I Just can barely eat Onion not because it's hot but because it reminds me of tasting grass. I've eaten Garlic (Of which I LOVE the taste) but I don't know if it's a good replacement for onion. Tyr told me it's good, should I do it?
Garlic good replacement for onion?
I just really hope that guy is slav otherwise he has no business bearing that kolowrat tattoo
fuck off nazi scum
>hurr people cannot tattoo signs and symbols if they are not part of that culture that uses them
are you one of those retards that complain about "cultural appropriation" in internet?
>kolowrat tattoo
This Kolowrat symbol is made up in early 90's and doesn't have any ancient meaning.
la creatura...
OP here
Great thread guys. Thank you for giving me so many tips and teaching me so much about how garlic compares to onions! Thank you anons!
The average modern white woman has fucked at least 20 different Chads by the age of 30, but she will still tell her beta provider that she has only fucked with her boyfriend. Good deal being a far righter and supporting degerate whores fucking Chads untill they hit the wall.
You forgot rule #1. Never post a picture more interesting than the topic
who cares
Every time someone calls you a basement nazi, just show them this image.
We're winning the race war lads.
Probably another dumb "muh heritage" burger.
>smash garlic clove
>chew it
>sometimes it burns the tongue a bit, other's it doesnt
>swallow it
>feels like my stomach is killing itself with acid for a few minutes
>it then eventually disappears
what's the cause and is it bad for the stomach?
enjoy your BO
idk I've eaten up to 5 pieces per night. Seemed pretty good, although the stomach does hurt.
lol, faggot
Ye boi, Jow Forums is a fascist board
Hail victory.
I figured that was to cover up a swastika too but I'd never heard of a kolovrat until now
That's a Kolovrat you ignorant cuck.
>That's a Kolovrat you ignorant cuck.
No shit you brainlet
The Slavic swastika is not a symbol of nazism bro, just the german one
But it's synonymous with national socialism anyway dol it works here
It's not though
Jow Forums is not a fascist board
It's pretty much sinonimous with Slavic nationalism, and most people who do tattoo it on are Ethnonationalists and pretty close to Natsoc.
Jow Forums is NAZBOL
>Jow Forums is not a fascist board
Fascists make themselves known, everyone else doesn't feel the need to say they aren't fascist with every post. Honestly fascists are the real soyboys, always looking for attention
It quite literally is though.
It really isn't
Your muscles are NatSoc.
Begone garlic jew.
Stop trying. You’re an embarrassment to white people.
You’re a nuisance.
It is though
Go back to your containment board
have more white children
I'd guess that about 1/2 of the board is nat soc, maybe more.
el abominacion
>they fell for the nazi meme
Guys... Garlic...
True. Commies give more attention about how to get enough money to cut off their own dicks than the gym.
>Kolovrat tat on chest
Kurwa nice
>fascists make themselves known.
No they don't, that's why OP's (pic related) is covering his face. faggot.
Go back to twitter Tyr, unless you're prepared to let me fuc your little boi pussy, like the faggot you are
>(fascist) incel that gets made fun of in high school fucks the obese stacies a decade later after getting ripped
A tale as true as time
>that's why OP's (pic related) is covering his face
you don't know that for sure. maybe he just doesn't want to go viral for this.
You're interpreting that wrong though.
What this guy said
was under the impression the kolovrat is a nazi symbol, but it isn't and doesn't hold the same meaning as the german swastika
Cranky because your gf got blacked, aren't you
I have bad news for you, that guy doesn't like girls
Not sure about the whole onion testosterone thing, but I know eating a clove of garlic per day will dramatically reduce your systemic interleukin levels, aka your biomarkers of system inflammation.
In order to get maximal gains, you need low systemic inflammation and high local inflammation, aka low circulating interleukins and high interleukins at the site of muscle 'injury'. And as it turns out, lowering your stress, improving your sleep and eating a lot of sulphur containing veggies, aka garlic, broccoli, brussels and cauliflower (the stinky ones) will lower your systemic inflammation.
