Anyone else here microdose or take "smart drugs"

Anyone else here microdose or take "smart drugs"

I do a 3 day cycle
>Day 1: Microdose LSD
>Day 2: 100mg Modafinil
>Day 3: Nothing/Maybe caffeine

Every so often I'll have a break for a few days to properly reset tolerance, which I find builds more for the modafinil than the acid.

I originally did it to get to work more but have found it really helps with cutting, but the microdose and the modafinil kill my apetite for at least 6 hours, it's made my current cut a lot easier.

I love microdosing it makes me feel amazing. (though I may take a little more than a standard microdose some times, cause it's fun)

Attached: yhzb674vgpvz.jpg (720x546, 24K)

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Here's an infographic. There's not been a whole lot of research into it but for the most part I agree with the effects. Never felt anything spiritual on a microdose though, but I have felt a higher sense of wonder/ I see more beauty in the world.

Attached: 3KAX8ju.jpg (1280x9546, 933K)

You tried either?

The only double blind study I have seen, and it was a case study mind you - there are no "regular" studies, demonstrated no noticeable effect from LSD microdosing.

Yeah maybe it is placebo.

Placebo or not, it definitely works for me. Maybe I'm taking an actual active dose. Though I don't get the head space or visuals at all, I do feel different, in a good way.

Also fuck the laws that prevent scientists from conducting experiments for shit like this.

The way I did it was to take massive doses, follow the Dead around, and then kinda ride it out for last thirty years.

I microdose LSD for work, maybe it's a bit of broscience but it helps me focus and be more creative since I work in a publicity agency.

Just bought phenibut. I haven't decided to use it before I go clubbing or use it for work

Microdosing is a stupid hipster soyboy trendy fuckwit meme.

you tried it?

I did a microdose of lsd before sparring once (muay thai) and it definatly helped, I could read my partners body language much easier and knew what strikes were coming before they threw them. Would defo do it again

Yeah I find it massively increases my awareness, similarly to being on a normal dose of LSD.

I can hear / take in / feel my environment a lot more

No I have a job with actual responsibilites. But I did smoke weed at work in high school when I worked in fast food which is pretty much the same thing.

>I have a job with actual responsibilites
We're all so proud of you

>which is pretty much the same thing.
You haven't tried it.

it's literally nothing like being high on weed

You're not in a noticeably different state at all when you microdose, just a bit more productive and uplifted.

>board for getting healthy

Attached: bHNN0K1wsIkyswp_CFH7ZnVDFanP2R_c4tEj4fexdP4.jpg (480x480, 55K)

I remember standing outside in rain after a rave, and could see each individual drop of water impacting the ground. Tried sober and i could only see in a 3x3 inch area, high i could see ten times that. It was weird

Anyone doing LSD on a daily basis has serious mental problems they should look into. If the only way you can properly operate is on drugs seek help

aLL dRuGs aRE bAD!!

Do you post this daily in the steroid threads too?

>Just had muh morning coffee

t. someone who has never took lsd

LSD is a great substance. So much potential. Based Albert Hoffmann

Attached: 2018-03-30-19-46-15-.jpg (225x224, 12K)

I don't drink coffee
I've done LSD at least a dozen times. If you need it daily you are severely fucked up

But you're still saying everyone who drinks coffee daily has serious mental problems?
>If you need it daily you are severely fucked up
Have you microdosed it?

It's nowhere close to an actual dose in how it affects you.

No one who microdoses needs it, they choose to because it makes them better at life with little to no side effects. What's fucked up about that?

Anyone got sources on legit LSD. Please point in right direction.

He says, as he
>Just had his afternoon coffee
>Still hungover from last nights alcohol
>Smoking his the 6th cigarette of the day
Regular people operate just fine with drugs that have vastly negative side effects. yet you're trying to bash a drug that only has benefits?

Also you Microdose 2 times a week, not daily.

Dark web, dream market.
Not as scary as it seems, next day delivery in most places + cheap. Only annoying thing is having to buy bitcoin, the easiest way is probably through coinbase, but the fee's are a bit shit.

Is a higher sense of wonder and beauty not linked to spirituality?

