Did Jow Forums give anyone else a breeding fetish?

Did Jow Forums give anyone else a breeding fetish?

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I feel like lifting did. I'm always asking my gf to get off her birth control and rely on the pull out method. The reality is I would never pull out and I would just impregnate that shit.

wtf is a breeding fetish?

you mean you're turned on by the idea of getting a woman pregnant? that's just biology breh

>the fundamental drive of human desire to procreate is now considered a "fetish"
There's no better feeling for a man than watching a woman's belly expand with his seed

Can't wait to get married and fill my now-girlfriend with my fat milky load and breed white children

3 minimum... non-negotiable

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What about the feeling of holding your infant child in your arms?

It did increase my desire to impregnate everything that moves, yes

but then again that might just be no fap

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i am dirtying the gene pool or making a faux white combining the work ethic of a latino with the general intelligence of the (non dark) asian

>breeding fetish
>quite literally the only thing in sex that is actually not a fetish

that's for cucks

a bull's job is to plant his seed then move on to the next female

The why the fuck would you be aroused by seeing her belly expand? Smash and dash, would be the alpha thing. Being aroused by seeing her belly swell up is as cucky as holding your kid.

>tfw second baby die in a few weeks
>wife wants to give birth asap so we have huge pregnant sex 3x a day

Lads my dick is getting sore from nutting so much

Shouldn't this read "due"?

i legit hope this reads due

the increased test has turned you into a man user, go make some white babies

hes a retard with a nigger mindset. having a child that is the product of you and your wife making a whole, raising it to walk the world in a way that can make you proud as an old man, that is true greatness. books or children user, every man needs a legacy.

You mean natural biology, ya dunce?

Hey man can you come back and correct your typo so I can work undistracted by how fucked up your wife is once my breaks done?

yes, and i think its ruined many of chances with women. My family on my dads side only refers to sex as breeding. Dad was always trying to find me and friends breeding partners. He tried to get me and a few family friends to marry the 6'8" ugly giant, because the size of sons would be amazing. I was dating a girl onces and she asked me why i liked her, i thought i was suppose to be honest and be myself so i said "because your strong shoulders and height will make strong sons."

My sister in law got upset one day when i asked my brother when he was going to breed her. Some of my new friends who dont know my dad arent fans of it either.

>pic related
My ideal woman.

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Does breeding twinks and girls (male) count?


No but lifting and frsuding gave me a trap fetish

Go for more m8, the white race won't replace itself. I want to see 6 swole heads coming out your missus.


Due* sorry lads

> Dad was always trying to find me and friends breeding partners. He tried to get me and a few family friends to marry the 6'8" ugly giant, because the size of sons would be amazing.

haha your dad sounds fucking awesome. your family have the correct mindset, and if women weren't such vapid cunts these days they would understand that there is nothing greater (save perhaps contributions to the arts?) that a woman can achieve than raising strong healthy good hearted children. the same goes for men of course but the responsibilities among the sexes are slightly different.

Dwight Schrute?


convert to Catholicism and impregnate a nice church girl user, they are very big on breeding

Having sex does not make the baby come out faster...

I'd breed with everyone if I didn't have to be responsible for the kid that comes afterwards.
>Spread my genes around the world.
There's no other goal in life quite like it.

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No Dwight was into beets.
My family bred dogs for hunting bear and deer.
Greatx8 grandfather was George Johannes Plott.(creator of the plott hound, aka the official dog of North Carolina).

My dad got out of dog breeding when i was born due to the consumption of time, i would like to get into it eventually.

Ive thought about it.

t. nigger

jesus that girl

I appreciate your sentiment.

you can whine all you want about how pump-and-dump is for niggers, but it's clearly an effective breeding strategy, just look around

Yeah its effective at making white trash user. Kids need a strong father and mother figure. We will never out nig the nigs anyway, quality over quantity has always been our strength.


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This is now a breeding stock thread

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>be me
>develop wmaf fetish not because asian women are hot, but because the thought of their kid's life being destroyed because he'll be a hapa is so fucked up
>get immediate erection thinking about it


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You hate yourself so much that you want your entire gene pool to be miserable as well. Just kys

I thought my dad was the only one who did this as well. He refers to sex as breeding and has got me in the mindset of having children with only tall, in shape women. Since I'm still fairly young and not looking to have kids yet and most girls are short I refuse to have sex with a girl if she is not on birth control

>their kid's life being destroyed because he'll be a hap
Only happen in shitty country, I know a bunch of hapa here and they're all fine.

Here is France if you want to know, there's historically a lot of vietnamese in the country for obvious reasons.

You will reevaluate after one.

Unless you want to do the negro thing and have children you can't afford, it's better to have a couple of kids you can expend maximum resources on.

Been lifting for about 6 weeks now, not full no fap but have reduced it to about once every 3/4 days, is there a science behind the like kinda tight but good feeling in my balls after a session? Feel like impregnating everything that moves for a good hour after a good session also how to feel this 24/7?

So you have a...sex fetish?


This guy at my work has 60 'brothers and sister's' bc his dad just fucked everyone he could with no protection. Yes he is a basketball american.

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I hope you're planning on having a really good job

In a small ass town no less lol

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children are disgusting
enjoy listening to screaming baby for hours every single day

This is so true. My boyfriend wants a big family and so do I but I also don't want to be worried about putting them through college

yes all i think about is breeding qt traps

Yes, it can. If labor is delayed, semen contains cervical softeners and encourages the start of labor.

However, OP, is a fucking retard as the last few weeks are almost purely for brain development, and a few days can be the difference between average and gifted.

Also, don't get your wife pregnant again until almost a year after birth. Doctors do not recommend back to backs like that.

>Doctors do not recommend back to backs like that.

Why's that?

Natural sex is so unnatural today that it is a fetish.

Still laughing at this. How did we arrive here? The pill?

Pregnancy and birth rocks a woman's shit pretty hard. It can lead to low birth weights and premature birth in the second baby since the mother hasn't had enough time to recover.

This. Whites are Protoss, nigs are Zerg.

Is this what the (((doctors))) tell white women now?

Nope. I already had it.

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This is how I know you were raised by a single mom and your dad hated you

And where did you find this information? Because that's just broscience. Intercourse has no effect on preterm birth, except for maybe the last few days.

Sure it is

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Jesus fuck whats her name?

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>artistic impression of flat earth
>moon is still a sphere

the absolute state of things

Make them pay their own way. Or, alternatively, don't claim them as dependents on your taxes so they can get low income scholarships or loans with preferentially low rates. Help them out under the table, less whatever amount you lose from not claiming them on your taxes of course.

It's called being normal. Welcome to bring normal.

David Hogg