Is using an ab wheel combined with compound lifts enough for abs?

Is using an ab wheel combined with compound lifts enough for abs?

Attached: ab-wheel-exercise-medicalrfcom.jpg (900x582, 101K)

No, weighted knee lifts and something for obliques.

ab wheel actually works?? isn't it just teleshopping meme?

a clean diet and caloric deficit

or dnp

this is the wrongest part of the sticky

no it's not. It doesn't matter how massive your abs get, you will never see them unless you're lean

If you can do them correctly, they're actually really good.

There are people on this board who think that if you

>Front Squat
>Conventional Deadlift
>Barbell Row
>Barbell Shrug

That you won’t have any abs...okay, so you actually think by doing all of those lifts with heavy weight that your core isn’t being trained enough, lol okay.

The core work you can do, it’s not even for building the abs, it’s just for training them from a neurological standpoint to increase flexibility and mobility. So yeah you should be doing ab work if you want to maximise performance on your compound lifts, you know, get another 2-3% out of you max. But by no means is doing ab work required to have a muscular and shredded core.

Yes, we all understand that you need to be lean to see your abs, but I'm talking about building muscle not visibility.

The abs are a thin muscle. Their potential for growth is extremely limited.

This is why they won’t grow much more than what they grow from you squatting, pressing, deadlifting. You should still train abs for the benefit of increasing your max lifts as abdominal training is proving to increase overall strength on free weight compound lifts.

I only feel ab wheel in my lats what am I doing wrong.

Never did any of those and woke up with core DOMS though.

Your “core” consists of many muscle groups. All of those compound lifts will build your “core” but not necessarily your six pack. Most people need to target their rectus andominus directly to make it look good even if they’re lean and do compounds.

LOLNOPE. Here's my ab routine. I consider it the bare minimum for ab development.

>Sit ups 3*F
>Crunches 3*F
>Dumbbell side bends 3*F
>Dumbbell side bends the other way 3*F
>Cable side bends 3*F
>Cable side bends the other way 3*F
>Captains chair 3*F
>Hypers 3*F
>Reverse hypers 3*F
>Window washers 3*F
>Ab horsey 3*F
>Ab wheel to burn out

In addition to this I do my squats (kettlebell goblet style) and deadlifts (dumbbell) on a bosu ball to achieve maximum muscle activation. Don't go too heavy or you'll injure yourself though - just do more reps.

Fat SS trolls and probably on the spectrum.

t.feel for the meme.
There can be an enormous difference in visibility and definition at same bf with increased mass.
I have a skeleton friends that is around 8% and he barely has abs. I'm at around 15% and my top 2 rows are like bricks, obliques are also really defined thanks to stomach vacuums.

The fuck are you on about retard I specifically said that to say you NEED to hit abs directly.

not a fan because of my back but it works pretty damn well

if this is the minimum you need to develop abs then you've got bad ab genetics bud

It's like people who say their shoulders hurt before their pecs when they do push-ups.. You're doing it wrong. Focus on the muscle during the exercise. Make sure you feel your abs doing the work.

You can do a million sit ups and never feel it in your abs if your feet are under something and you're pulling with your legs

I keep trying it and can never feel it. Meh, fuck it.

dont arch your back if thats what you are doing. you should keep your abs kind of tight and really focus on them while rolling out.. dont over do it at 1st, build into it, then squeeze the abs to roll back in.. it shouldnt be in your hips.

Squeezing your abs should be a normal part of any lift, in fact Nelson Montana even wrote about it in one of his books (cba to find it), how you can usually lift more if you focus on contracting your abs as hard as you can during the lift. This should provide a stimulus for abs.

For some, this stimulus is enough, others will require isolation movements.

My advice is, work on your abs and see if you're stalling less on your compound lifts. If you are, then you're on of those people who needs to add additional ab work.

hollow body hold. look it up

A simple ab wheel is like 10 bucks amd it works.