How do you stop being bitter towards women after getting Jow Forums?

How do you stop being bitter towards women after getting Jow Forums?

Got redpilled the hard way, it is really all about looks.

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Get gud or get rekt, idiot. Do you think being bitter will increase your chances or hurt them even further?

fuck them and treat them like shit

i was fat during high school, i was neet for 2 years before univesirty, i started lifting and losing weight before that, by the time i got to university i was fucking huge. i met this cute shiy girl, the most innocent girl you could imagine. at the time she was in a relationship with her first and only bf. i made her cheat on him, she broke up, we dated for 1 month then i dumped her. i think i was somewhat in love but making her cry when i told her i dont want to see her anymore gave me such a good feeling

fuck women

being bitter towards women wont get you laid
dont listen to this guy, hes either an incel or a fag. probably both.

women just are the way that they are, there is no sense in being angry at them for it.

>Got redpilled the hard way, it is really all about looks.
>implying you'd ever fuck an ugly girl

i know it sounds pathetic but it gave me a feeling of redemption after being ignored by women all through high school. getting bullied and ignored by women made me a narcissist

>i was neet for 2 years before univesirty

You still sound like a neet

>being bitter towards women wont get you laid

I know, that's why ask, women used to treat me like shit because i was fat, now it makes me angry that even the same girls who used to treat me like shit now do the opposite.

law student btw

woman treated you like shit because when you were fat, you treated yourself like shit. you got what you wanted.

think about it.

Realize you're just as shallow, and wouldn't date a fat chick. Don't be a hypocrite.

Not all those who aren't fit are fat

You can eat in limits, and have physical activity by virtue of your lifestyle but not be fit.

I couldn't put a goddamn pound on myself when I was younger, and I worked out trying. I was all hard but scrawny. Doesn't really look attractive compared to the slightly more bulky look

he didn't go around them bullying them the way hot girls will guys they deem "unfuckable"

Yea but i never treat them like shit.

not all hot girls are bullies, some hot guys bully ugly girls
do you guys live in some high school 'mean girls' tier drama movies where only pretty girls are cunts? literally everyone can be a cunt under the right conditions

>egalitarian response
>everything is equal
load of crap. guys never bullied the ugly girls in high school. they just avoided them. or were forced to date them due to hypergamy.

>guys never bullied the ugly girls in high school.
lol nice data. I've never seen a girl bully a guy at any stage of education, the bullies were always boys(except there were practically zero bullies in high school, everyone seemed to have got their shit together more or less). now she, we've both presented anectodal evidence but it only plays in favour of my argument: everyone can be a cunt

I've been beaten in school beeing an ugly duckling. I'm now easily a fit 8.5/10 and he was a chad back then.

Another one actually molested me, so go figure what's worse. Getting told you're a fat fuck or beeing treated like a beanbag because a woman is worthless without looks. At least man can generate value through other means, nobody gives a shit if a fat chick is funny or has brainz.

We're all assholes if we can get away with it. Women go for phsycho terror, men for actual bodily harm for obvious reasons.

>ugly girls never get bullied

there was this ugly girl in my class that got bullied by our alpha chad and then everyone started bullying her.

yeah this. the bullies at my school were always boys

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guys and girls bully in completely different ways. the psychotic fashion in which teenage girls bully each other is just another level of fuckery.

the type of bully who walks around being rude to people in public is pretty much universally a guy though

I have no idea why Jow Forums complains about them so much. Women are cute and fun to be around. Just get some girl friends, hang out with them, have sex with one. Jesus it's just not that difficult.

I was around 5'1" or 5'2" when I was 16 and most girls rejected me for being a mega manlet. But they never treated me like shit. At worst I was either ignored or just told I was not attractive enough. Still had a few girlfriends anyway. None of it even matters anymore.

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if you believe the opposite sex only cares about looks you'll just put yourself in situations with people who only care about looks

It's so much more about status than looks.

Get a graduate degree and spend your spare time fucking college girls now that you have your shit together and an excuse to be involved in campus life.

Then graduate, make money and fuck foreign girls.

this, the kind of psychological warfare and devilish trickery going on between girls is terrifying, some of them are capable of destroying a person given the opportunity

They're annoying, i just want to fuck.

This is kind of how I feel, except I was scrawny. I was a pajeet with an italian jersey accent in a land of rich snobby peeps because of the school being as such. Girls did bully me, but more indirectly by daring other girls to hit on me. I was the tool of girls to bully other girls essentially, let alone all the other bullying going on.
Between being the only brown guy there and being scrawny, I was somewhat ostracized.

