Is my bicep too big when compared to my tricep? Should I focus more on my tricep workouts?

Is my bicep too big when compared to my tricep? Should I focus more on my tricep workouts?

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I would just try lifting altogether really.

Yes, that bicep is way too big
Are you roiding, bro?

What tricep?

I know my arms, or muscles in general, are still pretty small. I’m only 3 weeks in. I just wanna know if I’m on the right track

This. Just be confident bro

Lifting stats?

From this picture I don't even believe you have a tricep, so yes.

This is my current

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are you like 7 feet tall? those are really good lifts especially the bicep curl, you shouldnt look like this.


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>none of the big 4

Much better, now work it. Remember the tricep makes up 2/3 of the arm and is not to be neglected.

I have been going to my apartment complex fitness center which only has machines. I’m trying to work my way up to going to a real gym. I still think I have much to learn before I go. I feel too intimidated

Bro just learn the form and go. Machines are nothing like free weights. I know because i used to be like u

Machines are a waste of fucking time. You'll get more of doing barbell+assistance exercises with baby weights for 2 months than 6 months of machines.

Thanks for the advice. I’ll start going to an actual gym to use free weights. What are some good gym franchises to try to find in my area? I heard Planet Fitness kinda sucks

You look like you have never stepped foot in a gym your whole life, and those numbers appear extremely inflated. Either you're lying or have very terrible form.

So long as they have barbells and other free weights, it doesn't matter.

Your everything is too small

>is my ____big


Don't know about the curls but machine bench press and normal bench press are light years apart. Your numbers might almost reduce by half, mine did from 100 kg to 50.

>I feel too intimidated
If any information here has a bearing on reality, most people's gyms have people that just bench 1pl8 and squat 2.
At the college gym I go to, at least when I go, everyone is repping 2pl8 bench and doing 3-4 DL and squat and they don't give a FUCK about anyone else. There is literally no intimidation factor whatsoever as long as you don't do some really dumb shit, they don't care about the weight you're using.
I've also found that people in the gym either
a) completely isolate
b) if you have communication with someone they're usually nice
There's really nothing to worry about


This is so fucking wrong

I suppose it’s just an anxiety thing then. Is it better to get one of the personal trainers there to show me a routine or how to use the weights or something? I’m obviously very new and though I read the sticky and all articles within, I still don’t know where or how to really begin

There’s no way you’re curling 90 with good form with arms that small.

When I started I was doing SL5x5 and just watched the videos off his website autistically to make sure I wouldn't look like a tard. After doing them all once I was pretty comfortable and now I'm entirely comfortable in the gym with all the equipment. It's worth getting it over with, the anxiety sucks but it's baseless

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All you really need is barbells, a bench, a squat rack.
If you do olympic lifts you'd want bumper plates too so you can drop them.
If you're benching heavy you may want a gym with safeties (or a power cage)

I know my arms aren’t up to Jow Forums standards, but I honestly didn’t think they were that shit. Is the pic just misleading? My biceps measure 14.5” around while flexed if that means anything. I’m not trying to argue that I’m swole by any means, just trying to add more data to get a better read

>3 weeks
kys, you look exactly like 3 weeks ago

Sadly I was actually smaller 3 weeks ago. Plenty of progress, but from well below average to dyel

half a centimetre in perimeter at best, it's just pump and your brain playing tricks on you

The numbers are misleading. I have 14.5 flexed arms and I curl 10 kg for 8-10 hardly. That's 22 lbs vs 90.

aren't you little chubby?

>14.5 around
I'm a fucking dyel manlet so maybe proportionality and reference matters, but that just doesn't look visually like 14.5

A half centimeter now is still more than 0 centimeters 3 weeks ago

Yes my bf is around 15-18 % but still 90 lb curls are absurd with those arms with proper form.

Look, it's Dingleberry jr.

Note: all those recordings are from machines, not free weights. Make adjustments accordingly

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Your problem is that you talk about size instead of barbell weights

theyre both fuckin small