What did you eat today, Jow Forums?

What did you eat today, Jow Forums?

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your mom

's mom

Learn to cook, lazy faggot.


I keep a bookmarked tab open of a calculator that I just add numbers into my overall daily intake, I have to eat like 3.2k minimum daily to gain weight and escape skelly mode.

So far I'm at 2,220

A bunch of fried chicken from popeye's.

Some rice and chicken leftover from yesterday. Now I'm fasting for 24 hours but I'll try to make it to 48.

how to burn out 101


>flour tortilla
Yesss... Good goy... Eat your 12 servings of grains ... Whole grains prevent diabetes... Eat this cereal... Yessss

4 sweet potatoes.

>fat free

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Breakfast: sesame seed bread roll; about 35g herb cream cheese

L: latte macchiato, chocolate muffin

D:noodle, chicken and veggie stir fry.

4 bites of my gain goblins Ben and Jerrys ice cream. (~1/8 of the pint)

>those are the people that give you fitness and nutrition advices

>He still thinks fat is bad

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> six servings of frosted mini wheats
> Two cups of 1% milk
> 4 frosted strawberry pop tarts
> Bacon cheeseburger from Sonic
> Four mozzarella sticks
> Three slices of pepperoni pizza
> Half a container of Ben and Jerry's
Not my finest hours tbqh. Six months of cutting and I'm fucking starving.

>Drinking milk

>t. shitskin

2 pieces of cold pizza
A bowl of homemade chicken and wild rice soup
A nasty flavor La Croix
A little Belgioso cheese wheel
Some turkey lunchmeat slices
A handful of trail mix

Craving some shitty Chinese food now but I know I don't need to be spending money and it's fucking terrible for me.

>Tfw I'm Danish

>large burrito 210
>steak strips 259
can’t wait for you to come back in a month saying calories in calories out doesn’t work

>t. mohammad

Fit my calories for the most part but the macros were shit. Still lifted 5kg heavier in almost everything compared to good days with enough protein. Was It the carbs?

whiter than you, achmed

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I’m all about the 14 words but wtf is bad about grains

Or maybe it went in the cereal?

>not using cronometer

How is it sucking dick?

> fat free cheese


>cup of kefir
>75g pineapple
>90g kiwi
>3oz roasted almonds
>1oz pepper jack cheese
>360 grams of some chili I made (45g carbs, 24g fat, 31g protein)
>150g raw broccoli
>100g raw spinach
>16oz almond milk
>2 scoops of protein

Sitting pretty good. About to make a ham egg and cheese omelette for dinner.

>been taking sips of water from my gallon all day
im never gonna make it boyos

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15g 100% cacao dark chocolate, 80 calories
1 banana, 120 calories
1 scoop whey, 120 calories
8oz nonfat skyr, 140 calories
1 serving oats, 150 calories

salad made with 60g spinach, 42g snap peas, a package of flavored tuna, and dressing, 215 calories
175g green peas, 140 calories
200g broccoli, steamed, 70 calories
1 can of sardines in hot sauce, 120 calories
8oz 2% milkfat cottage cheese, 180 calories
100g strawberries, 33 calories
100g raspberries, 53 calories

1 pint chocolate-covered banana-flavored Halo Top ice cream, 280 calories

1,701 calories, 145g of protein, 43.5g of dietary fiber

Activated or non activated almonds?