Tfw balding at 24

>tfw balding at 24

Anyone else know this feel?

Should I just shave it all off?

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Wear a hat

show a pic of the damage user

started Balding at 16 senpai

Just fuck my shit up

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I've been balding ever since I was 16
Let my hair grow long up until I was 19 since I got into metal, cut it short and now I think I'll buzz it off and live the egghead life

shave it off and wear a beard

Shave it. Be done with it. In five years most people won't ever remember what you looked like with hair if they aren't looking at pictures.

But keep it clean. Buzz it very short (like stubble) or full razor shave regularly, just shaving your face.

Half assing it is lazy and looks lazy. You can get away with it if you work a job that your appearance doesn't matter, but if you need to look neat and clean, buzz or shave.

For the first time, go to a barber, have him buzz it off, then go home and razor it. Do the razor every day or two for the first few months just for practice. You will cut yourself.

Or get a good electric razor and treat it like your face.

Balding since 16, bare scalp since 23. No regrets.


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>>tfw balding at 24

Consider yourself lucky.
I noticed my receding hairline when I was fucking 15. I'm on minox rn.

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this board is making me fucking paranoid, i cant tell if i just have a weird hairline or if i am balding. nobody has ever suggested that i am

I was balding in HS. Fretted for years, started shaving it, now I don't care.

>Very slowly balding
>Odd head shape
>Can't grow a beard

I'm ordering the helium tank ASAP

21, balding. Shave and save money for hair transplant. Just look at pictures of Elon Musk before his


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>implying HoggFoggs hairline sucks as much as mine

No matter how much i hate that soy of a wannabe Martin Luther: His hair's still decent with a norwood 2.

>a wannabe Martin Luther:
you what now

>Raising his fist like a poser at an useless shill-marathon which would fuck the whole usa if they would succeed.


thought i had encountered a troublesome papist on this of all days

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Yes. I meant that one nigger that happened to make liberal shit. Not that based jew hater.

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I'm balding at 18 and i don't want to shave it off because my head is too small for my body and I'm too insecure about it, I fucking hate this life. Op your best bet is to try to grow your hair long and just hope it covers the bald spot for now or buy special shampoo that could help you a bit.

convert to judaism

Do you see both pictures? The one has been shot today and the mugshot one year ago. My hairline didn't get better nor worse. You can try to hide your shit and apply product but you'll take hours for that andyou'll be paranoid about your movement and the wind exposing your bald spots.

Don't hide it that way. Buy a hat, buzz it, get a FUE or go for the hairlet-look.

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You'll look more insecure by keeping it, trust me. People in your life will respect you more for just owning it. Especially women.

Nobody will give a shit. That was my take away from finally doing it at 20. You think everyone is gonna make a huge deal about it but they just don't. Life goes on as normal but you have a weight taken off you.