Tfw you lift hard for 6 months after being a skelly and then turn out to have shit chest genetics

Tfw you lift hard for 6 months after being a skelly and then turn out to have shit chest genetics

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just relocate your nipples

your nipples might have monocular vision but your chest looks huge for 6 months of lifting

I feel like it's my shoulders that are off

Tfw weird gap between my pecs

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Feels fucking bad man

You need to develop upper chest more! Do incline bench as your main chest lift for awhile, and do a lot of OHP-- this also hits your delts, which are severely lacking and will make you look a hell of a lot better

if your nipple placement is the worst thing about your genetics...than our nipple placement is the worst thing about your genetics...

You're not doing enough flyes. I can tell by upper pec development.

Reported. This is a blue board.

any tips on how to activate the upper chest more?

Just re-roll your genetics. Ez Pz

only plus side of my genetics is that im 6'4

pretend they're almonds

Ok sensei

It's your shoulders and traps that are fucked. Work on them and it'll proportional.

it's okay bro, some women have retarded nipples too

Shit genetics are still better than Auschwitz mode.

Any fellow biceplets here? My bicep is so short that i can fit 4 fingers between the start of my bicep and my elbow. It creates a pretty big peak when doing front double biceps but other than that it sucks

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I'm a bodylet

Gee, you think?

my shoulders dont fucking grow, idk if i should blast test e ffs

I have shit bicep insertions, my right arm looks bigger than my left arm because of it. I can lift the same weight on both arms but my left bicep insertion isn't the same as my right arm

Don't worry about it, go to a beach and you will see that most people have shit tier chest insertions, the square, no gap bodybuilder looks is very rare no matter how much actual chest muscle you have.

I have the exact same thing. When i tense my pecs the right pec is almost sucked down and to the right, under my arm pit. Ive had numerous injuries to both my shoulders, we're talking like 6 dislocations a piece.

same. Recently I thought maybe its because I trained the inside bicep more on the right and outer one more on the right side.
see if one of your arms looks wider from the front view than the other.


looks like scooby chest

>he fell for the bench only meme

Dude, bad posture and bad training routine are not genetics.
Is not only your right chest that looks weird. All your right side. But it is common. Yours is just more visible because of the fast gains.
Try stretch your chest more, and strength your back and shoulders. It will help with compensation during your chest exercise, keep your posture in check all the time, reduce the weight to avoid overcompensating with other muscles groups. You can try to do some extra reps with your left side for a month or two, like 2 or 3 not double.

hi scooby

do i have scoliosis? any specific moments i should do? definitely will focus up on back and delts

so what, who cares? you'll be fine my guy and i doubt most people would notice

you're fine man, normies wont care. scooby has the same tit positioning

>tfw had appendectomy in my early teens
>tfw the scar tissue makes it impossible to work out my right side abs.
>still dealing with abdominal adhesion.

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I can fit 3 fingers user. My biceps look like shit without a pump then when I flex they look fucking massive . fuck my genetics

Hoy, what are you saying?

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