>drive to gym
>forgot headphones
Drive to gym
listen to your breathing
listen to someone else breathing
listen to the grunts
find the rythm
Listen to the BRRRAAAPPSSS
listen to your personal soundtrack in your head.
Listen to your heart
Is it weird that I never listen to music or anything at the gym? It distracts me and is usually just annoying.
I also keep my phone in the locker.
>tfw swishing my saliva to the tunes of my vidya music
Thanks user. I forgot that I used to do this.
>be at gym
>laying into some Carl Satan Cosmos as my workout continues
>gets quieter, think nothing of it since I'm real into the moment
>grill taps shoulder on elliptical next to me
>headphones had disconnected
>phone blaring
>felt autistic for moment, she gives me odd look
> 'what are you listening to user'
>quickly spaghetti explanation
>she doesn't compute
>don't even feel autistic anymore, if she doesn't like Sagan it doesn't matter
>not walking to the gym
I march to german/japanese marches, or listen to smart podcasts while going to the gym.
(15-20 minute walk.)
that auto-correct tho
I used to do this when I was in high school and going for jogs. Couldn't afford a MP3 player
I unironically do this, but I help by humming the medley sometimes.
this nigga knows what's up
Based BRAAAAAAP poster
>ride all the way to the gym after hours
>forgot fucking access card
>ride all the way home
Just buy a cheap pair to keep in your car
lol you gym goers are so beta
I use speakers because I am alpha home gyn
>goto home gym
>dog keeps trying to sleep under the squat rack
shoo shoo gains goblin
Anyone else's voice's get higher when they wear their headphones? I stopped wearing them because of it.
This is why I never wear headphones. I don't need any distractions or external sources of motivation
>Not being the resident fat nigger who blasts shitty rap from 7 years ago on a speaker for everyone to hear in the weight room and lifts babyweight
>Making it
>if she doesn't like Sagan it doesn't matter
Indeed, begone thot.