/nfg/ nofap general

I'm on day 6 and I swear to God my eyes had a very negative canthal tilt, now it's neutral. Wtf is this shit??
>Voice got deeper
>Raging morning woods like back in my early teens
>Skin looks a lot better
I wonder what will happen if I keep nofapping

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>I wonder what will happen if I keep nofapping

>Wtf is this shit?

You hate yourself, and you think not touching your willy will solve every negative aspect of your life. Fixing your shit takes a lot more work than filling your balls with necrotic sperm.

Bro I love myself and my shit is pretty good I just wanted to try it for the hell of it. Can you explain my experience without broscience?

>Can you explain my experience without broscience?
Again, delusion.

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Why the fuck are you arguing with feelings like a girl you stupid fuck? I said I observed objective concrete physical changes in my body. If delusion could change the body we wouldn't have limp dicked manlets like you

As you carry the burden of proof here, explain in a feasible way how refraining from masturbation would affect the position of your orbital rims or your medial canthus.

You should also provide exact measurings of the angle of your cantal tilt before and after the 6-day period you refrained from masturbation.

If you can't provide anything mentioned above, then, my good sir, you're full of shit.

Attached: nofap_garfield.png (1152x648, 1.19M)

30 days
>lifts have never gone up this fast
>feeling somewhat better overall
>no urge to fap
>no urge to watch porn
>stronger erections
>no dripping urine after takin a leak
>cum dripping after taking bigger shits
Overall nothing lifechanging, but i actually feel somewhat better. It's the longest period without masturbation past 15 years desu

this is a lie

your balls explode


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You talk like a faggot

Are you a re*ditor by any chance, faggot?
>What is wet dreams

>be 3x per day fapper (once in morning once before bed minimum)
>no fap last night
>no fap this morning
>walk around working all day with a half boner
brehs i thought nofap was a meme but im gonna see where this goes. currently 24 hours in and seem to have hit a calm point after thinking about nothing but fucking the entire day

Reflect on what triggered your fapping session and don't fall for it again. We're all gonna make it

No proofs then. You're desperate to see some improvement in your shitty life and proceed to blueball yourself based on what you read on some dark corners of the internet.
Can't get anymore pathetic than that, faggot.

>I literally can't stop touching my dick for 3 seconds of pleasure

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If digits u fap

>that pic
>tfw April 1st is two days away
Will we have a return of /fitlit/?

>my good sir
stop trying so god damn hard

>voice got deeper
the pitch of your voice was determined by the amount of testosterone you got during puberty. If you're an adult no amount of nofap is going to change your voice.