>becoming a drug addict because your jewish overlord requires it
I do pitty the life of the wagecucks

I guess you could say that. Never really been a "spiritual" person in any sense of the word.

Going to smoke DMT soon though so we'll see if that changes.

I'm a student.
I am yet to microdose for studying but may in the future. Have done it for personal programming projects.

Eh, not compared to what you're feeling on several 100ug of acid or several grams of shrooms.

Why are you taking drugs? Are you guys sick?

I tried it for the first time today, did 1,3 grams total. Makes me feel warm, drowsy and happy. Had a great workout session aswell. It was easier to push through the pain and get a few extra reps in.

it's a lot stronger than I expected. Doubt it's good for a workday or in combination with alot of alcohol.

Depends on your definition of "Spirituality".
For me, I don't find literally anything "Spiritual", I've never found the word to relate to anything I do, I always found spiritual to be more of a religious/paranormal word.
A higher sense of wonder and beauty for me is more of a happier/more fulfilling mind.

Will check it out thanks, user

What is it with americans constantly needing to drug themselves up?

If you aren’t getting modafinil with a prescription, and supplies by a brick and mortar US pharmacy, you are taking fakes.

Why is fake provigil shilled on here so hard?

You're a fool relying on crutches.

The greatest wizards did not rely on anything but their mind.

I'm UK

>If you aren’t getting modafinil with a prescription, and supplies by a brick and mortar US pharmacy, you are taking fakes.

I get real stuff in UK, compared it with a prescription one, same shit.

I do agree drugs are overdone in the US though.
I think it's because of something like this:

Parents don't want to admit they are bad parents/change how they discipline there kids -> They test there kids for disorders that can't properly be tested/proved (eg. ADHD) -> test comes back positive because literally anyone could pass a test saying they have ADHD if they believed they had ADHD -> parents have an excuse for there shitty kids -> kids pumped up on drugs to make them behave.

Blame Big Pharma. It's much less common to put your kids on ADHD medication / Xanax / whatever american kids are prescribed in the UK.

Microdosing is great for workouts and school, but I prefer caffeine and sleep to LSD for those. However, I’ve found that microdosing reduces social anxiety and allows me to be more open with people so it’s great for those situations.

The American dream

pretty much the entire math scene has been dominated by microdosers for 40 years

Yes they do If you NEED any drug to start your day you really just need more sleep

I have spoken to a few people who microdose and any of them could function fine when they dont take LSD.

Are these people mentally healthy? Please diagnose them all without knowing any of them for me.

>If you NEED any drug to start your day you really just need more sleep
The people who have "serious mental problems" just need more sleep?
Think you were over exaggerating a tad.

Would microdosing shrooms do anything?

Yeah it's meant to be pretty similar
The dosage section says how much shrooms should be used for a microdose

If you want the effects outlined in this infographic there's a much easier, fully legal (US) way to do it that will also allow you to feel it every day if you choose.
Vape WTA nicotine. Smoking tobacco is bad for you because you're inhaling smoke, but that doesn't mean you can't reap the benefits that made it so popular in the first place. It makes your brain work better.
It noticeably raises your IQ, spatial awareness, emotional intelligence, reaction time, and wakefulness, among other effects. My favorite is that it fixed my sleep schedule–I went from 2-3am bedtime 11-12pm morning on non work days to getting up at 5am going straight to the gym and sleeping by 10-11pm with muscles recovered in the morning.
>inb4 addictive
It is addictive to have your brain work better.
>much expensive
One $30-40 purchase of the vape, then spend $20 for over a month's worth of juice (buy WTA nic at highest mg possible, dilute with 0mg, keep tolerance low by taking a few hits in the morning max). I guarantee it's cheaper and easier than buying illicit substances on Tor with crypto, and easier to measure liquid with a dropper than to slice up a tab with an exacto. Just pace yourself, nicotine really excels as a low dose drug and will make you sick if you overdo it.


Fuck microdosing just take a full tab every day

Different user here. I REALLY don’t wanna vape, could I just get some gum or some shit?