Now basically almost 7 years later I have an attractive gf who enjoys playing vidya and watching anime and what not. We both make 75kish as engineers, we travel together, help each other with problems. It's nice.

Knew her as a good friend in college, but she wasn't into me until I got fitter ( came back from summer vacation with a lot more muscle. Dad pushed the importance of getting fitter because appearance matters. So I said why not, started looking at Jow Forums more, etc... )

It still bothers me a bit. We were great friends who helped each other with all sorts of stuff, and she even tried setting me up with her friends ( 3 attempts, none panned out )... but she didn't make a move on me until I got fit.

She said she always liked me, but if that was true, she would've been flirtier when I wasn't fit right? I don't even know why this bothers me so much, let alone why this post made me want to vent it somewhere.

The attention I get now vs back then just makes me feel shitty about humanity/myself. It wasn't like I was not taking care of myself when I was younger, I just hadn't put muscle on. I liked coding and building robots more. And all of a sudden girls are interested me towards the end of college when I've put on muscle? I'm not even that social, I prefer to save money, play vidya, learn things in my spare time. And ONE SUPERFICIAL CHANGE precipitated the change I wanted, which was not being a super virgin.

I don't know. It comes back to if girls/my gf are really interested in me for me or fact I'm finally earning + fitter than before?

I apologize for going all pathetic like that, but I mean something about this thread made me want to actually talk my mind on that for once. I'll let you all judge my attractiveness.

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No sense in trying desu. Just move on and get a trap gf like everyone else who has a shred of sense left. It's like having a very good friend (male) who happens to look like a cute female.

Post height, weight, current lifts, and show hair so Jow Forumscel can accurately assess your value

I like your mustache

i wouldnt say its made me hate women at all

but suddenly the urgency is gone. i feel like i can get them whenever so in practice i dont bother getting them at all, dont drink, dont go out ever. its retarded

> Is mad women want a handsome guy
> Wants a hot chick and doesn't want to date a fatty

I'm sorry to say you're both hypocritical and autistic.

Don't take it personal, that's how nature works. Everyone is trying to get the most suitable partner and a fat, autistic, boring neet is the biggest turn off for a woman.

Good for you if you came to your senses and started to improve not only your body but your mind aswell. The next step is to "git gud" at social interaction and find yourself a top notch qt.

Seriously don't take it personal, ask yourself this: if you where Jow Forums in your puberty and teen years who would you rather date, the fat, pasty, smelly, borderline crazy, furfag tumblr ugly chic or the thin, funny, smart and good looking normie girl?

I'm really looking forward to glo-ing up and breaking out skinnyfat/fat mode. I just want all the girls who weren't really interested in me in the past to want me, maybe bang a couple, then leave them behind. I want to feel what it's like to have a great body in my early 20's and the benefits that come with that.

>"Ur so weird lol *laughing emoji*"
What did they mean by this?

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you'll make a good lawyer assuming you don't kill yourself from being miserable

lookin sikh bra

>who would you rather date

Yea date, but i won't treat her like shit just because i don't want to date her.

That's the point.

You look like you belong on the back of an elephant

Treat them badly and they'll love you for it

Met this little cute shy american girl. She was on exchange. She had a bf at home. Noo user, can't have sex. Suck me off was fine. ZFG, rape her (she in foreign country, like she knows legal stuff). She likes it. I don't get women, just fuck them

This. Redpill is ironic in the sense that it degrades women to "alpha chad fuckers" who are simple minded, yet your ultimate goal is to fuck them. Women are humans, and like you they have goals, dreams, and more importantly, they can fuck up like everyone else. Believing that all women are devils out to get you spawns irrational fear so you don't trust them. When you take all their tactics and replace the word "girl" with "enemy", how much of it stays the same?

tldr everyone is equal !11

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I can feel my dick getting heavier with every bob and pulse

nice joke anonchan

You grow the fuck up.

OP is retarded.

How do you up vote?

red pill is true for low quality woman, keep searching for a good one not a perfect one

Are you really just bitter with yourself?

It's not their fault they aren't attracted to a fatty.


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nice beard and tash


You say women suck but men on here are a hell of a lot more nasty to each other than women. It's not even banter

No reason to be bitter mate, it's just biology. Peacocks use feathers. Humans use aesthetics. The name of the game is procreation. Stop thinking like a fag.

don't let it fuck you up that became more attracted to you after you gained some size, FRAME is not a meme, don't hold her biology against her

Things that never happened