The first puff of the day

>The first puff of the day
What brand does Jow Forums smoke? Also what your 1mile time?

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Wrong board buddy

i frequent both boards, forget sometimes. In any case i meant Jow Forums

>Jow Forums
> Smoking fags
>Unironically browsing Jow Forums


I like Marlboro southern cut, or NXTs
13:05 two mile (armyfag)

Post yfw he doesn't smoke cigarettes

Unironically switched to a Vuse solo (discount juul) and my gains skyrocketed

This is not hard to work out brainlet.

>Stop smoking cigs
>Less CO in blood
>More red blood cells w higher saturation
>More oxygen for muscles
>More gains

Sorry, but my 1RM for smoking is less than 1 mile.

>not enjoying a cigarette after you post workout ritual

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Vaporesso tarot mini with 12mg nicotine juice

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Fuck user, one or two puffs and that's pretty much a cigarette. I only do 3mg or sometimes 6mg since I like the action of smoking

>did I ask a question as to why this happened
That’s literally why I fucking switched, retard

6mg vape juice at 120 watts
8 minute flat followed by vomiting

I actually ran a 6 minute mile when i smoked a pack a day and weighed 10 pounds more.

I dont smoke fags but what about dip?

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i gave up vaping 2 weeks ago, it is slowly nagging at me.
also my hunger has increased and im trying to cut, may start up again to keep my hunger in check.

>Jow Forums
Gas yourself

Blue Dunhill
Bought a vape at some point cause smoking makes you stink but even thought I was using 12mg juice it didn't make me feel anything so got back to smoking

Sweet dublin, hard stuffed pipe for the first smoke. Love it.

>He doesn't smoke
It's like you want to be a virgin.

I don’t smoke: 4:36 mile, 16:00 5k, 28:00 8k. All before I started muscle mode

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>trying to quit cold turkey
>last cig I had was yesterday night
>mfw I woke up today

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Damn user mirin those times

Got a 10:30 from 3km in the army

>willingly giving yourself lung cancer

>smoking makes you lose your virginity

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>not smoking fruity, vitamin packed tobacco with dat dere bulk honey molasses
You're not gonna make it

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>vaping is healthier

Marlboro all tje way