Fat people stories

/FPS/ and /FPH/. Ok faggots, I know we all have stories, post them.
I will start with a story I told in the old Fat People Stories threads a few years ago.
>Room mates with 2 people
>First year of college
>We are all taking the same introductory English course
>One of my room mates is a huge fatty
>Every morning she needs her Mcdonalds hamburger and diet coke
>Yes, every fucking morning (She also doesn't understand why she is so fat and blames it on genetics)
>Since we all live together and all go to the same class we car pool with people taking turns each day
>It's Ms.fat's turn
>We are running late and are scared that we are going to miss the quiz
>Fat fuck says she needs to go to Mcdonalds to get her Soda and hamburger
>Both me and room mate tell her that if she does it we are definitely 100% going to be late for the quiz
>She drives past the Mcdonalds
>Think that she is finally maturing and learning self control
>Tell her thank you
>"For what"
>For driving past Mcdonalds without stopping to get food
>She literally does a U-turn right then and there
>Of course it had a huge ass line that morning
>Suprise suprise, we were late

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Other urls found in this thread:


Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=cnz5f9KJC6g

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Fresh OC from tinder. How can a disgusting mess like that demand any sort of standard?

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this bitch still virgin i tell you she never fuck before

>Fat fuck who doesn't take care of her body
>Cheating on her boyfriend
>Think she deserves a muscular man

Has anyone noticed how protective fat people are over their food?
Sometimes my brother will order pizza and eat the whole thing himself. But if he leaves some of it in the fridge, I'll throw it away and he'll have a tantrum

LARPing tranny none of this is real though it is imaginative

Vultures. They take then they go.

>go the gym mon-fri
>cardio every day
>decided to go on a cut, lost 35lbs in 4 months
>taking a while off
>start eating like shit again, but still at a 1000 calorie deficit
>counting calories still
>not the point
>fat fuck at my gym, easily 5'10 245lbs
>barely does anything besides fiddlefuck around on his phone.
>greasy hair, neckbeard, fucking degenerate far leftist cuck
>notices I lost a lot of weight
>"how'd you lose so much weight, user?"
>stopped eating, faggot
>"no that doesn't work, your body will just go into starvation mode and conserve fat and burn muscle instead!"
>u fuckin wot m8
>"a nutritionist told me so! I mean I know you lost almost 10lbs a month without any reduction in weight loss, but a doctor said so, and a doctor is smarter than you are!"
Starvation mode is honestly the thing that really pisses me off about fatties. "Oh, I CAN'T lose a lot of weight quick, muscle will just be burned instead of fat." Holy shit this pisses me off. It invalidates every ounce of effort I put into making myself not be a fat sack of shit who can't even walk up the stairs. I eat like shit now but I'm still at a calorie deficit (most of the time, I try to never get to my maintenance, not super concerned with cutting weight right now). These people are fucking disgusting. They don't even understand that it's all calories in calories out. I've even heard "well you can't lose weight if you eat sugar, it just gets stored in fat cells no matter what." Absolutely fucking infuriating.

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>Fat people stories
>only OP posts a story

to be fair if i paid for food and someone threw it away the next day id be pissed

>"no that doesn't work, your body will just go into starvation mode and conserve fat and burn muscle instead!"
I don't understand people that fear losing what they don't have

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This. I go nuts when someone throws away my food because I grew up poor and knew how important saving food was.

that's retarded I've never been over 20% bodyfat and I'd be pretty fucking mad if someone just threw out my food.

Yeah no shit, still worth a kek or two tho.

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I'm no burger but i think 66oz must be close to 2l of this dip.
Jesus Christ, man.

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Here’s a lame one from today
>for context;be in European country; live in Turkish/Slav area of my city
> I’m also an immigrant (or “expat”)
>only European looking people in my neighborhood are 60 years+
>go for walk one day. I go the next town over to finally enjoy some sun
>white/euro people are a rare sight around here; and I’ve only seen about 3 obese women here. Usually they’re just over weight.
>suddenly ahead I spot 10 beached whales on the sidewalk; sizzling with steam
>nope. 10 obese german girls smoking. Could easily be on an episode for SS vs SS.
>”I didn’t realize they had eaters annoymous here”
>look to building, its a medical training school, basically to become RNA or old people carer.
>they’re in two “small” circles blocking the side walk, cars on road
>they don’t budge, despite them looking at me or at least noticed me.
>squeeze by/inbetwem them while they continue to wheeze/pant and smoke their cigarettes.

These are the people, that people here leave their love ones in the care of.

It turned out it was a half a liter(half a quart) container I believe. Not a whole liter.


>Hello Jow Forums
>You forgot 5 scoops

Vultures are an important part of an ecosystem

As well as the wings themselves, which probably had some form of sauce on them.

