/fast/ #158

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.


While you're at it watch the rest of this guy's videos on nutrition.

>Weight loss
>Better skin

It's when your body takes apart useless, shitty cells. (Cancer cells, cells with broken protein, acne, loose skin, etc)


>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max
>2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max
>MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated.


If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week
If you're a fatass, FAST UNTIL YOU AREN'T.

You don't have the willpower to fast to death. Now look down. See that large bulbous gut? That's food. Thousands and thousands of calories stored and ready to be consumed by your body.

This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast.

"Our results suggest that a fasting program in conjunction with resistance training can decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males."

>Sugar is more addictive than coke

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for end of Lent tomorrow

How do I prevent scurvy? Anyone have (multi)vitamin recommendations that won't break ketosis, and autophagy if possible?

Drink lemon juice.

>open youtube tab
>see new videos on my recomendation feed
>some of them are against fasting
>"ketosis can kill you", "why fasting is bad" or "10 reasons why fasting doesn't work"
>don't even click at those videos
>still feel discouraged and doutbful about doing fasting because now I think that It won't work

this is hell

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Will cycles of a 36 hour fast/8 hour eating window work for a woman?

Can I take potassium caplets instead of diluting them into my water?

Why the fuck would gender matter?

You run a serious risk of overdosing, you'll need to take a lot to get to the amount of potassium you need, and you will pay out the nose for it. Just drink your snake juice you lazy fuck.

Read the medical journals in the OP instead of listening to nobodies on youtube. Fasting takes advantage of how your body has evolved to work.

itll kill you if youre diabetic or have a fucked up liver
otherwise youll be fine

Can someone put the answer to this shit in the OP?
It gets asked several times every thread.

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Seafolk got scurvy after years in the ocean with terrible nutrition. Not after just two weeks of fasting.

I am drinking some water before bed, then drink some before gym tomorrow and then a little bit after.
And then I am gonna stop and cause lots of autophagy.

because of hormone differences

Neglible in this case.
Go eat a bag of dicks.

read the OP information please

How about you just try it instead of wasting your time asking here?

You probably think that your bones will turn to chalk as well.

Jesus you people will come up with any fucking excuse. DON'T EAT.

Small question:
I am having some soreness with some parts of my muscles due to being active (walked to college in order to study)even while dry fasting.
Is this the fabled glycogen depletion?
Or what might be the reason?
I also feel a bit lethargic and can't wait to get home to sleep.

Any advice on what a sensible action would be when I am home except drinking a glass of water?

FUCK NO. You spread it out throughout the day in the water so you don't give yourself the shits.

What, you're trying to dry fast yet still not deplete your salts? That's a bad fucking idea. Your body reacts to everything much differently on a dry fast and you'll probably give yourself an ulcer at a minimum if you try this.

You were warned.

Oh god ANOTHER PUSSY who won't even try it. Fucking confirmation bias idiot.

Just stop fucking eating. Stop jerking off while you're at it. Moron.

clocking on 24 hour fast soon

i dont even feel hungry, felt a little bit in the morning but now nothing and im sipping snake juice. I was doing loose keto and omad, so i guess that helps a lot before you start fasting for longer.

Aiming to fast entire weekend, and see how i feel.

The guy who makes the OP's says he wants them to be an academic circlejerk that no one reads anyway. Rather than a guide that answers all frequently asked questions in these threads.

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Pic of current state

88.5kg 188cm tall

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Is it normal to get nauseous when taking a multivitamin on an empty stomach? Should I give it up while fasting or look for a different vitamin?

You can literally find "evidence" for and against anything on the internet. If you you feel discouraged and doubtful about something just because you heard that people have argued against it on fucking youtube, you might as well just end it all now.

Vits need fat to be present to absorb properly
Emtpy gut = no fats = not processing properly

48 hour fast, 1 hour eating (keto only, 4:1 veggies/ meat), repeat works better. 72s work even better. Read the materials in the first post, you've got all sorts of effective options.

Don't take vitamins or supplements on an empty stomach.

>.5l of snake juice in the morning
>~.75l regular water throughout the day
>.5l of snake juice an hour or two before bed
Is this looking good? This is what my body is liking naturally so far.

Any Deutsch fags around? Ordered the Myprotein electrolytes 500g bag but they don't list the daily rec %/portion.


Why 5:2 instead of 4:3?

Why are you being mean?

That is not mean, woman.
That's how men talk to people who want to waste their time.
There is a reason you long for a man in your life.

Make it easier to get into.
Fast how long you want.

