Skipping arm day

>skipping arm day
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>curled 5 lbs
>already wears a snapback

Is this natty?

This dude just skips breakfast, lunch, and din din day

>making fun of disabled people on the Lord's day

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That kid survived cancer brah. Nothing to laugh at.


fuck off, unless the original post that got put up a while back was lying this kid went through chemo.

I skip arm day because my arms are very dominant. People told me I had big arms before I even started going to the gym. I have a hard time getting chest gains so I gotta take the arms out of the equation. Chest, back or shoulder exercise work my arms enough. I skip arm day every day.

how convenient that you removed the comment explaining the kid is struggling with cancer


oh boo hoo ah bloo bloo no humour please

He had cancer and is training up to become normal again. Jesus christ this board has zero mercy.
Autists without empathy should all die.

And what about the guy doing the preachers?

>the preachers
?????? What are you trying to say??????

Isn't he recovering from lung cancer? And not even a smoker, either. tsk tsk, op

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I am a former cancer survivor and I did not even touch a dumbbell until I gained the normal weight for my height.

This guy who is training him is beyond stupid to have him do weight training when he is literally a skeleton. He will not grow any muscle in that state and will only fuck up his joints.

Literally making his body use up the little bit of energy it has and forcing the body to self cannibalize what little muscle he has. This is not inspirational this is just STUPID!

>former cancer survivor
>at some point he ceased to a cancer survivor
>posting from the afterlife
shiggy diggy

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Lurk moar, faggot.

Shoo Shoo gains goblin

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> arm day

that's not even the best way to train arms at all
you're better off doing 1 or 2 sets 4-5 times a week of curls/extensions where you leave 1-2 reps in the tank. high frequency is how you bring up a weak bodypart

I mixed "former cancer patient" with "cancer survivor". My mistake.
But really all I did for the first couple of months was eat and sleep up until I reached 175 pounds, I am 6 feet tall. I am currently 190 pounds and go to the gym 3 times a week. I would have never gone to the gym back when I was as skinny as the kid in that pic, I would just be wasting time.

I agree, u should kill urself and ur mum too

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