Diet to get body like this guy?

diet to get body like this guy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Have Chad genetics
>Eat whatever you want

how do i know if i have chad genetics?

If look like pic then yes if no then no

after how much time should i check?

10-20 minutes tops

Trick question, a true Chad would never question his genetics

it doesn't work like this

never gonna make it

how would we know? only one way to find out

>this guy

Sweetie, that is not a guy...

Read the sticky

We you naturally athletic in school without training?

Retard thread for DYEL faggots.

He took cycles of steroids to get to that physique.
You guys should spend more time in the gym, seriously.


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He has a pretty developed core for being as small as he is in the arms, shoulders, and traps if that makes sense. Likely on gear like every other professional actor.

Breakfast: greek salad with almonds and placenta dressing
Lunch: chicken breast, rice
Dinner: 2liters imported nepalese o2

add 1 hr fasted cardio every morning and tren and this plan will get you there.

>also get ed norton to hit you in the ear unexpectedly

get underweight skinny then bulk for 6 months

No one is paying attention to a link that literally lays out what Pitt did?

Monday — Chest
Push-ups — Three sets of 25 reps
Bench press — 25, 15 and eight reps at 165, 195, 225 lbs
Nautilus press — 15 reps at 80, 100, 130 lbs
Incline press — 15 reps at 80, 100, 130 lbs
Pec deck — 15 reps at 60, 70, 80 lbs

Tuesday — Back
25 pull-ups — Three sets to fatigue
Seated rows — Three sets at 75, 80, 85 lbs
Lat pull downs — Three sets at 135, 150, 165 lbs
T-bar rows — Three sets at 80, 95, 110 lbs

Wednesday – Shoulders
Arnold press — Three sets at 55 lbs
Laterals — Three sets at 30 lbs
Front raises — Three sets at 25 lbs

Thursday – Biceps & Triceps
Preacher curls — Three sets at 60, 80, 95 lbs
EZ curls cable — Three sets at 50, 65, 80 lbs
Hammer curls — Three sets at 30, 45, 55 lbs
Push downs — Three sets at 70, 85, 100 lbs

Friday & Saturday – Cardio
Treadmill — one hour at 80-90 percent of maximum heart rate

>he was benching 2 plates for 8 reps and has that chest
i refuse to believe that

My chest is a bit less defined than his and I'm not far off from that.

if you have to ask, you don't have them

>not a chad

>You want to finish her off?

>meme body

I am you.
You are me.
So... I'm ALREADY sport fucking her?
If I say no, you'll do it, and that means I did it anyways?

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I've always had a hard time believing it too. But he was also 35 when he did this so had plenty of time to develop dad strength and also trained at various points in his life so maybe.

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lol 35 dad strength? bro dad strength is like 45

>Breakfast: greek salad with almonds and placenta dressing
>salad with almonds

>Not activating your almonds
shiggy diggy, never gonna make it desu

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you want his face/hair/complexion not his body.. put that body on a pale ugly 3/10 and you would not be idolising it