Brehs wtf. Yesterday night I was thinking about how the low energy - lethargy of fast may not worth it and I would be better off doing a calorie deficit and today I weighted myself...
I was 80 kg, what the fuck. I was praying to be 83-84. I lost 6,5 kg in 6 weeks doing OMAD and on and off small fasts, I also did 2 cheat days(didn't eat sugar and shit, just higher amount of calories than normal)
I don't have a scale btw and today I visited my parents. I'm fucking amazed, a little bit to go and I'm set. Thanks I guess.

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designing cheeky spreadsheet to keep data

i remember when iwas first bulking and cutting, keeping track of data made me progress better.

time to get back into it

i was suprised myself how easy it is to fast, once i got fat adapted


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You're putting no energy in, take a wild guess how much energy you'll put out.

Same, it's melting off of me like butter, which I suppose most of it is in a sense, anyway

How much weight can a 165 female lose by mid-June? Also would it fuck up my skin?

>what is the purpose of fat

Anything that wont make your insulin rise, is ok. Which means vitimins and aspartame infused shit afaik

If anything, it would make your skin better, and it will slow down your aging process:

Storing enough energy to keep you alive, not energy that will let you hit PRs, retard.

Oh, also, i should note that, that study was not done on humans, but it is likely that humans behave the same, since any other carbon based life on the planet literally behaves like that.

so does that mean 0 lifting or lightweight baby?

i don't wanna stop lifting again

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Just maintain Weights, BBY.

Is it okay to drink mineral water on fast? My favorite one contains 1000-3000 mg of potassium+sodium in 1 liter which is a big plus.

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what is the breakpoint at
which i need to take special actions before i refeed?

Hello guys!
Thoughts on taking about 2000-4000 mg of vitamin C daily?

when you aren't fat anymore

Finally completed my 7 day fast. Really proud. I have a projected weight loss of 14 lbs and am a projected 104lbs. I only ate one meal and largely do not have an appetite for more. I usually get bloated and am constipated, but I have experienced none of that and have been regularly pooping. Now all that's left is to fix my sleeping schedule and enjoy the weekend.

How did everyone else do or is doing?

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post milkies

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im beginning my fast rn

how did you feel after 2-3 days? were you able to work?

Went from 38 to 36 waist this week water fasting. How much more should I go to be safe at staying at this size?

I am on day 6 and feel like absolute trash with headaches and nausea after a couple days of feeling good.

The first 3 days I felt fine, it all went downhill on the 4th day. I became increasingly more lethargic (may have been due to no snakejuice since water started to taste unbearably bad for some reason). By day 5 I had to quickly take 2 days off from work. Day 6 I was laying in bed all day. Day 7 I finished off the hours I needed, broke the fast with fruit, experienced extreme stomach pain. then waited 5 more hours before I had my actual meal.

I was supposed to go to the gym 5 days a week, so that didn't work out well for me. Was only able to walk in the treadmill. Had to get some rides from others to make it on time to work. This is with a largely office job.

The only weird part of my fast was that I was pooping every day.

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My numbers:
Start weight: 118lbs
Monday: 112lbs
Projected final weight (Thurs/Fri):104lbs

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How to prevent having shit hanging in your guts for the tiem of the fast? Last time I didn't use my backdoor for like 5 days and the two days after refeeding I gave birth to a massive nigglet. That can't be healthy.

tl;dr: How to clear your guts while fasting?

Did you get accustomed to ketosis before you started fast?

It seems to me you were burning through body glycogen first few days and then keto flu hit ye
But idk.
Probably just fact that you werent drinking snake juice desu.

Whats your height, 104lbs seems very low weight wven for female unless youre like 5'0 but idk i cant relate im 6'2 200lbs

Ive ate last time 24hours ago and had last poop just before gym by 7pm

Im guessing my yesterday meal is almost completely out of system by now.
i ate fuckton of greens and shit with the meat and potatoes so that load of greens and fiber can be good way of stopping it i think

I really wouldn't know how to do that, I've only fasted for other periods of time like it says in my graphs. Every time I fast for a long period of time water will start to taste progressively worse until it's barely drinkable.

I'm 5 foot 2. I've also been told that this weight range wasn't thin at all. BMI seems to say it's normal.

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This is what is helps me during the long fasts

1. Cold snake juice

2. Sleeping pills ( I do not recommend this to anyone but I have been taking Zoplicone for a while to help me with the insomnia, I tried to fast without pills but it was impossible for me, with these pills I still get to sleep even if I'm hungry as fuck, note that I fast only for the weight loss, not the detox autophagy benefits).

3. Cold showers (damn I wish I knew about this before, if you feel like shit during the fast, take a cold shower, it will instantly make you feel better).

4. two small cups of black coffee.

5. body weight workout, stretching.

I still have 10lb to lose, I'm 6' 152lb 15% bf, I'm aiming for ottermode

Yeah that might be a good idea. Thanks.

