Whenever I lift I find my dominant hand does a lot of the work. How do I fix this so i won't be asymmetrical?

Whenever I lift I find my dominant hand does a lot of the work. How do I fix this so i won't be asymmetrical?

Attached: 1522314965124.jpg (1080x1080, 128K)

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break your dominant hand

Start fapping with your other hand.

Attached: mollykm_rack_pull_500x4.webm (640x640, 2.66M)

Please post more of this goddess

I have. Would it be worth using a 2kg db and and recreate the motion of masturbation so I can fix this difference is muscles?
her ig is pumping.fe

How can you DL that much and still have a Hank Hill ass? That's genetically impressive.

*and recreate the motion of masturbation to fix the difference in muscle development

Play rock papper shoot with you less dominant hand more.

>rock papper shoot
If you don't speak English, just don't post. You can lurk all you want, but don't post.

>Khazar lifter
>Khazar milker
Is it possible to have both?

Attached: 1514497058396.png (611x640, 542K)

white people


a juicy peach isn't the only thing they have to offer tho. Beckys have the head game on strangle hold

Attached: Mol_mollykm_Instagram_photos_and_videos-1(1).webm (640x800, 2.95M)

If her name is Molly, it's quite possible she's Irish, not white.

Do you play rock papper shoot?

It's "rock, paper, scissors," and depending on how you grew up, you may or may not end it with "shoot" to indicate when to throw the sign. Fuck me, nigger, how do you misspell "paper?" Where are your scissors? Do guns beat paper in your Third World nation?

god fuckin damn I thought I said to stop posting

bet she's a dyke lol

Squats and deadlifts arent what truly build ass. Look into glute bridges and barbell hip thrusts if you really want to up your ass game

What is white, then ?

I choose papper you?

not Russian, irish or jewish. Possibly more

conquerors. the Irish just got conquered.

Looks pretty white to me

Attached: 26993426_958045294371182_1365905944284401921_n.jpg (577x482, 31K)

White isn't a skin color. I mean, not exclusively.

Attached: Seamus.jpg (374x767, 59K)

I mean yes, but maybe you should go read some books. I'm Irish and it's not bad. the only real downside is being pale as fuck but my ancestors were oppressed but at first glance I probably look superior to the brownies. Now all I need is to get to 1/2/3/4 ottermode and we'll be good.


>5 captchas

Can we get OPs question answered instead of this Jow Forumsack shit?

she got strong pull starter game

Attached: 2018-03-30-19-29-16-.jpg (215x234, 6K)

>race is a social construct

Attached: 1514509920613.jpg (467x700, 201K)

It must be sad not being proud of your background. Then again, you’re probably “American” and don’t actually have a background.
>t. 1/64 German btw

>lifting on the fucking rack

Attached: 1418005446742.png (900x900, 487K)

Race is a false classification so that “Americans” had something to hold onto. Compare a Latin to a nord and you can clearly see the differences are very significant. Compare a Nigerian to an African Pygmy. Race is just a way to fuel identity politics. Real men are proud of their cultural background although most white Americans don’t have this so they cling to race

Ever heard of dumbbell rows dyel?

Attached: race.jpg (500x436, 48K)

CUTE! I want a liftfu that is stronger than me.

>Real men are proud of their cultural background
jesus christ the euphoria is strong with this one

Attached: 1502589934647.gif (350x295, 2.68M)

Her lack of ass is crazy

WHO is this gal??? i desperately NEED to find out, pls help out

Attached: image.jpg (750x750, 188K)

out of your league

>white American
>white men created all of western civilization
>white Americans don’t have this

You sure about this bud.

bruh just reverse image search
her name's Gabrielle Mamani


Attached: gm.jpg (960x1200, 91K)

She has the most confusing body iv ever seen

To answer your question OP, I think the thing to do is drop some of the weight and making sure when you are lifting that you are doing it with proper form using both hands

She has a husband

Oh no did Scott Candito transition?


Sounds like another WE WUZ to me

Would breed with/10


Oh fuck she knows

Do dumbbell-based exercises. Failure is then defined as "the weaker side fails", even if the stronger side could keep going.

Or if you're doing a reps-based program, do a couple of reps on the weak side, but don't count them. Then do your reps that you count. That way, the weak side gets some extra work.

Eventually, it'll even out. I'm pretty severely asymmetric in my arms, so this is something I'm doing right now.

looks like a dude

you can do them on a flat bench, idiot

Mediterraneans of various stocks created western civ, everyone else is just larping

You'll hurt his feelings, stop it. They just fail to understand that 1600 or whenever the fuck they became a thing is literally yesterday when it comes to how long civilization has been on it's evolutionary path towards what we now call "western civilization"

you will get over it
ive been training for 2 years now and i dont notice it, before i always use to notice it especially on dumbell exercises then it just went away

No, the milker has built her body for motherly purposes.
A lifter tends to have tiny boobies.
I mean, if you want muscle milk, so be it. Just saying her juicy melons wouldn't be so big. If anything, they would be lemons, or grapefruits at best.

I fucking love Pumping.fe
She's into Hispanic dudes and I'm Hispanic, but she's taken, twice. I just want to lick her abs and feel her girl shoulders and lats. And that back, I just want to rub my face all over it.And get a handful of that ass.

>>t. 1/64 German btw
>ywn be German pajeet, fuck off
It's so negligible, don't bother bringing it up in the future. You make us real Germans look bad.

No ones cares lost WWII.

Will she break my beis off with her glutes? Also is it worth it?

That "girl" isn't worth it. That's trash tier. Fit chicks are 10/10, but that actually looks like a man.

>irish, not white
Whiter than you Tyrone

seriously what the fuck? women should be removed from gyms

What's with the new "Irish, or insert other white European, aren't white"?

Fuck off. They're all white.

this girl is barely attractive


The name Tyrone is as old and Irish a name as John is an english one and Ryu is a japanese one.
Nice LARP Amerimutt. Escaped criminals from England renaming themselves McPotatofucker doesn't make you irish.

>the nigger reacts in an impulsive, aggressive way
What a surprise.

>The snownigger recoils in pain when confronted directly
Well, have fun with being a faggot.
And you know...stupid.

>the nigger won't stop being a general annoyance to the rest of the pupulation
Really breaking the mold.


>nigger resorts to using short, capitalized words because it's unable to articulate how it feels in a respectable way
Blicky stiffy, creatura.

What is this? There is no way to know what the original dataset was because they used principal component analysis removing some features

It doesn't matter

>he doesnt know most genetic changes between ethnic groups known as races are hormonal
>he thinks race is only skin deep
lmao look at this 56%

>hispanic dudes
I mean, like wetback "hispanic" or true mediterranean european Hispanic master race

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> tfw no trashy tattooed, slightly chubby, elite powerlifter fuckbuddy

just end me now, anons

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