Oldschool people you look to?

I always looked at paul von hindenburg trough some fantasy lenses, he looks like someone who came out of an anime, I mean from a guess what were his testosterone levels? Above 1000? Look at this motherfucker.

Who do you have in mind?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Erich Ludendorff

post photo and tell us why, let's have a good thread.

Erwin Frank Smith

Father of Bacterial/Mycotic Plant Pathology by day, twink destroyer by night.

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My ancestors.
>Grandpa did 3 tours in vietnam because he didnt like communist.
>Other grandpa fought in WWII and got a bullet through his legs while trying to take out a jap machine gunner, he fought in the same battles as his brother who was a medic.
>Great grandpa he got into a shoot out in 1917 with a mob of union workers because he refused to join the union during war time.(he won the shoot out). Came home and became a prominent member of society as the president of a college.
>other great grandpa, farmer, moonshiner, and leader of gambling ring. Killed several people in knife fights. Major bear hunter, I will be the first the generation to have not hunted bear in the past 400 years.(i hope to change this)
>Great great grandpa fought through the civil war and after the war he ended up killing and hanging three union soldiers from a lampost before escaping out west.
>other Great great grandpa Fought in the civil at the cumberland gap and survived the worst POW camp in the civil war.(he is even featured in a magazine.)
>A captain in the revolutionary war.
>Mutliple french traders and such.

I also thinking great men of european history, their motivations and battles.

Everytime i think about slacking off i stop and think that everything they ever did has led to me and how i cant let them down.

>pic related
My great grandfather, his brothers, and friends.

Attached: Greatgrand.jpg (960x763, 75K)

Dios Mio La Creatura

I take that back, i thinks thats my great great grandpa is in that pic. Here is great grandpa.

Attached: Greatgrandfather.jpg (290x633, 63K)

he looks like Kurt Russell

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good thread lads I look up to uncle adolf, julius ceaser, alexander the great, achilles and a few others.

I envy your heritage. Mine is 40% garbgage. Rest are backbone Americans.

Kurt needs to take the neck pill.

Bone broth ?

Joesph Goebbels.

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My gramps had a seething hatred for commies too. He was Albanian and escaped that commie shithole somewhere around 1952, but didn't leave without killing 32 men. Fucking mad man. Escaped to Italy, struggled financially, learned Italian, eventually became a baker, settled down, had 2 kids and died in '86.

good lad

RIP, hero :(

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Dude was like the first weaboo but for the wrong country

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We'll never be here lads. We're all too far away...

Marcus Aurelius because I'm a pretentious fuck

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Mirin seriously. Red-blooded all-american masterrace.


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I was respecting you until
>defending the institution of slavery
>defending the superiority of the white race
>creatura himself
the eternal southerner

Pretty sure he considered pretentiousness to be a bad trait

David Hume for some reason. Whenever i read Hume i feel like I'm reading the only sane person I have ever encountered in my life.

>pretending Marcus Aurelius isn't one of the most-read and accessible philosophers in the modern day
Ya kinda dumb, son.

red-blooded American doesn't always equal le 56% man

Average southron just hated pretentious yanks and was manipulated by decadent planter class.

People like Hinton Rowan Helper were the true salt of the earth

pic related is topal osman

>A Turk who was born in a small Turkish city in Eastern Black Sea (Giresun) region aka Topal Osman
>Was wounded in the first (or second) balkan war and became "lame". Lame means topal, which became his nickname, in Turkish.
>When WW1 began, Russians started a counteroffensive and a Greek in his village replaced the Turkish flag with Russian flag (he raised the Russian flag up to the flagpole), after that event Topal Osman found him, beheaded him and raised his head up to the flagpole (this is how he became a bandit)
>When the war intensified, Greek and Armenian bandits in Black Sea region became more common and vile, they attacked Turkish villages and cities constantly. Topal Osman then gathered Chepni Turks from his city, he eventually defeated all the Greeco-Armenian bandits. But the fate of Pontic Greeks was at the hands of TOPAL now.
>Topal usually executed all kinds of Pontic Greeks no matter whether they were women or children or not. He once lumpd all Pontic Greeks together in a church, locked them up and set the church on fire, Pontians were burned alive.
>When the Greeks started to invade Western Anatolia, he gathered 200 Pontic Greeks and shot all of them in the head as an act of retaliation
>He buried some Pontic Greeks alive, he boiled their children alive in cauldrons, he shot them in head etc, eventually all Greeks were either dead or escaped to somewhere else.
>The Pontic Greeks that survived Topal's massacre were literally stamped by Topal's men like horses in the ass. Some old Pontic Greeks still have a huge star and crescent on their asses.
>The Ottomans lost WW1, however, Turkish insurgency began in Anatolia, massacres against some Armenians and Greeks intensified.

