Why do girls prefer abs over any other muscle?

Why do girls prefer abs over any other muscle?

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Abs require muscle with low bf% and a man with muscle and low bf% instinctively appears to be a man who does work.

evolutionary desire for a strong mate

> Caring what cumdumpsters want
Not gonna make it

It makes their ginys tingle

sublimily signals thrusting power

>implying they don’t prefer dad bod over it

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They are an indicator of overall fitness. Like it or not, bloatmaxx is probably gonna die long before otter man

they dont u fuckn virgin


If you can't see your abs, you're gonna die of fat heart

Bloatmaxx will live forever cuck-boy

Because it's comfier to stare at a 6-pack when you're sucking some dick

how cut do i need to be to be ripped by normie standards? i hate cutting and feeling weak and it's not like i'm competing.

That would be your ass though, which is what women actually like.


can confirm no homer tho


They don't, most girls I talked to say they like biceps/triceps more.

12%ish, when you have some visible abs but doesnt look like your a diet freak

>diet freak

cope more fatty

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Just eat a bunch of salads with high-nutrient diet, like kale, spinach, carrots, peppers, berries, seeds, apples, beans, onions, and sometimes tuna/sardines - low-fat dressings too are easy to make - I grind up cashews or almonds with apple juice and squeezed lemon juice.

Normies are easy to impress

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Not a whole lot. Showed a normie friend a pic and she said it something about it being a "goal body". I'm super dyel btw. Guess it depends on who the normie is.

I don't. I like big legs and dat overall balanced physique.

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Dieting tips senpai?

Is the difference here in the lat development? i.e. the left has large lats and the right doesn't? also post more of these drawings I like them. I think I remember one from a while ago comparing large vs small calves.

It looks like low vs high lat insertion to me

>high testosterone = increased muscle mass + lower body fat
>abdominal region is fattiest part of the body
>visible abdominal muscles = a compounded indicator of masculinity (low bodyfat + additional visible muscle mass)
It's biologically based preference.

Coincidentally, the best indicator for female attractiveness is hip-to-waist ratio of around 0.7 because it indicates fertility (high estrogen + not pregnant).

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Fucking this, you guys gotta stop caring about what women think and want.

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evidently so am i

Because they've been told over and over again that its a desired feature

because girls dont know the names of many muscles.
Abs is what a lot of girls refer to as muscles in general. They arent gonna be like sick traps, they are gonna say nice abs aka nice muscles.

Am I the only one that wears their swim trunks at the waist? What the fuck is this fucc boi shit?

>taking bait this obvious
fucking brainlet


chicks dig the adonis belt user

shave that disgusting shit

Because they're hard as fuck to get, even harder to keep, associate with their insecurities about bf%, reminds them about thrusting like hips on women and they basically point to your cock

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>he doesn't enjoy running his tongue up some toned smooth abs

humans evolved to run long distances. the less you weigh, the better you run. its that simple

fit may disagree with me but women would prefer a cheetahmode over a fat but jacked lionmode for the reasons i stated previously

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i hate this pose but its the best pose if you have decent abs

>I like big legs

This sister gets it.

Abs are pretty much up there but in my experience, girls love broad shoulders more.

I have both and a similar physique to pic. But girls will always choose to rub my shoulders over my abs.

I should do a poll actually. I'm going to start doing that.

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Girls don't like your type of abs as much prefer otter

My gf says she likes delts, pecs, and quads way more than she likes abs.


because women are retarded

i still can't comprehend how literal 4/10 fuck 8-10/10 dudes with full abs ottermode

so far in my experience women more beautiful date more average looking guys. but shouldnt it be that average women date average men?

or is it all entitlement?

TFW low lat insertions.

he's obviously pulling them down for the photo

not true. Every in the club this past few weeks (recently cut like 10% body fat and gained confidence to go out and have fun in like 3-4 months), even a girl I've been fooling around that has a boyfriend ALWAYS compliment me on my back (thank you heavy deadlifts) and my biceps (thank you based rows). Girls under 19 like abs. 20+ girls love bigger men.

>shouldnt it be that average women date average men?

The average woman is not equal to the average man. Women date up and across, men date down and across. Pussy is more expensive than dick and women have no issue dating men a couple points higher than themselves.

because women believe you can get abs just by doing a lot of crunches, and that abs result in someone who exercises a lot. So all in all - these thots are completely brainless bafoons who lust for washboard dicks with no idea how anything actually works out of fantasy.

But always remember, women do not function mainly by logic but by emotional contemplation and herding behavior