Small waist

>small waist
>large hips
>thight ass

it is EXTREMELY easy to point out what men like about a woman's body, why can't i fucking indicate what exactly women like about men?

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FRAME (broad shoulders, narrow waist, arms, forearms.)

WHO Is that

height face frame you stupid faggot

just because you don't have any of them doesn't mean that's not what they want

>narrow waist
define narrow waist because the average american waist is 40 inches and im well below that


Are you retarded? No full grown (no manlets) man, ripped or not, has hips less than 32".

Women are judged by their fertility. Men are judged by their utility.

Found the american

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My pants are 30s

>thight ass
my nigga

I'm a 6'2" murrican, size 32.

You're just fat user

First of all, lifting for women is probably the most pathetic thing you can do. Women can smell insecurity from a mile away.
The thing women hate more than anything is a guy who is super obsessive about his body. Literally if any girl heard you talking about getting your waist or hips smaller or to a certain measurement her pussy would dry up faster than you can blink an eye. If you really obsess over this shit and you're not a competitive bodybuilder you have some real fucking issues with body image and overall self esteem.

If you're muscular, decently fit, and more or less have a filled out v-ish shape, you will do fine, but only if it's coupled with CONFIDENCE.
Remember, there are guys who are 25% bodyfat, drink beer daily, lift whenever, and eat like shit who get more pussy than most of Jow Forums combined.

thats not less than 32'

i never implied i do anything for women in my post, i just wanted to know what a small waist means

>why can't i fucking indicate what exactly women like about men?
Because they don't even know.

whats better for girls?
>large titties
>small waist
>large hips
>thight ass

it means not having a gut

All. The more features the better.

everything in this post stands

You must be retarded. Pants are non-uniform across brands and insanely vanity-sized.

Size 32 pants means that the pants waist circumference is at LEAST 34-35 you mong. Seriously, take out your pants and measure them.

This is true but it's also part of the game. You have to look/be fit without seeming like you're trying to be fit. You have to be funny without seeming like you're trying to be funny. You have to be good with girls without seeming like you're consciously trying.

Size 30 in Canada. I don't know about fat fuck americans, but my pants from different brands are mostly the same size.

women crave powerful and dedicated men:
military power
social connections
prestigious career
etc. you get the idea...

If that's true then everyone with kleinfelters would be considered with a small waist regardless of their goddess hips

Post pic of your so-called 30" hips with tape measure

Women like Tall, muscular, lean, big men. In that order. That's just talking face but if you're big and jacked you could still be ugly and get a hot gf.

Dude levis usually tell you how long and what circumference they are.

tall face lean muscular is the proper order

Because women only care about that when their hormones tell them to. Otherwise your ability to support them and their children are more important indicators.

that's only part of it, looking good only fulfills social status/power.
women crave any kind of powerful man. you can be ugly as fuck and still have a 10/10 trophy wife if you're the head honcho of a giant corporation with thousands of workers under your chain of command.

Women are run by hormones and emotions, seriously they think differently if they are ovulating or not, they are not like us don't even compare the two

tittes are overrated you date one girl with double Ds and you have experienced all you need bro, others are more important, unless you are a queer with a mommy fetish

Women like thick, powerful calf muscles that they can kiss and massage. Do calf raises to make your set real nice, then wear board shorts so women can look at them. You’ll see.

>This is true but it's also part of the game. You have to look/be fit without seeming like you're trying to be fit. You have to be funny without seeming like you're trying to be funny. You have to be good with girls without seeming like you're consciously trying.

The trick is to just stop giving a fuck about impressing girls. You can strive for strength and fitness and even aesthetics but always do it for yourself. that is the type of confidence that makes girls wet

>I have birthing hips, if you don’t then you’re not real or not a man.

Pant sizes are in inches you absolute fucking brainlet. Inches don’t change across brands. How tight thighs/calves/crotch does, but that’s not what the fucking sizes indicate.


>Pant sizes are in inches you absolute fucking brainlet
no they are not. at all not all of them


We're talking about bodies though.

Big deltoids, good posture, good haircut and no gut go a long way.

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They like money.

Who knows?

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But, really, who knows?

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Woman (NEWSFLASH) are not like men. They don't have the same brain contrary to what society tells us. They're more turned on by vibe (not even necessarily words) & emotion much more than visuals.

They like "status". That does not necessarily mean wealth. Look into it.

Samefag as the last post but THIS. They can't tell you.

>not having a trainwreck face
>being in a social position relative to other men that is advantageous
>above 6' manlet cutoff

if you have 3-4 out of these 6 things you can get laid assuming you talk to any women ever

I dunno about you guys but I'm gonna be real here. My pants size says 34 so I'm gonna assume that's the inches too and honestly I've always been pleased with my hip size because it looks very narrow to me.

Tell me if I'm legit or just stupid



thats what the centimeter measuring tape says when i measure my cock length

i wonder what that is in inches..