Now, if anyone has any advice on how to not smell like pajeet after eating the above, I am all ears.
the swastika has various meanings as well, the swastika doesn't start and end with the nazis
Its scoobs you newfag
You are an embarrassment to white people
>Jow Forums
>not a manlet
I second this my body cannot handle broccoli at all
>he doesn't realize we lift to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
>he lifts because he's insecure about his race
>if anyone has any advice on how to not smell like pajeet
I just eat them before bed. Brush my teeth, go to sleep and wake up the next morning with very little scent.
Also, thank you.
t. OP
Whites are about to become a minority if fifty years in both western europe and NA and we are being cucked to tyrone and ahmed constantly because our jew masters told us it's good to be cucks.
how do you eat yours? Straight up pop and chew or crush and spread on bread or something else?
>Implying soviets weren't fashy as fuck themselves
Is that... Shad?
Just because americans/westerners raise their children into degenerates like you who have no concept of pride doesn't mean that goes for rest of the world. The sign has it's meaning and misuse is to be met with disdain.
you're wasting your time trying to rationalize with a shitskin. They'll always inflate your desire for your people to exist as an insecurity, even though this has been natural human behavior throughout our evolutionary history.
>lol he doesn't want whites to be replaced in their ancestral homeland? He must be an insecure white dude who lost his gf to a black guy!
You're expecting way too much of these brown people to have an honest, intellectual discussion.
ah i see that you're using the edited photo that covers up the fact that the commies were and continue to be degenerate looting rapist scum
I usually just take away all the plastiv covering and chew and swallow since I actually like the taste. Though if you really can't stand it you should swallow it like an XXL pill. Idk about bread, but I have used it to "sponge up" some taste from the onion after eating one, kind of like a zakuska.
Can always tell a commie's mad when they pull out this image
this guy knows what hes talking about. USSR started out communist but became fascist.
Why should anybody give a shit about your precious sensibilities?
If people can get tribal tattoos or tatts in Chinese lettering without any problems then they can get a Slavic heritage one all the same.
That's tyr baby ;)
I'm the guy who was talking to him and I'm 100% white
The guy must have some slavic blood, otherwise it's a rather specific symbol to use for the average American white non slavic nationalist. If he wasn't slavic he would probably choose another symbol, most likely an old rune or something.
>ancestral homeland
Then give the US to native americans and go back to europe
>soyboys get triggered by some guys tattoo
are you 100% enjoying your girlfriend being fucked by a nog or 100% (((white)))
I'm white
How do you slip in the idea of doing body shots? Got a prime opportunity this weekend
By your logic such a thing ancestral homeland doesn't exist.
>East Germany was inhabited by Slavs a long time ago, meaning that berlin and other places aren't part of the German homeland
>So is every other place, becasue it was inhabited a long time ago by people of a different nationality.
natsoc soyboys always making it about themselves
So you chose the first option.
It shouldn't exist then. If you only want to breed with white people to make white babies then do as you want, but people can live without racial boundaries
It's not that anyone has to care really. I personally don't "care" with all my heart about something this petty. To me it's just cold aversion to this fucking disrespect. In a real situation I'd just ask the guy if he knows what he is wearing on his chest and if he doesn't have a good reason I'd probably slap him around for disrespecting a holy symbol of my culture and blood. And afterwards never think of it again. So no I don't care but if I spot disrespectful shit likes this there is a lesson I feel should be taught.
I'm white
Should flip them but accurate after that.
Not the guy you replied to but my ancestors are from Texas before it was annexed into America. If America wants to make a ethno-state then they can fuck off and make it in some other state.
Man I came here for garlic posts and all I got was numales and racism
places where there aren't "racial boundaries" are places where sooner or later, one ethnicity will be replaced. There is no example of a multikulti place that didn't turn monoethnic.
Authoritarianism isn't exclusive to fascism. Soviets were authoritarian communists, not fascists.