How much time do you spend looking yourself in the mirror each day?

How much time do you spend looking yourself in the mirror each day?

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i have body dysmorphia so a truly incredible amount of time. sometimes i just put my mirror in front of my bed and stare at myself almost the entire day

I spend more time in front of mirrors than any gent should, because let's face it, one on one is more fun anyway, and everybody knows it. But I'm not so proud, and I'll never be the one to brag about how I just give myself the shivers,
and that's what you get when you think about her.

So about 20 minutes per day maybe

i try look at myself in the worst angle, worst possible lighting i can and use that as a motivator

I guess 20 to 30mins a day total

Is there actually something wrong with your body or are you just paranoid

when cutting weight, 5 minutes a day while i call myself a fatass

when bulking, 2 minutes a day

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post body so i can internet bully you

until i orgasm

Is this a symptom i do this alot but i have cut for nearly 300 pounds to 195

i am the reflect on the mirror: the alter ego visits me 5-10 min a day

I look at my self in every reflection I walk by.. feels awkward man

Every time I walk past a reflection I look at it. When I’m alone I just stand in front of the mirror for a few minutes often.

330 to 235 here doing the same shit

>be me
>takin a piss
>pull shirt off for a quick gander
>flexin all kindsa pecs
>catch my eyes in the mirror
>vow to stop miring myself like this because it's vain and feminine
>do the exact same thing next piss
>tell people i lift purely for strength, lifting for aesthetics is gay

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Your body image scheme in your brain changes a lot slower than your weight loss progress. You may reach your goal and still obsess over how you look purely because your brain didn't adjust yet to the new you. This is known as phantom fat, so give your brain a few more months to recalibrate your self-perception before you think you have body dysmorphia. Bear in mind that it could take up to full year after reaching your goal for your brain to make the changes, especially if you've been fat in your childhood when the self-image cements. A method of making the process faster is to rub something on your skin or even massage yourself. Every part of you. This enables the brain to map the new body faster, thus improving your perception and giving you the confidence boost you so desire from lifting

Maybe like two minutes? I already know what I look like so anything beyond a short mire 'n' flex gets boring.

this is normal

5 min in the morning. Then every second while I'm at the gym. We have mirrors everywhere in my gym kek

This is the correct answer

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I unironically took down my mirrors cause it was getting in the way of my NoFap

i look so fucking hot. I'm not even gay

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you may have some problems

You just jelly of my bubbly glutes and rock hard pecs

that's so fucking hot....

I'd worship you, too

Pic! Now!