Whats your excuse now?. Get up AND GO TO HE FUCKING GYM

Whats your excuse now?. Get up AND GO TO HE FUCKING GYM


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felt so bad for this kid when i was watching the video but goddamn kek... he's stronger than majority of Jow Forums... myself included

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THis guy is a fucking champion.

This is HARD MODE life, but you don't see him complaining or crying. He is a fucking champ

Damn he's like a ghoul from Fallout, especially if you look at his younger pics and pics of him as a motivational speaker

What ya lookin at Smoothskin!?
But in all honesty, God bless this poor, tough bastard.

Requesting the pic "people who body positivity was made for vs people who use it"

God bless this man and may He ease his continuous pain.

But I'm on farm right now and there's no gym within 40 miles

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>hes got a good physique too

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Just had a major surgery and on a ton of pain meds, can’t even think straight or move my mouth. I feel my gains seeping away

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damn, fuck dork souls, this is easily demon souls ng +7 SL 1 no weapons or items mode. mondays lift will be for him since tomorrows will be in tribute for arnie. tough dude.

>I was born with paper skin

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>pull on it too hard
>rip the skin

Im such a fucking bitch
I've never had to do anything hard

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Uncle Fester?

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he could use some cool mask, darth vade style

my daddy taught me how to not rip the skin

He's 38, so he's had a good 20 years or so in which he could have at least tried to do something useful to contribute towards developing a cure for himself.

Why didn't he even bother? So lazy. Sad!

Imagine wasting all that tax payers money keeping you alive...

Talking about this one senpai?

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I'm gonna go in a couple hours when my gym crush is there

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Virtue signalers need to go.


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Dude's a badass.

>that part where they talked about him struggling to walk 600m

That must be fucking awful.


beta fuckboi

I'm writing a paper and shaking off a cold. I'll go tonight.

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that's kinda stalkerish isn't it

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>that's kinda stalkerish isn't it

only if you're an uggo

wahhhhh my skin look at me look at me i lift babyweight but im special cuz muh skiiiiin

Trying too hard. Put that effort towards lifting and maybe you can lift more than this ghoul.

that teared me up. If I had his condition I'm offing myself. He is stronger than me.

Ah, the millennial 'whoop'. I fucking hate it. I'm a millennial myself and cringe every time I hear it. Fuck every last one of you who made this popular and associated it with my generation.

Opioids decimate testosterone. Use lower doses. I unironically recommend smoking weed if possible, completely replacing opiates or at least to minimize their use.

>ive never had to overcome a serious issue
>2 minutes later
>tfwnogf I'm so depressed guys

By the way, newfriend, you have to be 18 to post

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You're going straight to hell.

he should just go darth vader core desu

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>bench 140kg

this guy never once cried about his skin in the video and he has a better heart than you ever will

This one is fine too.
The other one had "can't stop eating" on the right side.

So edgy

Man if I looked like that I'd just say fuck it and go full fucking faggy edgelord anime character and wear a cool mask.