What does masturbation really does to your penis?

Hi Jow Forums I’been jerking off since I was 11, (Im 20 now) I wouldnt say it has afected my life as a whole, but instead It has got me worried about the effects it could cause In the longer term, I,ve researched a lot and every site I visit says masturbation is risk free, but I wanted to hear some personal advice from you guys, what risk’s masturbation has?, could it afect my penis in some way?

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if you masturbate with the same hand, it will cause your penis to lean to the direction opposite of that hand.

jerk off w left
penis to the right


If you masturbate without looking at porn, just with your imagination you're good. Stop looking at porn pics and vids altogether, they will only cause ED, I wish I knew this when I was 20.

That's wrong, you can't shape your penis this way.

As a Doctor I can tell you that masturbation is nothing more than a method to prepare for insemination, you are shedding away old sperm. "No fapping" will not increase your test levels. Masturbation is not harmful.


Show us your PhD with a timestamp, Dr. Anonymous

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what about still images of girls in bikinis?

fucks up your brain chemistry

Read the study and look on internet for others. The point is you should not associate virtual stimuli with erection because you will become dependent on it to have one.

If you use porn in moderation that is fine. What you really want to watch for us what's called death grip syndrome. This is when you jerk off fast enough and hard enough that you NEED the same sensation to reach orgasm. As you can imagine a nice warm moist pussy does not feel the same as your rough calloused hand. So if your death grip progresses far enough you will not cum from sex like a normal human being. Took me two months of nofap to finally orgasm naturally inside my gf.

surely the intensity of the stimulus would play a part tho right?
i don't think printing off a picture of a hot girl and busting a nut looking at it is the same as cycling through 10 or 12 HD hardcore porn scenes to reach orgasm


Still pretty bad, but obviously not as bad as porn. Avoid doing this.

If you have the will to stay at that level forever then that's fine, but be careful for your plastic brain not to get accustomed to it too much because you will start to want another thrill, and then the vicious circle is on. It's so easy to get your dopamine rush by opening up your browser and going to your favorite porn site that you will do it automatically and get used to it.

Seems to be a common thing I knew a homie that used to complain about death grip

Thank’s for the advise anons, I gotta change my lifestyle quick or I will regret it

Don't just trust guys on the internet, verify. Go on google and search for ncbi studies about porn induced ED etc... You will get the point in the abstracts that's it's bad for you long term.

Not that user but it's true, vigorous pulling of your dinger over time with one hand will cause scar tissue to build up in a way that it pulls to one side

How to browse Jow Forums without constantly seeing porn?

You can't really, just avoid clicking on obvious porn related threads. If you stay on blue boards you will only see mild stuff.

>Right Handed
>Leans right

prove it

Excessive masturbation is a form of voluntary castration.
It will make you less of a man in all ways that matter to yourself and women and society.
It also makes you a degenerate addict and shrinks your junk and lowers your gains.

That's not even getting into what porn does to you.

how do i fix it? my dick looks like a bow.

Attached: WB-312.png (850x850, 20K)

you mean this kind of scarring?

Attached: peyronies-disease.jpg (818x324, 81K)

I'm a brainlet though. I can hardly read books. I have dreams so at least I'm not totally JUSTed. There are some humans who literally can't dream.

>right handed
>used to jack off with right
>trained myself to use left hand when fapping
>penis leans left

what dis mean

Nice try Muhammad Flanders
im 36 and have the most perfect sexlife though fapping to porn for 20years daily

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My dick curved right from beating it right handed, as a 13 year old. I decided to switch hands and fix it. 10 years later my dick still curves right, but at least my right hand is free to use the computer while fapping.

here how do i fix pls

bro science 101

p-post pic

>Not fapping in your bed


As long as you don't masturbate with a death grip you'll likely be fine. If you do it'll prob make you unable to orgasm or to sustain a full blown erection because of how unsensitive you'll be to normal sex.

whenever i have normal sex ill worry

jerking off to porn will affect your brain and desensibilize it towards naked women etc. you will end up with a limp dick infront of women. in case you asked yourself why some people jerk off to animals or some sick shit: they literally fucked their brain

you're m or f?

does it matter? ;)

you must be F

post your penis daddy


it's actually more bent than the picture displays, i'm using a angle trick to make it look less bent

and of course i didn't take it for this occasion, it's a pic i took for something esle and had it on my phone

>what are standard deviations
Whatever mate, you're clearly dumber than me anyway.

Hasn't negatively affected my life. I don't get the nofap thing, all it does is make me frustrated.

Well that's what I thought, then I wasn't able to orgasm with my first partner and I had to quit porn & stop masturbating for months.
Maybe it won't happen to you but you should really keep it in mind.

did you not like it? is it that curved? would it do harm to your cunt?

i wish my dick was that thicc, no homo

>tfw sub par girth

its thicker than the spray, but i won't take another pic just to exemplify it

it wont hurt my cunt because im a guy, but my dick is similar to yours.

do girls care that its curved?

that's my concern, too. i'm a total virgin. i've read about females saying that dicks that rub the vagina walls too much are bad and cause pain.

btw you implied you were a female you... dork.

jelly, shit like this makes me want to jelq

i think during my entire teens i've fapped almost every day or so i guess, so maybe i've been jelqing without even knowing it

but my penis became a bow due to

I've been death grip fapping all my life and it's not affected it, I want to hit 5 inch girth but jelqing scares me

I can say that after I stopped fapping, sex felt a lot better. I regained a lot of sensitivity in my dick that I didn't even know I lost. Blowjobs feel so much better, even condom sex feels amazing compared to how it was when I fapped daily, and I've noticed a definite improvement in how women act when I have sex with them. They seem much more turned on and responsive.

Could be that I just jerked it too hard or whatever, but I fapped pretty regularly from about age 11-25, and I can say happily I'm not going back to fapping.

don't you cum too fast now that you've stopped fapping? i'm a virgin but i'm afraid that if i don't fap before fucking i might cum too fast.

>tfw right hand when in bed and left hand holds the phone
>tfw left hand when infron of pc and right hand on mouse
litterally no way to loose guys, just keep it 50/50.

this is actually going to create fibrous plaque on both sides of your cock, reducing it's length.

im not worried about my length its the girth i cry about

I learned to control myself better. You can do kegels, but I basically clench the PC muscle if I feel I'm too close to cumming and either slow down or switch positions.

Relax yourself when you're having sex, breath from your stomach, recognize which positions stimulate you more. In my experience, it's much better to get off quicker than it is to not be able to cum at all, and I've heard a lot of guys have difficulty cumming with girls when they've conditioned themselves to only have release from fapping.

And I haven't had any difficulty cumming with a girl at all, it's usually a pretty fun experience without any apprehension.

uhh.....you know what else has a gap w/ a string hanging from it?


Left handed master race.

I thought this was true, so I switched hands.

15 years later, it's the same dick.

ive only ever jacked off with my left hand and i have a curve to my left so......

No porn here
I get random boners all the time, its brutal when they're the super hard aggressive kind (which is every time) but i have had literally zero cases i was unable to get hard while with a woman

user are you me

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During weekends, i fap like 3 times at least because I get bored and horny when alone.