Another personality thread

Another personality thread
I recently went from istj to esfj, all my "stats" are pretty much in the middle. Is this better or worse do you think?


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Maybe you were an ESFJ all along, just too beta to express yourself

who gives a fuck as long as youre swole

Well, that would explain the I changing, but not the t.

Or well, maybe I just realised thoughts and ideas arnt 2d and I should incorporate feeling? It's like 51% feel so idk

ISFP reporting. What's good, niggas?

>I recently went from istj to esfj
you have no idea what any of those letters actually mean do you?

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I've done the test so many times, and I always end up being INTP.

>OP's personality type: Faggot

Nice try FBI




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INTP, at the extreme of each letter. Though, these personality tests have only a bit more science actually supporting them than horoscopes do.

My male horoscope is ISTP as always.

> all my "stats" are pretty much in the middle.

Literally the best way to ensure none of the descriptions match you. The descriptions only really fit you if you're very defined, and are something like 70% Extroverted rather than 54% Extroverted. I'm in the middle for a lot of these too. I'm 51% Introverted, and while I don't normally instigate social events, I feel comfortable being out in public interacting with other people.

Being asocial with god-tier social skills and no misanthropy is the only way to go.

>tfw fucking a bossy entj girl who loves to be submissive in bed

never wanna let her go brehs

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What’s better is genetics. Any feels from my Anglo-Germanic brethrens?

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This shit is just astrology for people who think they're too smart for astrology

ISTP -A here

>north africa
Amerimutts please leave.

It's just a fun little personality test
Don't get mad lmao

Istj here. We don't see enough of us.

ENTP here, I love it, but sometimes I need to restrain myself.

Also rolling

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Meant to post this, that one's still good though.

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>that ESFP
Seriously, this is 100% fucking accurate to every girl I have ever met who is this type.


Na I know em. Learned it in class


That's from my head so idk if it's 100%

Custom pepe plz no steal

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ENTP is master race.

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fellow entp reporting
god theres nothing i love more than fricken epically p0wning libtards in debates, awesome style


Based, fellow kekistani!! Maga!!

hello fellow alcohol powered robot how are your servos doing today?

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sa me brooo


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Bretty fucking good dude how are you?

Teetering on the edge of 2 of them.


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INFJ master race

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So it turns out I am intelligent, nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humor.

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it means your personality falls in both categories depending on your mood
ive done the test a couple of times on different occasions, and mine falls between infj and intj.

humans are very diverse, you cant expect all of us to be put into 16 categories

U nigga wanna keep albino Apu Apustaja all for yourself? Suck my cock instead


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I always get this or executive when I do the stupid test.