Bulking thread

Anyone else trying to bulk?
>Want to eat 3k calories a day
>I know, I will eat 6 meals a day all 500 calories each
>Make 2 peanut butter sandwhiches
>Already full
>Ok, that has to be at least 600
>It's only 380 calories
>Too full to eat any more for at least a few hours

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Did you put a fucking paper thin smear of PB on there??

If you can't eat, then drink your calories.

Word of warning: drinks high in calories usually contain a lot of sugars so plan accordingly.

2 slices of wheat bread - 220 calores (120 calories each)

1 tbsp peanut butter - 190 calories

Total = 410 calories

You ate two of them, so 820 calories, where the fuck are you getting 380 calories

I put what I thought was enough but after reading the table it apparently wasn't much. I don't want my sandwich to taste like i'm biting into a pile of mud.
Got any recommendations? I can't stand the idea of having to drink soda all day.

Apparently I need to buy fattier peanut butter because I have 3 different brands and they are all half that.

You seem to be a little bitch, my recommendation would be to find something else to invest your time in, as you are unfortunately not going to make it.


Either don't stop eating or eat a lot fast.

You're literally never going to make it. stop lifting now.

Why do people eat 3000 calories everyday? I don't count calories but i'm sure i'M not getting 2500 calories - yet I still gained 30 lbs in 6 months. I'm 6'3 btw.

you are either a stick, do jack shit all day, or eat way more than you think.

I started my bulk awhile back on 3800 calories a day and my workout routine is so high volume that I was just maintaining my current physique. I had to recently bump it up to 4000 and it's an eveyday struggle to force that amount of food down. While not going over my fat or carb goals.

I'm also on the path to escape Skelly mode. I think I found the ideal post-workout breakfast.

Protein shake, two scoops (220 calories, 50g protein)
Five eggs (480 calories, 30g protein)
Cheese (100 calories)
Cut-up chicken strips (~160 calories, 30g protein)
Tuna sandwich:
Two slices of toast (180 calories)
Cream cheese (100 calories)
Can of Tuna (160 calories, 30g protein)
Two Activia yogurt cups (200 calories)

Which ends up being about 1500 calories and 140g protein in just one meal (as well as tasting good and not extremely filling so that there's no problem eating the next meals). I am relatively new to regular weightlifting and nutrition though, so if anyone here with actual knowledge has criticism/advice concerning this meal it would be much appreciated.

Is it possible to these are noob gains? Or that I have good genetics (I do)?. Because i'm pretty satisfied with my body and I don't do jack shit all dya.

What are you doing to get 4k a day?

You realise there are drinks other than soda, right? Like, milk? Or olive oil if you can stand it.

>Drinking olive oil
Is this a thing people do?

I'm currently at uni and I just go to the cafeteria and pig out. But I'm careful with my fat intake so I supplement protein when I need to and I have food in my dorm if I'm low in carbs and what not. I'm going to cut over summer since can get healthier food at home and really choose what I eat in a day.

>tfw my mom wasn't obsessed with what she ate while I was in her womb
seriously fuck people who think having kids is something you just do, we live in a abundantly scientific world, have been for many years now, and people still don't put research into every little thing they do. You can call it autism, I call it striving for perfection, I lift with perfection, I eat with perfection, I study and socialise with perfection. Fuck this comformist as shit and complacent for no reason society, I swear now to you all I will attain the status of a God on my own behalf, regardless of the shitty chances I might've been given on birth/throughout growth. I'm gonna fucking make it

It's hard to eat enough calories without junk food. Send help.

just bloatmaxx, clean eating is a meme