you can get any chick you want in the islamic world. They have a superiority syndrome and still see whites as superior. Just respect their religion and you will no longer be kissless. you'll have a good chance of getting married. and of course some people break the rules and have gf's and bf's and that is ok too, you wont get blown up for having a gf, just a bit looked down upon by the chicks family, so just marry her anyways. better to have serious relationships anyways

You're not my friend. Fix your shit and stop being a bitch.

pakistani girls are hot af. you wont see them amongst the refugee population. Well off people stay in their original country. The scum and low lifes run away to the west. trust me muslim girls are not mental like western feminist bitches. If you have standards, then have standards in your women too and get a muslim gf.

Happy Birthday

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>t. Pakistani trying to cope

Happy birthday user!

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but are you fit?

Happy bday user. Ill have a drink for you bud

Happy birthday buddy.

Thanks Jow Forums love you guys

Not him but paki and muzzy girls are bretty hot. Southern/Eastern Euro girls are the one though.

why are you friendless user happy bday btw

Happy birthday, user. Treat yourself today but after that, you should stop watching anime.

Happy Big 21 bud, where do you live? If I’m close to you I’ll try and meet you for a beer


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I miss being a 21 yr old kissless virgin.

t. a 26 yr old kissless virgin

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Happy Birthday, my fellow kissless virgin!

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Don't compare based Varg to that faggot

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Too late my ex was a virgin greek qt

i meant muzzy senpai

Happy birthday bro, come to the thailand meet, I'll pay you a prostitute

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Happy Birthday user!

Happy B-day Pepe. Remember don't be a sadcunt alright.

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Happy birthday user!

I want to shout this success to the world.

Hey faggot I just got out of the boat you're in. For the last 3 years I have been lifting, improving my social skills, and improving my fashion/looks. I lost my virginity a few days ago to an absolute 10 at nearly 22 years old. I did an absolutely fantastic job. Previous to this session, I had only kissed a girl once in a goofy drunken party game. During it I kissed her with confidence and just did it, and she I was a great kisser.
I had never fingered a girl before, I asked her what she liked and she just told me, went awesome. She was wonderfully patient about getting me hard, I didn't feel nervous consciously but unconsciously I obviously was. Once we crossed that barrier I hit her from missionary, then from behind, awhile after that I bent her over in front of a desk and railed her there, then laid her out on it and fucked her with her legs on my shoulders.
We went back to bed, cuddled the fuck out of each other for awhile, then she rode me and blew me for a bit. We had been going for so long I actually never came. This whole session lasted three hours, with breaks in between different things.

I felt like a god, it was like my fantasy came true with 100% accuracy. Just three years ago I was a gigantic fucking loser, and now this. Now I got to send a 10 off with a goodbye kiss, and she didn't even want to leave but she had to get up the next day. I doubt any of you are going to believe this, if I had been told this was how it would all turn out I would have told you no fucking way. Keep pushing OP, you have a year.

Thanks Jow Forums. Also Jow Forums.
You can do it faggots.
I am become Chad.

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Here, have a sincere 'Happy Birthday' on the house.

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Happy birthday user! We’re all gonna make it!

happy birthday my friend


Happy birthday user! If being kiss less and a virgin isn't a concern of yours then do not let it bother you. However if you do want to change that there is only one person that can change that, you. Social interaction is like lifting you start off not knowing what to do and it sucks to do but eventually it becomes almost second nature and you look forward to it.

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>was a gigantic fucking loser
Incorrect tense

We're all gonna make it, happy birthday bruh

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Varg is a meme tier autist taking government money and convincing retards like you to do the dumb shit he does.
Peterson taught at Harvard and has papers that have been cited 1000+ times, not to mention everything else he's famous for.

Happy birthday brah

Life is basically gym, work then sleep other than that I only go out for food social anxiety sucks

I'm in the Chicago area

>falling for the psychiatrist/ psychologist meme
If you can't sort yourself out on your own, then you deserve nothing

happy birthday budski

Thanks everyone for making this day not so shitty

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Happy birthday man

Ay same here bud

Cheer up, lad. You still have hope. You won't know pic related until your 25th birthday.

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Happy birthday user i am a 21yo virgin too

fug ill turn 21 this july
same boat as you user



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Happy birthday user!

You're not missing anything op
Last night my gf was wrapped around me and pulled me like as close as she could while we were sleeping. I wound up in a slightly uncomfortable position but I didn't want to wake her because she's so cute, so I just lied there not sleeping for a while until she moved again.
>tfw gf.

also, meant to add.
happy birthday user

Happy birthday user

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I made an almost identical thread for my 21st birthday. Wasn't kissless but was a virgin. I was all mopey and crying as Jow Forums was wishing me happy birthday

now I'm 26, have fucked 18 chicks, have 2 B.S. and am going to a top 20 medical school this fall

I never would've thought I'd be here at that time. You don't have to go to school or whatever, either. Just sit down and actually think about (1) what makes you happy and (2) what kind of job can you do that lets you do that every day.

Don't tell yourself shit like video games make you happy. I played an assload of video games, probably more than you, and that's what I told myself. It turns out I was just "medicating" my indecisiveness with time-consuming hobbies. I had to admit to myself that I hadn't chosen a path in life, and had to pick it.

For me, it was the most basic thing that made me happy: doing something for someone today, NOW, that made them happy. I liked to do things few other people could just to brighten their day. I was big on graphic design at the time, and was making different business new logos and 1-page websites for free just because theirs were trash/non-existent. I realized when I went to a clinic for strep throat that I could get that same feeling by going into medicine, so I did it.

Yours can be whatever you want. I was SO close to choosing to be a personal trainer, since I was and still am huge into Jow Forums. Maybe that's your thing? I don't know what it is, but figure out WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY, figure out WHAT JOB LETS YOU DO IT, and do whatever you can to make that job happen.

Happy birthday, bud.

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Do whatever you can to get away from the internet. Don't fall for the imageboard meme, you're wasting your best years.

happy birthday user just keep lifting until somone loves you amirite
that's what i'm trying to do at least
we're all gonna make it

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pretty easy to be a virgin until marriage when you get married at 13 lmao. fuck off ahmed

Shut up normie dirtbag. Go upboat some cuck porn on plebbit

>that statue
It's beautiful what is it? Sauce pls?
You woke up

>saving yourself for marriage
Huge meme because you're probably gonna suck at sex and will lack the sexual communication skills to learn to be good at it. Your wife will be displeased and your youth will have been wasted


How is cnn working for you schlomo?

Varg is a musical genius and lives free from society following his own philosophy.
Money from the government it's mandatory considering they put him years in jail for nothing.
No amount of (((papers))) or teaching in (((Harvard))) are comparable to the art Varg has given to humanity.

your reply makes 0 sense. I am not a lefty and i'm not jewish, i just don't like islam

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Happy birthday. If you try, truly try hard and don't give up, you'll make it.

Happy birthday user

I'm turning 23 next month, also a kissless virgin who never had a gf

Don't give up though, we can always cope our autism away with looksmaxxing hard - I've been lifting 8 years so I mog 99% of men these days, starting my PhD soon and overall living a comfy life.
Sure, it would be nice to not feel so lonely on certain nights but there are worse fates.

Happy birthday user-kun. I'll give you a book recommendation. 6 pillars of self-esteem. It has been helping me recently. Thanks to the user that recommended it to me.

happy b day user

Happy bday my man
Good luck out there