> Arnold Schwarzenegger wakes up after emergency heart surgery - and his first words were 'I'm back'
> Arnold Schwarzenegger wakes up after emergency heart surgery - and his first words were 'I'm back'
cuckservative virtue signaling cuck
absolutr chad
The feels
I told you he'd be back.
That's right bros
We're all gonna make it
That’s really unfortunate. He could have died with the last bit of dignity he had left. Now he still has a chance to destroy that last remaining bit with his liberal opinions.
Pretty much. Sad how he's turned into such liberal.
Stay classy Jow Forums
Thank god Arnie is all right
>t. butthurt Arnie fan
Arnie hasn’t been the same ever since he knocked up that Central American 4 foot tall troglodyte
He had to have been thinking while on the ground gasping "If I don't die, I totally need to say this" for it to be the first words out. Really shows how he works.
guy's not that bad. He was an aggressive asshole on his way up the ladder though, not that it's a bad thing to be one in his line of work.
Yeah, I’m thinking he’s back.
I thought you were talking about the Predator movie for a second
>Arnie fucking a predator
Probably a step up tbqh
what movie was that?
So much class
Horrah Horay
And from that pile of shit his superior genetics generated a Central American Chad
Dunno man, that kid went from being a fat autist to a fit autistic because Arnold had to intervene. Arnold’s other son is Chad tho.