"And this is our sons room...he's quite the bodybuilder!"

>"And this is our sons room...he's quite the bodybuilder!"

Attached: door.jpg (1694x1122, 135K)

Attached: kyogre mode.webm (640x640, 2.83M)

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Papa, how's it going?

Attached: 1512715592186.gif (480x270, 3.56M)

Attached: stock-photo-close-up-of-a-muscular-man-injecting-himself-with-steroids-291079139.jpg (301x470, 26K)

Attached: dinnerforone.jpg (773x645, 42K)

idk why but i played so much sapphire when i was younger and this is just fucking hilarious.

Attached: 1514232154021.jpg (1600x1083, 684K)

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Attached: 1499148603594.jpg (4096x2730, 1.56M)

>roiding for this

oh fug
milk truck

I have fapped to that exact image on the far middle right.

Attached: sddefault.jpg (640x480, 45K)

>What's wrong ronald-kun?

>back when you could just buy 1,3 DMAA

I-it's not what it looks like. I-it's just cosplay, I swear.

Attached: IMG_20180324_205432.jpg (1536x2048, 435K)

Attached: waterboarding.jpg (1104x622, 106K)

>he cant stand lmao2litre
Never gonna make it.

Attached: 1510506245712.gif (500x213, 832K)

Attached: what was that anon.jpg (400x400, 27K)

Googled those brands. Shithole country confirmed. She's not gonna make it.

Attached: 1513023643809.jpg (750x864, 178K)

Attached: 1511493496249.jpg (1080x1080, 140K)


overrated post

Attached: 1519613280375.jpg (538x718, 82K)

it's sneaky nigga, what rock do you live under?

that's MY waifu
idk what this fat loser is thinking

Attached: 1506659171907.jpg (1959x1469, 619K)

Attached: 1521693504283-fit.jpg (2048x1536, 726K)

C-can you please delet this...

Imagine having a corporate mascot as your waifu

Attached: 1496836902635.jpg (2600x1950, 1.05M)

this is one of my favourite pics. Love the details, like the self-made foam roller

>tfw no qt gf (male) to lay on top of me like this

my nigga

still can junior

Attached: tenor.gif (320x190, 3.12M)

I have seen them around here in canada

(so yeah shithole country)

Attached: new squat rack.jpg (489x859, 139K)

It's alright dad, he said no-homo.

Attached: maybe a little homo.jpg (650x488, 51K)

hits too close to home

me but cutting

Those are Brazilian shitty supplements...

Attached: 1497534999426.jpg (512x512, 104K)

Attached: 1503373332576.gif (300x162, 1.59M)

>this is considered the same race as pic related by egalitarian leftists

Attached: IMG-84fbaaa77bd0afda4dd87cbe474c97ce-V.jpg (598x576, 161K)

Attached: Comparing tank builds.png (1280x719, 1.45M)

>Video sound
>No sound
Topkek tho

right in the feels

Attached: 1496281611505.jpg (350x197, 7K)

This whole display is really well put together.

Attached: fitmode.png (888x622, 312K)

holy fucking shit, even the scale under the bed
this is accurate as fuck

Attached: 2AC43EBA-AC29-473E-BF4D-FA55B23A4BAA.png (800x773, 1.08M)

same man
my fuckn kyogre smashed the dragon boss on t he elite four with ice beam
he was my first pokemon to ever hit 100

Attached: 520882001_preview_This+is+thaddeus+mcmichael+an+infamous+4chan+user+_3900b2e8423b0165a7c97b477978553 (388x341, 197K)

Sapphire was based.

Attached: 40BB9E7F-24B9-4F38-93A5-7D09B9707710.gif (267x187, 443K)

is he out of jail already?

literally 0 (ZERO) real life women have/can/could/will EVER compete with Sonico

even in the futre where we have genetic engineering and dna manipulation to make you look like whatever you want they still wont even be close


Im on that part of youtube again ...

If he is he probably is forbidden from using the internet.

Poor cleaning lady.

thank you for this

Attached: aFV3mwD0rmHMRa-zqOPu5oXXXL4j3HpexhjNOf_P3YmryPKwJ94QGRtDb3Sbc6KY.jpg (607x405, 26K)

i will fuck you sneaky. one day


>having your bed under a window

lol I just noticed my bed looks literally the same

Attached: kylo.jpg (1200x630, 43K)

>Kyogre used strength!
>But it failed!

Attached: 1522454210860.jpg (1517x891, 261K)

no one thinks like that you're just delusional to satify your own masturbatorial fantasies, being cynical doesn't mean you're smarter or better than everyone else it just means that you're a miserable, lonely fuck

this but no shoes.

i cant stand people wearing shoes around the house.

Attached: 1513870740030.jpg (400x498, 29K)

What's wrong? Don't wanna let your bros peek in on you having a cheeky wank?

>UT Dallas
Why is there always so much weird shit going on in that gym?

Just realized there's no where for him to actually rack that weight

>he cleaned it, then pressed it to his back

Or he's been there for many days now and is dying in pain

>cleaning 2pl8
Isn't that like Olympic tier
I dunno I'm an ohp-let

Gave out way too many scholarships to aspies...
source: got one myself

>olymic tier
Hell no. I suck and I can C&J 90kg

Attached: shootbangs.gif (360x202, 2.33M)

Probably a version with sound out there, but Webms can't have audio on this board (too many screamers etc.)


Attached: rare bloat.jpg (682x457, 56K)

underrated brah

Attached: 1519871343027.jpg (1279x885, 305K)

Groudon has the pecs to prove it

Attached: Groudon.png (371x498, 149K)

That's not hair, the costume has the left leg covered

Momma mia


Why does this ratio and roundness exist

Nice bait fag lol

He was truly one of us.