I feel you man. The gum works for some people but I've read that it can irritate your gums/make your mouth sore. I could be mistaken, and if you haven't used nic before it would be an easy test run.
I use specifically WTA juice because it contains all the minor alkaloids in tobacco along with nicotine, something you can't get in the gum that makes the overall effect much more calming which I see as far superior to pure nic, because of that I've never looked deeply into the gum.
I do it at home in the morning with a MTL device, at low wattage it's not obnoxious. I think the douche vaper stereotype is due to people vaping only nicotine and getting way too aggressive and buzzed trying to compensate for the missing alkaloids.

Not heard of doing this, will look into it user, thanks

Problem is that shit sold as LSD on the dank web might be just some really shitty rc and the dosage can be miles off.

Test that shit and swallow it straight away

I'd say the dark web is less risky than street dealers though, thanks to reviews

Fucking silicon valley fags are the worst kill yourself you gentrifying piece of bland uninteresting shit

For hallucinogens only.

What's the current dank address? I took a break

>What's the current dank address? I took a break
Dream market seems to be the most reliable

Addresses are here

You're supposed to do it every 2 days you mong

1p-LSD / ALD-52 in place of LSD-25 is fine and usually very precise. Use volumetric method for measurements.

i would microdose on the regular if i had a legit source. i think that back in the day, the way people were preparing food, and the quality of the soils, and the quality of the plants and animals, was much different and contributed to intellectual and spiritual power that we don't have today. lsd is a synthetic way to achieve that, and at small doses it changes your life in a very tolerable and safe way.


I too would microdose on the regular if I had a legit source, but this is some really heavy hippie mumbo jumbo.

>but this is some really heavy hippie mumbo jumbo.
no, it isn't. there is even academic speculation about lysergic acid being common in the past due to the use of grains like rye to create breads which offered ergot purchase to reproduce.

Attached: memory.png (1263x1000, 111K)

>Source: A Reddit self-survey
Wow you sure convinced me.

It's literally an infographic on how to take drugs to be a better goy, with all the usual smiley faces, upbeat fonts and friendly pastel colors.

I mean I tried LSD and it was fun and all but what the fuck.

Attached: 1500064297521.png (259x334, 69K)

WTA is a scam the most important drug in tobacco is harmine the antidepressant and you only get it from smoking real tobacco

For the love of god do your research. Idk where to go after r/dnm shut down, maybe voat or some gay shit. Sure as shit don't use bitcoin, use monero or nothing at all. Use a coin tumbler. Don't buy from coinbase, go to localbitcoins and find a reputable moneygram vendor. Only ship domestic. Only buy with full escrow. Only buy highly rated vendors. Say nothing to noone.

Fuck it, you're probably too stupid for all that. Just go here lysergi com/index.php/1p-lsd.html and save yourself the headache and paranoia.

It's a survey from the largest online nootropics community in the worldbro

We still grow rye and ergot still exists. People can cultivate rye as an ergot host deliberately for LSD synthesis material, and it’s important as hell to keep that rye out of the food supply because ergot is TOXIC FUCKING SHIT that will literally give you gangrene. Ergot stopped being conmon because of important food safety controls, not because Great Mother Gaia withdrew her magick from the fields.

Modafinil is like an LSD microdose in many ways.

I feel a full LSD trip is too great to waste on microdosing IMO. If I can be assed I'd like to get an ayahuasca microdose ready. That builds zero tolerance because DMT tolerances is gone within an hour of it leaving the receptors and it doesn't affect other psychedelics. The tolerance for a RIMA is negligible.

I used to have a lot of autistic behavior patterns and the LSD fixed that.

The funny thing is both the 60's view on LSD and the current is correct. If only Timothy Leary kept is retarded fucking politics in his head instead of spouting the nonsense that caused LSD to be panic scheduled up to schedule I.

It's very hard to get a good strain of ergot for LSD synthesis from what I've read. A lot of strains have low content of the alkaloids you want. I think a lot of people take a different path to get to LSD instead of ergot now.

i didn't say that "we" don't grow rye. i didn't say that people can't cultivate rye as an ergot host delibrately for LSD synthesis material. i also didn't say anything about mother gaia or magick.

>i think that back in the day, the way people were preparing food, and the quality of the soils, and the quality of the plants and animals, was much different and contributed to intellectual and spiritual power that we don't have today


By the way, ergot contamination isn’t something academics speculate about. It happened. It’s fact.