Does it matter what time a day you consume your foods at...

Does it matter what time a day you consume your foods at? I just got into argument with some retard claiming eating before going to bed makes you obese

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is that a boy user?

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>falling for the beddy bye snack snack meme
>making it

Have fun being a Boogie-tier bloatlord OP

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Metabolism does not slow down during sleep. Biologically it does not make you obese, but psychologically it might make you eat more throughout the day and fit an extra meal before bed in.

It does matter what time you eat, but not for losing/gaining fat.

Meal timing matters for performance in the gym, so yes, meal timing indirectly improves strength and muscle.

god bless soy

It adds to your visceral fat insted of subcutaneous fat if you go to sleep directly after food.

it's literally opposite, eating before bed especially carbs helps you lose weight.

i want to defile that thing in several disgusting ways

Pls have penis, pls have a penis..

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>eating before going to bed makes you obese
definitely,w ithout doubt. this is exactly what sumo wrestlers do to put on weight.
in fact, generally - th not always - they fast early on in the day and consume most f their caories late on.

good trick to put on ass, not good if youre looking tolose it.

I have a friend who's built like a little Asian tank and he swears by cottage cheese before bed.
Gotta get that casein protein somehow I guess.

>no penor

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What is the difference?
And does it matter how long you sleep for? For example, does having a 1-2 hour afternoon nap after a large lunch change the amount of fat you put on and the type of fat you put on, when compared to 6-8 hours of sleep overnight?

Last year I got stuck doing a research project for some primary care doctor who believed this. We of course found no correlation with eating before bed and obesity like every other study done on the topic.

The only interesting we found was that people who had regular meal times were more likely to have a higher BMI. But no one wanted to even mention that except myself at the research conference.

Bro, do you even CICO? Bottom line on on obesity.

Just LOL if you dont have a 4 hour eating window everyday

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>look how small their hands are next to an iphone

Do not eat after sunset
Best time to eat is before noon

Calories in calories out. Meal timing does affect performance and muscle synthesis, but if you even have to ask the the answer is not significant enough for your sake.

>anal use not ok on female

sure if your girl is fucking boring and doesnt want to please you

I hope

If you eat 2 hours before going to bed, you'll be fine and it won't matter. If you eat like 1 hour before going to bed or less, you might put on some more weight.

Pretty sure this is Kitten Sophie, btw

Why is it they always have kitten/kitty in their names?

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>calories in calories out

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>eating before going to bed makes you obese
Well yeah if it goes over your TDEE or don't do any exercise.

that is such a pile of BS. Athlean has a video on why thats wrong.
>TFW you think your body magically gets more nutrients and calories when sleeping or that they are somehow distributed diffidently

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Just imagine you got all your protein in one meal, all your fat in one meal and all your carbs in your last meal.

Of course it matters.In terms of weight loss, no, CICO. In terms of optimal muscle gain and health, yes.


it doesn't help to eat before bed if you're going to wake up and eat, also. especially if you stay up until 2am and wake up before 8am. your body needs time to fast.

nah, it's some tumblr chick IIRC

some camwhore

>metabolism doesn't slow during sleep

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kitty lynn

kittensophie is a girl(female) though

Damn I wanna ram that ass and suck on those nips.

As a MD I can tell you absolutely not. Insulin spikes before sleep to bother your sleep cycle that is all. The body is quite resilient with digestion and distribution.