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>In 1921, some Kurds in Tunceli rebelled against Ataturk
>Ataturk sent Topal's battalion to Dersim
>Topal's battalion massacred Kurds there, they left no one alive. Even some Kurdish babies were killed.
>This impressed Ataturk and he gave some soldiers and officers in Topal's battalion land and money because they earned it :DDD
>Topal then in 1923 choked a deputy who opposed Ataturk to death (according to rumors Ataturk wanted Topal to do that)
>Ataturk """found it too edgy""" and ordered the soldiers to capture Topal, Topal resisted the soldiers and killed some of them. Topal got shot in the leg and was captures. After that he was executed by the government

even today people come to his grave annually to pay their respects for the sacrifices he had to make

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no tom itt
i am disappoint

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>endorsing a literal savage who genocided women and children
Fucking subhumans. Turks are muddied savages.

you can only genocide humans

seeing as wh*Tes are not human it's more like the destruction of an infestation

Reps for Plumley.

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“Anarchism is the only philosophy which brings to man the consciousness of himself; which maintains that God, the State, and society are non-existent, that their promises are null and void, since they can be fullfilled only through man's subordination.”

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“There has never been a free people, a civilized nation, a real republic on this earth. Human society has always consisted of masters and slaves, and the slaves have always been and are today, the foundation stones of the social fabric. Wage-labor is but a name; wage-slavery is the fact.”

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>(i hope to change this)
If you want to be a cunt yeah

“If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them to the uttermost. Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests, and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”

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Don't really know why. Maybe because he compensated successfully for being ugly while keeping a manly vibe. Or maybe because he came from buttfuck nowhere in Siberia and ended up in the royal household, he was extremely difficult to kill and he had an interesting outlook of life saying that commiting more sins made you understand its nature and thus being easily to purify yourself later , or maybe it was an excuse to fuck every woman in town, who knows.

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genghis khan

No way a guy like that ever existed.

he was not ugly. he is oftenly described as "extremely charming" and fucked several court bimbo qts. he was also huge for his time (6'4 if i remember right).

yeah well done on your wonderful civilisation and all the beautiful paedophile 'prophet' worshipping mudslime countries that are as well run as they are successful

That’d still be huge today

Götz von Berlichingen (1480-1562):
>German Imperial Knight, mercenary/raider, and also a poet
>Lost an arm due to canon fire in a battle, but commissioned an iron prosthetic and kept living life as a knight
>Known to be a hero among peasants
>Literally invented the phrase "Kiss my ass" when told to surrender during a siege by the Swabian League (later became known as the "Swabian Salute")
>Eventually retire and died at the age of 82 despite living in one of the most violent eras of medieval history

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Otto Von Bismarck

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George Lincoln Rockwell, the original Jow Forumstard

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Papa Benito

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damn, looks like every ancestor you had was just utter shite

>idolizing a peacocking incompetent

Was going to post this. Truly the craziest fucking guy of the 20th century if not ever (although Alexander the Great or Hannibal Barca may have him there)

Glorious Hero of the Republic Andrew Jackson, of course

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This tbqh

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Being a bean I only know of my ancestors up to my great great grandparents but they were all pieces of work

>favorite ancestor is my great grandpa who was a full blooded Native
>married a Basque woman (and took her last name since he didn't have one lol) after he converted to Christianity
>great grandpa and grandpa did everything together
>massive commie uprisings in the 30s, great grandpa fucks over a shitload of commies and gets them killed because fuck them
>led government forces to commie hideouts with my grandpa and took potshots at commie injuns
>gets a nice piece of recently vacant land and starts a plantation, has another 5 kids, learned how to read, write and drive with all the money he made
>crazy bastard dies at 95 from stomach cancer, was re-roofing his house literally a week before he dropped dead

I don't have a picture at my house but I really look up to the old man, he forged his own path

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