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Should guys pluck their eyebrows?

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if you want to look like a woman, sure

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if you have a unibrow, yes

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I have black hairs that grow off of the tip of my nose, also unibrow hairs.. so yes, I pluck at least once a week.

no you faggot

Same. They don't come in dark but I pluck the unibrow hairs anyway.

I use clippers and give mine a trim then pluck the unibrow hairs.. No different then shaving your face or getting a hair cut.

I do, otherwise:

>black hairs on tip of nose
>black hair under eyes/upper sides of cheeks

You'd think I was fucking arab/italian but I'm a white canadian guy. No idea where this all comes from but I hate it.

Yeah. Just the stray hairs around the actual eyebrow though. Sculpting will make you look like a stupid bitch.

>gf hated my bushy eyebrows
>was most masculine feature
>asked if she could pluck them
>"whatever go for it"
>gives me arches
>hurts like fuck
>get told by friends I straight up look like a woman
never again

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Only if you have thicc eyebrow genetics. Both my brothers and I have insane eyebrows that grow like fucking crazy. We have to groom them daily, otherwise they quickly grow out of control. That being said, we don't pluck them we just shave them.
The average guy likely doesn't have to worry about their eyebrows.

I tweeze:
>Under eye brows and unibrow hairs
>My entire beard line so it stays perfect longer and I don't get shaving irritation
>Some random sprouters on my deltoids

If I don't trim my brows back I'll look like pic related within a month.

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sure, as long as you're very careful not to overdo it

I use a razor to "trim" the upper part of the eybrows, dont touch it below that.
gives a cleaner and sharper appearance and takes like a few secs to do and you dont look like a faggot, just gets rid of random small hairs lost in there

Same here. No idea how the fuck did they get there.

>not wanting to look like a mad scientist with 6 inch eyebrows

My hairdresser does it for me. Not so much plucks them, but gives them a trim.

Fucking Hungarian dna makes me looks a werewolf.

One drop rule folks. Not even once.

>not having naturally perfect eyebrows
Never gonna make it

I'm not old enough to pull it off yet. When they grow in gray/white is when I'll rock it and intimidate everyone around me with my brow game

Here's som advice user: do whatever you can if it makes reaching your goals easier (as long as it doesnt harm others ofc)

If you want to pick up 8/10 thots, get a spray tan and pluck your eyebrows

If you want to pick up 7/10 hippies, wear tie dye and grow out your hair

If you want to get respect from normal men, play a sport and wear clothes from Gap

Its your life and your goals. Do whatever you need to do

good advice

its disgusting to see men who dont care for their appearance and eyebrows are one of the things to groom and care for
don't overdo it though, just clean up between them and around

Unibrows are disgusting so just do the middle if necessary

eyebrows are unironically one of the most important parts of the face. you can go from serial killer tier to chad by just taking care of your eyebrows

Yeah, I got them on my forehead and cheekbones too, it's fucked

shitskin blood

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das gay as fuck.
what are you all little bitches. plucking eyebrows is for women. period.

I have a unibrow because it's manly as fuck. It also tells people that I have giant balls and don't fall for feminine garbage. Suit yourselves, lol. Helps to be handsome when it comes to keeping it untamed, I guess.

only if they have a monobrow

post pic or you're a pussy

nigga you'll look like a fucking elf wizard if you do it now

I have very thick and bushy eyebrows. I go to an eyebrow place and get them waxed and trimmed every 3 months or so. Dudes don't realize it but you'd be surprised how much better you look when your eyebrows are shaped and cleaned up. The salon thots are pretty good at keeping them masculine and well-groomed at the same time.

t. caveman

Where I'm from big bushy eye brows are hot. So I use the hair on my chest and ass and use a special face paste and glue them on.

I get mine waxed once a month makes me from a 6/10 to a 8/10

Why is this even a question? If it bothers you or you have a unibrow/just shitty shape, do it for god's sake.
Anyone who feels less masculine plucking his eyebrows is truly insecure.

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I just trim mine to a specific look with a razor. My natural eyebrow line is basically a wide hairline-hairline unibrow, so I split it in the middle and remove all brow from my forehead, leaving a neatly trimmed pair of eyebrows that look 100% aestetically pleasing.