Do you think I'm too skinny?

Do you think I'm too skinny?

Attached: office3.jpg (844x1234, 195K)

It doesn't matter what we think, OP. If you're comfortable with yourself then you've already made it. :^)
[spoiler]stop making these threads[/spoiler]

You’re just skinny enough to sit in my lap bby

is it a boy or a girl? or both?

I'm a dude

so you shaved your legs? or are you still in your teenage years?

I'm 33

perfect the way you are bb

You look like a 12 year old girl. Why you wearing short shorts

what the fuck

You might mean that as an offence but what I make out of it is that I have nice skin

post face
i want to see the trap potential

Attached: bubi.jpg (1150x1600, 453K)

A male(female) then

man you have some deficiency of test or something, no hair, those legs etc.

why are you dressed like a twink?

stop spamming

What about my legs? The shape?


Why do you keep making this thread? You've been posting here for over a year now. Fuck off or unblock me god dammit >:(

Unblock you, how can I do that?

Nah, you're the perfect size. Now bend over ya little sissy

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It's an old ugly dude

People keep falling for the bait tho

how do people become mentally insane like OP? srsly...another example is carsalesmanbrah on the misc who's been posting the same shit for roughly 10 years...

they're normal people but retarded in this one aspect. how?

I believe it is the same person pretending to be other people. Remember the pictures of the legs from an anorexic (maybe tranny) that had cut scars? that shit was spammed for months on both Jow Forums and /fa/, just like this

Are you a woman? If so then maybe work your ass a bit but you'd be perfect. I'm getting turned on at the thought of your long skinny legs spread doggy style for me.



He's an ugly ass man. Newfags keep on falling for this shit.

Attached: Sage_NuMou_TCG.png (400x559, 403K)


I think you need to stop posting

This. Ive seen this thread at least 4 times on fit