And the fries. And his probable other meals.
Shit, man.

And the inevitable sauce for the fries.

Dude don't throw put someone else's food unless you ask first. I'm in decent shape but I'll get mad if someone throws out my food, I put good work into my food plus I worked hard for the money to buy it. Only do that if it's been in there for weeks and you know it's bad.

and the soda

Why would you throw out someone else's food?
And considering how much he loves food that's like him walking into your room and throwing out your computer monitor

And a diet coke.

hes not overprotected over his food. he got mad cause you threw away HIS FOOD.

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This picture somehow gets worse the longer I look at it.

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She could be hot, I can tell if she wasn't obese her face would be good looking.

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did you know in germany a "muffin top" is referred to as a "bacon belt"

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Wouldn't that offend the local population's religious beliefs?

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>be me
> be in college team development class
>some fat greasy foureyed walrus corners me in a tree on tree on campus after class
> "hey whats up you know you look a lot cuter if smiled more"
> reach her hand out to put her yellowing nail polish spotted crusty nail bitten fingers on my shoulder
> side step and the step behind tree to putit between us
> next class start hitting on the first gurl i see who is at least above a 6 so she gets the message
>6/10 out of ten drives me home
> ends up blowing me in her suv
>fuaarrrrrrrk shes swallowing
> smile and and leave the vehical
> next class the shrek looking bitch is making friends with 6\10
> rest of semester they both try making my life miserable by calling me a womanizer and deviant
>mfw im the reason theres 2 dike feminists out in the world somewhere

isn't that that TLC bint? Doesn't she actually have some sort of medical condition?

Yeah, it's called can't stop stuffing her mouth

That's the gayest fake shit I've every read fuck outta here

I'm looking it up. Says she was actually diagnosed with something and put on 200lbs in a year. Dunno if it's true or not, but it'd suck if it did happen.

Isn't 'starvation mode' a real thing? not that it eats body eats itself but metabolism slows WAY down.
Either way, i hate children who refuse to take responsibility for their (in)action.

Why did you start this thread with the same story as before? Or did you just steal it?

polycystic ovarian syndrome, if I'm looking at the right show.

yeah, it's weird when people with good genes treat themselves like shit. I am fat and alcoholic but I would still looks like a hideous goblin at a healthy weight.

It's a real thing if you hit like 3% bf and you're about to fuckin die. If it existed for healthy or overweight people then watching those guys on those survivor shows drop a ton of weight simply wouldn't happen. Auschwitz survivors would be in starvation mode, not a 245lbs sack of shit. Fat is literally stored energy, that's all it's there for. Starvation mode doesn't even exist as it's described. The metabolism slows down because by the time you hit that level you're basically dead already from lack of any kind of nutrition, your body barely needs anything to run. A 6' man who weighs 95lbs would have such a low level of caloric need that his metabolism would almost stop, because theres nothing to keep running, unlike fat fucks who have to maintain their excess energy (fat) with a lot of calories.

i am so ashamed that the girl would be a 8/10 for me

I would love to see the video of this but I can never find it.

Pretty inconsiderate desu

>Dude don't throw put someone else's food unless you ask first.
If someone put smelly food in a non-sealed container, it should be thrown out asap. Can't have the whole fridge smell like shit because some lazy fatso cba using shared space responsively.

Why do fat bastards treat their food as some sort of holy sacrifice to their Tummy God?

Oh sweet summer children. She probably fucks a new dude every few days, or whenever she feels like. Hell, she probably gets exactly what she's looking for once a week, especially if she's in a city, or other fairly populated area. If you don't believe me, set up a catfish account to try for yourself and prepare to be amazing at the literal thirst of the common man.

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>grown, but not taller

Why the fuck are fat people so stupid and jealous all the time?

>work in a Mexican restaurant type thing
>3 people come in, one is hamplanet
>"hey guys howareyou"
>ignores me completely, except the one guy
>he greets me and then says his wife has some "specific dietary requirements"
>thats fine Ive served people with all kinds of allergies, so I tell them i can make anything the way they like and ask what it is
>the hamplanet still ignores me but the husband gets her attention so she can tell me
>her eyes narrow, and she gives me a death stare and is looking at me like im trash, im used to this from fat people because im tall and slim and to fat people this is the only requirement for being pretty
>she spits "no carbs"
>she cant be serious
>refrain from telling her that carbs are in almost all fucking food, and that she means low carb for sure
>stay cheery because professionalism
>I can make you this with beans, and rice
>o fuck i got carbs mixed up with gluten
>she screams THAT IS A CARB
>apologise and say I can make her a salad, with a meat of her choice
>she spits again, I dont eat meat, acting as if I should already know this what the fuck
>okay we have pan fried vegetables
>"whats in the vegetables"
>I start by saying onion, carrot
>she yells again CARROT IS A CARB
>sick of this so i just tell her sorry etc bye
>husband says its okay thank you blah blah
>get home on google
>carbs in carrot is 10g per/100g
>carbs in onion 9g per/100g

She was fine after I said onion but she got mad after I said carrot and why was she so mad and death staring me the whole time? fuck I hate fat people. Fat is truely a personality. How she got a husband is beyond me

also my first green text be nice

I wanted a Fat People stories thread and decided to just post an old one of mine to get things going.

