Do you honestly believe you stand a chance in getting a qt 3.14 gf like pic related

>Do you honestly believe you stand a chance in getting a qt 3.14 gf like pic related

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Of course not I browse Jow Forums regularly

>implying her life is more interesting than other random stacies just because she did a photo shoot

these are just regular good looking young girls.
if they're like 90% of women, they wont take care of themselves and will look like shit once out of their 20s


absolutely theyre like any other roastie

They're pretty, but not qt.
If you take a picture like that, your qt card gets instantly revoked.


Do you honestly believe anyone cares? Fuck off faggot.

She wouldn't have a chance with me, those disgusting saggy tits. Yuck.

Nothing a good fake cast to the head and some ropes won't fix.

This type of chick is definitely hot or sexy or whatever, but not my type. I’d rather have a really short brown or black haired chick with tattoos that wears band shirts and jeans. She can be skinny fat and preferably pale. Don’t know if this is bad taste but this type of chick gives me insta-boners.


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Tattoos are a huge turn off for me, they're so trashy I cannot fathom how anyone could get one.

>asymmetrical features, probably fucked 20 dudes
I prefer my wholesome, qt faithful gf thanks, THOTS deserve the death penalty

Are you insane?

You would stand a chance with a beautiful goddess like that.

Just imagine, the chance to kiss her and tell her how sensual she is. Divine.

I post on Jow Forums . The only way I am getting chicks like these is if I have them hog tied in my garage.

Honestly I don’t know if I want a girl like that, now don’t get me wrong they are some dam fine eye candy, but that’s it. Much like the beauty of nature it’s best just to observe because when you fuck with nature you always loose. It will seem awesome at first like “dam look at that chick user is with” until you get to know her well at which point you will realize that they are so devoid of anything of substance, all of which is lost to generation identity, and the social currency that is likes and follows.
God, I wish I understood social media

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Of course. Your problem is that you treat attractive women different from uggos. Women feel when you’re insecure around them and it’s an immediate dead end for any possible relationship with end

how did you get thot out of asymmetrical features ?

what saggy tits??? are you blind or stupid


But I don't care anymore. I'm more focused on myself anyway. I always have been. If I ever find a girl I like, then it happens. If not then it doesn't. So far every girl I've talked to has been shallow and full of themselves.

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Also WHAT asymmetrical features? the photo was taken on an angle how can you even tell

Maybe, not one that's slutty that like that though. Sometimes you just get lucky and find a nice girl that's really hot that doesn't leave the house very much.

Theres this one girl who I use to work with who was super hot, and like I said didn't really go out too much kind of wholesome type. She ended up getting engaged to her old supervisor there who is like probably 10+years older than her like 5'4 and fat. Mind you she is like probably 5'7, 5'8. Sometimes you just get lucky.


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i lost from the start since im 5'4 and had shitty genetics.

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She's way too old.

I had a girl that wasn't like this, she found someone more interesting and that's just how life goes. Don't worry boss we'll find em eventually as long as we focus on ourselves (money, appearance upkeep, interesting)

t. Never seen tits

Of course not, those girls are 10/10s. That would take way to much work and they're by necessity shallow if they spend all that time on their appearance, why not just settle down with someone below your league. Sounds much more comfy and enjoyable.

Why would I want one? They probably have hobbies that I hate, and they also probably won't enjoy the things I do.

Crease under right breast and bikini is too small (see strap under her left arm) are dead giveaways.

Girl on left is a 9.3 and girl on right is 8.4

Yes and I have to bang a chick like that because white women are hnnngh.

I suppose I ultimately think this way. However, it's not like a good thing will fall from the sky. I don't go out of my way to meet girls, not even a little bit. So it is very unlikely that a decent girl will ever ask me out.

i consider my self maybe 6.5 out of 10. i am 6'4 and have a decent paying job 26. I have banged one of these so called girls guys dream of. Not going to lie amazing but holy shit one of the worst most privileged fucking girls i have ever had a convo with. She never had to try in life ever basically. Never had to try in school . Rich old guys literally give her stuff. She teaches pre k. Rich old guys take their kids there to stare at her . I dont want to ever be involved with a girl like this ever again . Only the ones that were ugly ducklings are ok to even have a talk too


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naw not my type.