S a d b o i

>tfw no matter how hard I lift I can't lift away my no gf feels

sometimes it feels futile bois, sometimes it feels like I'm doing this for nothing

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stop lifting for girls user it doesn't work

>sometimes it feels like I'm doing this for nothing
how's 10th grade?

lifting for others approval is beyond pathetic


I'm 20 actually you nonce

what do you mean user? what do you mean turn back?

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if you want to impress girls just get a 6 pack for them it means you are jacked

just ended long term relationship
within 2 weeks I'm dating a girl 4 years younger than me.
>tfw I don't even lift more than like once a week
try talking to girls

h o w
I'm in uni so that's the best environment but girls are either in large groups and it would be weird to just go up to one when they are laughing and joking amongst themselves or they are either on there own or in twos doing assignment work together, what am I supposed to do with that? after that what am I even supposed to do with them? what do I even say?

*their, fuck

you're gonna have to put yourself out there.
sign up for fun workshops and classes.
be sincere, you want to meet girls to find out if they're someone you want to be with. don't worry about how they think of you, worry about how you think of them.
you're interested in dating to find someone to make you happy, and to reciproc8, not to find someone who is pretty. You can try your luck on bumble or tinder if you want. I met one of my long term gf's on tinder, dated for 4 years. Met the next on bumble, dated for a year, but grocery stores, class, walking around campus, stopped at a crosswalk waiting on the light.
I've gone out with probably 10 girls who i met at a crosswalk. as long as you don't use some stupid lines and just speak to them like they're normal people you'll be fine.
also don't go around hunting for women, just try to be natural and make sure you're being yourself because if you aren't, not only will they know, they will eventually find out if the relationship goes anywhere.

Close, but no dice.
You need some decent arms, too.

1 year of training is enough for girls

How the fuck do you talk to girls at crosswalks?

yea user how the fuck do you, especially in britbong land where everyone is so cold and distant especially at a ''crosswalk'' when people are busy doing shit and too preoccupied to talk to some cunt whos trying to chat them up

it might help that I'm pretty good looking and 6'3", but I just talk about something.
>good Lord I would hate to be driving in that right now, walking is much less stressful.
obviously only if traffic is bad.
something like that and they usually say something of substance and then I say something and so on.

>crosswalk pua

>tfw been feeling pretty bad for a while
>been to psych and got prescribed SSRI's
>don't want to take them tho
>psych suggests I go out more
>get invited to go out a lot but don't feel comfortable in such environments
What should I do brehs? I like relaxing on my own, but at a certain point I think it's not too healthy. But if I go anywhere I am almost certain that the whole time I'll be wanting to be alone in my room

You're funny , OP

once you've had a girlfriend for longer than 2 months you realize they are the same, and lifting for them isn't worth it


Im lonely
>I have had two best friend in my life, and niether of them consider me their best friend.
>Tonight my BF came buy my work to buy stuff for a party tonight.
>I dropped hints that i had nothing going on, but he didnt invite me.
>I havent left my house 6 weeks for anything other than school and work.
>I have no girlfriend, the girl i liked couldnt give a shit about me.
>I just started work at a new job, everyone else has been working their for over 5 years. Im worried i will still be there in 5 years.
>Ive been trying so hard to lose weight that i nearly fell out while working yesterday.
>I have to work easter so i wont even see my family.
>I have a bunch of money at the moment but i cant buy myself anything nice.
>Tomorrow i am going to get up have 300 calories worth of meat/veggies and work. Then come home and sleep, then repeat.
>Last month my friend was really depressed so i went by his house and helped him clean it up on my day off. He thanked me and asked me to leave.

>Bf = best friend?

I know that feel.

>answered a job ad for a Honda dealership
>too stupid to park in the dealership, got a parking ticket
>decided I'm probably not going to work full time selling snake oil. Going to hang on to my shitty retail job for now
>girl I had a crush on in one of my college classes starts texting me again
>we have a flirty relationship but she's been in a long distance relationship for 5 months now
>always joke about things if I were dating her and stuff
>just go on facebook and see that my oneitis unfriended me on Facebook.

Why? Why would she do that? I mean why accept my friend request in the first place?

She works at the department in my college where I take all my classes. She saw me speaking with another friend of mine who was a girl. But I still always lock eyes with her and said hi to her in the middle of our conversation. This isn't the first time I felt she was a little jealous with the same person. But, I'm just friends with that person I was talking to and she already has a boyfriend.

Does my oneitis not know? How do you cope with this feel? Why does she always look my way if she's just going to unfriend me on Facebook and shit...

Am I pic related bros? I always get mired around campus but it doesn't matter... I can't figure out my oneitis...

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>How do you cope with this feel?
The last time that despair hit me hard i beat the shit out myself. I fucked up and asked her out, she had a boyfriend. I went home and just started wailing on my body.

I messed up asking her out, I never formally asked anyone out and had to have a female friend of mine sort of facilitate it. It was really bad. She just sort of brushed me off and tried to change the subject, she works in the office at the college. I don't think she's in a relationship and I can never figure her out. Why the eye contact and the unfriending thing. I think she's just trying to keep her work life professional but I don't know anymore. Shit sucks bro, probably going to go for a night run.

Just accept that you’ll die alone and it starts getting less stressful, you stop giving a shit what people think.

I'd rather be no gf now.

Been with my fiancee for over 2 years, been through a lot of shit, almost broke up a bunch of times but stayed together. I moved to Japan last July and we've been living with her parents (I guess it's normal and they got upset when I wanted to move into my own apartment, wasting money etc). Recently we've been having insane fights and I love her but genuinely feel like we don't match well or see eye to eye. Last night we had a big fight and told me to apologize to her parents and pay them back money for letting me stay here and leave. Naturally I said sure ill get out as soon as I find a place which turned into "wow you don't love me you're just going to leave you took my life" emotional manipulation. At this point I just want to get out bros. The only time I feel happy is when I'm in the gym. Tomorrow is my birthday too. Thanks for reading my blog.

Happy birthday user

I don't have much advice for you but all relationships go through hardships. If both of you aren't happy together then it doesn't make sense.

Hopefully everything works out for you.

Pic related is an ideal outcome

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Thanks user. I like that screen, I've actually experienced some similar stuff. It's fun living here especially if you speak the language. She always complains or gets mad over petty or shallow stuff and as soon as I get pissed off or stop babying her she completely switches to "but I was so happy, I'm so happy now, why are you being so terrible" bullshit. So when she says she wants to break up I say okay, fuck it because I'm tired of keeping the relationship together by myself. But then she freaks out crying and holding on to me telling me not to go. All my bros are back in the states so we cant talk much. Thanks for listening and commenting. It helps user.

I miss the yurus bros

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