Is this Jow Forumsceptable? it's the only peanut butter in my market

is this Jow Forumsceptable? it's the only peanut butter in my market

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Does it have partially hydrogenated oil? If no it’s fine. Probably has higher than ideal sugar but you can make that up elsewhere.

Peanut butter is good if you are a skeleton; peanuts are the niggers of nuts

Niggers are good for skeletons?

natty peanut butter is in every single damn market around me. Are you even looking

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go to a better market and get that godlike natural peanut butter. if there are any ingredients besides PEANUTS it's garbage.

> paying extra for “””natural””” products


Lmao pedo bear peanut butter

make your own peanut butter ya lazy fucks. just put those fuckers in a blender and mix until smooth.

Wait, why have I never done this? Does it actually taste good or is it just healthier, or is it even any healthier?

> trans fats
> raise bad cholesterol
> lowest good cholesterol
> higher risk of stroke
> higher risk of heart disease
> higher risk of type 2 diabetes

But here's your (you)

>Does it actually taste good
No you fucking idiot. What do you think, peenorbutter is just ground up peanuts? Lmao you brainlets get more and more gullible everyday. You need to add some sort of plant-based oil to the mix as well as a sugar to allow the peenorbutter to gain the proper consistency. Otherwise you're just eating peanut sand.

That's the one I eat too, pretty good OP

>trans fats
Stopped reading there

I know that natural and fresh peanut butter is way better for me but there’s something about that sweet sweet Jif that I can’t resist. I love sugary fake pb so much. I try to treat it like a dessert to limit my intake a bit.

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I buy regular ass mainstream peanut butter and it has fully hydrogenated oils in it now which means no trans fats, not even trace amounts.

> 2018
> doesn't eat t-boosting cashew or almond butter

High Polyunsaturated fat Intake is associated with reduced t levels and peanut butter has a bad MUFA:PUFA ratio

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All natural peanut butter is fucking gross and tastes like shit.
It's gloopy and you have to stir it up because all the oil rises to the top. It's almost impossible to even swallow.

Import., they ship everywhere and you aren't paying any more for than normal. I had the same problem in Japan, they only have Skippy.

Now I get natty PB from iherb.

Niggers make skeletons
Therefor Niggers are good for skeletons

>any type of peanut butter including natural
>Jow Forums

If you enjoy inflammation and lowered thyroid activity from Omega-6's and mycotoxins.

what should we eat instead senpai

>Carbohydrate 14.1 g
>(of which sugars) (10.9 g)
that shit is only good for making people fat
This is what you want

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I eat allll the nuts...
Its my treat..the almond n coconut is fucking amazing

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OP I usually get the Natural Crunchy JIF it's probably barely a cost difference.

If it is like Jif peanut butter, it has fully hydrogenated fats. Technically this isn't trans fat, it's a saturated fat. But it is artificial crap and we should have learned our lesson when the food industry told us avoid animal fats and eat their artificial fats for good health 50 years ago... Case in point - don't eat refined, artificial fats!


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thanks costco

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