What are some Jow Forums approved fictional characters?

What are some Jow Forums approved fictional characters?

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Daily Reminder that Griffith did nothing wrong

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Fucking love guts. I think i'm very calm, humble and social fella with high education, but i still think about what guts would do when i'm getting pinned with my squats.

Do you bulk as hard as Garou?

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fuck you, degenerate cut

Stop watching anime.

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>watching berserk

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>thinking of guts when lifting
me too desu, it is autistic but it helps
i just imagine him grinding it and it feels good

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this fucking guy is basically guts but slightly autistic

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Pic related

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>not pussy slayer marth
are you even trying

>bland princely bitchboy
you might as well lift for Roy

Richard and Mortimer amarite?

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when they said they were going to die for him, they didn't mean getting eaten alive by violent monsters in an impromptu sacrifice

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he's not wrong. soldiers are there to die after all. i bet if you were in griffith's spot you would have done the exact same thing.

they didnt work for it

Wouldn't have raped casca
>Inb4 da evil took over his mind

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shut up dyel

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All this guy is does is lift, sleep and sword fighting.

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oh, he knew what he was doing when he raped her. guts effectively ruined everything by leaving so cucking guts was obviously his way of getting back at him.

true though oda doesn't know shit about lifting, his routines are retarded