LOL because I used to work at a restaurant and fat really is a personality.

>food must be eaten, not discarded
fat fuck detected
included pic for you

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>smelly food

nibba wut

>Know a fat girl trying to get the government to pay for her weight loss surgery
>They might actually do it
I believe in universal health care for everyone except FAT FUCKS

Medical conditions don't cause you to "gain weight". They cause your metabolism to slow down which means you have to eat less to stay the same weight but even an extremely slow metabolism wont cause you to be 300 fucking pounds, the worst metabolic issues generally only cause you to gain an extra 25lbs if you don't change your diet and by the way if you have a metabolic condition YOU SHOULD CHANGE YOUR DIET.
There is no excuse for being a fat fuck, NONE

Now you understand why many Americans don't want gov't health care. They don't want to subsidize the cost of these peoples laziness and shit lifestyle. Yeah, we have the young fat ones who don't need it yet on our side as well, but they make for useful idiots. The only way, I'd even entertain the idea of UHC was if they paid for it majority through vice taxes. More taxes on smokes, booze, sugar, fast food, junk food, etc.

Fat people are the most ignorant people, if they weren't dumb they probably wouldn't be fat.

The delta on a severe metabolic problem is about 20%. So if you had a TDEE of 2,000 calories and developed a medical condition that causes weight gain, your TDEE would drop to around 1600.

What actually fucks these fat shit sacks over is that they were relatively active, chubby, and eating a bit over TDEE, and then their "condition" made 100 kcal over TDEE turn into 500 kcal over TDEE, but then pain issues, medical procedures, or worry and depression torpedo their activity level, turning 500 kcal over TDEE into 800 kcal over TDEE, and then they turn to cake to fill the hole in their hearts and snack when bored , turning 800 kcal over TDEE into 2000 kcal over TDEE, and that's how they gain 200 lbs in a year.

They could lose weight if they ate less than they needed, but a sedentary 400 lb 5'2" 30 year old woman still needs to eat more than 2200 kcal to maintain weight even if she's got a severe metabolic disorder.

That's no reason whatsoever. Victoria Beckham has it, popped out five kids, still thin as a reed. Rey from Star Wars has it, still not a fucking lard ass bag of shit.

You know what makes PCOS symptoms exponentially worse btw? O-B-E-S-I-T-Y

The only way to do well with PCOS is to keep your fucking eating under control. It's related to insulin resistance, so no shit you shouldn't be a fucking hambeast.


how does someone even do this?
It's plastic btw not porcelain

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I've broken toilet seats and I'm not fat at all. Are you actually surprised that an adult human being of any size could break a piece of plastic by putting their weight on it?

>Medical conditions don't cause you to "gain weight".
Absolutely right.
And the medical conditions proven to "slow down metabolism", like hypothyroidism, I believe only does this by a couple percent but have been unable to dig up the paper. (At least way lower than 20%)

No don't be stupid.

If you are cutting your body will slow down metabolism as much as it can and cut your energy levels in an attempt to maintain itself.

You don't need to be 3% body fat for this to happen. You can be any size and your subconscious will attempt to drive you to maintain it using it's various tools. Essentially by making you hungry and feel like shit.

Around 3% for the body to break down muscle for fuel.

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this picture never gets any less disgusting

You have to go back.

Once you get through the hunger, you drop weight. Fatties have no self control so they just blame it on "well my body just can't drop weight, so there." It annoys the hell out of me when they put it in that context. Dieting and losing weight is simply calories in, calories out, they just don't stick with it long enough to see real, lasting results.

I read this in Johnny Bravo’s voice.

Fuck you, overly stressed waiter! I am not nice! Fuck that fat, angry bitch too! She seems like a cunt!

no matter the size there is some nigger or other thirsty fuck that will put his dick in it.

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As did I, Johnny was the original Chad.

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>no matter the size there is some nigger or other thirsty fuck that will put his dick in it.

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But he never got laid. That was the premise of every single episode. He only got some when he started dating that doe.

Exactly, he's Jow Forums incarnate.