>is 6' 152 15% bf
>aiming for otter mode
Not sure if lying or secrete manlet.

am i approaching mcgregor mode yet?

dry fasting + liquid refeeds

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fucked up my trip again

You gotta lift.

Lifting does very little when fasting. You are already burning 3000 kcal a day from fasting. Those 400 kcal that you burn from running like crazy on the threadmill mean fuckall. As for your lifts, they will not go up. As for muscle, your HGH goes up like crazy when fasting, so you will preserve it as long as you move around a little throughout the day. But you will not gain muscle, even if you lift.

I'd say, instead of lifting, go do some mild physical things you have put off for a while. Like cleaning your room and doing the dishes. Your oven/fridge/shower/toilet could probably need a thorough cleaning as well.

Yes, but McGregor isn't just lean. Dude has muscle as well. He lifts and exercises and eats for hours every day.

If there's nothing in it but water, minerals and CO2, it's fine. Make sure it isn't sweetened though, even ones without calories will spike your insulin.

yeah hes got like 25 more lbs of muscle than i do id say, guy is fuckin yoked

i'm closer to george roop

26 hours into my 10-day fast. Just did half an hour of lifting to get rid of the bloodsugar faster, so that I will enter ketosis faster.

My gym has this body analysis machine that sends an electrical charge through the body. It says I have:

42kg of muscle mass
36,7% bodyfat

I guess if the machine is somewhat accurate, we can see how much of what I lose is fat and how much is muscle.

who's mcgregor?

Electrolytes would have fixed you right up. Consider the juice next time. Good datapoint though

>The only weird part of my fast was that I was pooping every day.
this is "normal" because most people aren't "regular" in the proper sense of the word

Unrealistic goals are unrealistic.

>tfw day 5 of fasting and haven’t pooped at all

Hit the gym

You are closer than most anyone else on this board

Some rich Irish UFC fighter who's being marketed as one of the company's top guys. Recently fought some old famous boxing dude as well and earned millions. He is not a heavyweight.

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A ten day fast isn't unrealistic.

What a fucking retard.

This. I'd only ever made it to 60 hours. Then I learned about snake juice and successfully did 172 hrs. Was keto before starting, results: -8 lb fat, 206 start/fed, 200 18 hr in, 192 at 172hrs.

Because 2 days is enough to get an increase in ketogenesis and autophagy. The other days are even better up to a point, but 2 days is just a good minimum. You might not get the unusually clear mind and energy from this, though. That depends on whether your body is used to ketosis in general and what you ate.

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How tall are you?

I assume you're short and basically a bowling ball. Who cares how much? You should care about being healthy instead of whether or not you can fit into a dress.

However on snake juice I've seen IRL someone go from 150 to 115 between Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day. And she was a pig on her re-feeds. But so what?

Having a short-term goal is fine, but it's like quitting smoking and saying you'll start again if you've quit for [insert insane period of time]. Crazy, right? Same thing with fasting. It's part of your life now, not just something you drag your ass to in desperation because you're ashamed of showing your fat ass to your relatives.

Physical benefits are one thing, but it's the emotional and spiritual ones that hook you forever. The same benefits damned near every single religion espouses.

So do you want to be healthy, or do you want to squeeze into that cheap dress?

is a shitty answer. , you can lose 0.5 lbs per day on average. It's very simple, no matter what your height weight or biological sex are.

So if you have 90 days, you can lose up to 45 lbs.

Thanks! Just checked, no sugars.

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Am I the only one experiencing gradually increased senses while i fast?

My sense of smell is really crazy when I fast, I can small stuff I normally wouldn't very far away.

you're increased sense of smell is due to the lack of mucus in your nose.

When you eat, literally toxic free radicals (such as oxalates from fried foods) build up in your system. Your body uses mucus to isolate and expel them.

voila, and enjoy!

>Drink snake juice fast
Be near a toilet.

Post label

euro here anyone recommend any good brands on amazon for snake juice ingredients


Just completed my first fast. I wasn't even hungry for nearly all of it. Last 6 hours I started getting irritable though.

that's when you began transitioning to ketosis

Gender is a grammatical concept, that wasn't used in its """modern""" meaning until a crazy psychologist drove two men to suicide by having one of them raised as a girl. Of course, people pushing SJW garbage conveniently forget about this detail. And many others pointing towards the same conclusions. Awfully convenient.
However, even if you assumed the above was wrong and gender was determined by "muh feels", gender wouldn't matter, biological sex would. "Woman" is not a gender, it denotes a human female. Calling trannies girls doesn't make them girls, so you can safely assume that since refers to herself as "woman" she is a sex-woman (i.e. just a woman), not a gender-woman (i.e. either a woman or a mentally ill man).