Most important to least important
1. Status (essentially being well-known to the average joe; celebrity status)
2. Money
3. Alpha personality (passes her shit-tests essentially)
4. Tall
5. Handsome
6. Big dick/ good fuck
7. Kinky

And best believe that she will still be looking for another guy even if you bring all this to the table. She will get bored and will want someone new and with more money.

Divide by 2.54 and the answer'll be you're a fag

Because it's not physical, women want social status and the ability to get more of it.

Stop posting these stupid fucking threads every day

Don't lift for women because they don't give a shit, a good body is a side effect of discipline which is what they actually care about

>Been working at fast food job since age 17
>No college degree
>Have like $4k saved up but no car

A-at least I fucked a few girls before they went on to their beta providers that are rolling the the do$h

>Been working at fast food job since age 17
>No college degree
>I-I-I want $15 an hour user

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taller than them
shoulders wider than hips
strong facial features

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Nah i'm good with my pay ($10/hr). I really don't do shit at my job

That's a waist measurement, not a hip measurement

>Are you retarded? No full grown (no fatties) woman, good fat distribution or not, has boobs larger than a C cup.

6' 170lbs 30" hips and I look like a regular fit human being.

>he's a female in America

It has to be narrow compared to your shoulders

Putting 'kinky' on the list invalidated it. Girls don't want some guy with a BDSM or piss fetish.

for first option all you need to do is be a landwhale

Strength is #1, the rest changes over time.

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its all about where you are on the dominance hierarchy
in no particular order

> my niggath

A women with a perfect body is far leagues ahead of a male with a perfect body

We are talking about equivalents

>We are talking about equivalents

What makes woman go crazy in the same way a women with small waist, large hips and a tight ass makes men go crazy for them

Let me tell you it's not looks

The hottest women in the world are dating rich and powerful men not male models

That still doesn't explain anything.

Men and women are not equals in this way and even the attempt to draw parallels like this is ridiculous.

Women aren't wholly about visual attraction like us so there's a lot more variation. I'd say in general though any dude who can dress to compliment their physique and generally looks well-put together has a really good chance regardless of fit level

because women are autistic and perpetual borderline children

>Have LITERALLY NONE of these things
>Get laid regularly.


>Fucks whales
>Fucks Craigslist m4m posters
>Fucks roadkill
>Fucks his own hand
>Proceeds to make this post


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if you have none of those things you should either kill yourself or look yourself in the mirror and stop estatting about having sex with women on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. If you have a girlfriend and only have sex with her it doesn't count.

This is what men want.

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that's a dude m8

Wow nothing gets past this guy right here folks

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its the exact opposite you literal fucking retard, men are attracted to every type of woman there is, even fat ham beasts and skeletons. all women want a very specific type of guy, and that is tall, strong jaw, wide frame.
just because you see girls with ugly dudes doesnt mean it isnt true, it just means theyre not in a position to have a guy like that at the moment, or theyre 1/10 ugly creatures

/fat/ is that way

The thing is while this is true, women's tastes are all over the place. You find tons of attractive women with men who arent remotely as attractive or rich

Women see men as kids sometimes, and with kids, you can be an ugly fucket but mommy will still love you


funy meem

>Wide Shoulders
>Deep V abs.
>Phat wallet
Pretty simple, user.

High on the dominance hierarchy
Can be in terms of wealth, social standing, intellect, creativity, strength, appearance.
This is why the rich nerdy silicon valley type gets girls, but also the lead guitarist of a band, the athlete, the socialite etc.

But looks wise, there's 2 looks that are attractive, 'nurturing' handsome boy zac efron type, or chris hemsworth alpha buff type

There are virgins that get more pussy than Jow Forums combined

I want a thicc waist like my ancient Greek bros thought was ideal.

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What's her (male) routine for those hips damn?

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childhood hrt

Im 6'2, have a 31" waist and a shoulder/waist proportion of around 1,7. You mad?

>broad shoulders
>big arms

Have literally all those things
get laid never

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my hips are 30 inches and my waist is 27 inches. umadbro

>strong jaw
>height is definitely attractive
>broad shoulders

Honestly though, women's tastes are definitely way more varied than men's tastes. Most women seem to have pretty specific likes and dislikes.

So you are poor, not tall, ugly face, shitty job and you still get laid, not likely!

>you can be ugly as fuck and still have a 10/10 trophy wife

At that point, you basically have a live in prostitute. And physiognomy is VERY real, dude. You're highly unlikely to be the head of a corporation if you're an ugly manlet with no frame.

Chads are born, and they always win.

>Women, when asked in a study to judge photos of men's bodies, rated the strongest men as the most attractive. Height and leanness were appealing attributes, too, but strength played an outsize role in the ratings of a man's torso

So there you have HEIGHT and FRAME. I think FACE is obvious to anyone. Anyone who tries to deny this by talking about "status" is coping, HARD.

HEIGHT, FACE, and FRAME usually bring status anyway because people who are attractive get more breaks and more opportunities in life. You need at least 2 out of the 3 to really be successful. 1 out of the 3 is going to be an uphill struggle, but you can live a comfortable life. If you have 0 out of 3, just move to the Philippines and fuck hookers.