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Yea, just trying to tone and sculpt my definition.
Don't want to get too big.

I like Rip, but he has no right to wear a lab coat or pretend to be a doctor of anything.

Yeah, I know it's shopped - I'm just saying. His approach is purely anecdotal. He CAN get you big and strong, but goddamn is he dug in on his ways and opinions.


"You're doing... 'Cardio'?"

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>”And you said you’re drinking.. a gallon? Of milk.. per day?”

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Are you sincerely autistic and trying to cope?

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It's simply true though.

>I’m sorry user but I don’t know what you expected
>your diet is too poor to be sustainable with only five meals per week
>It appears that a majority of your calories are coming from processed protein sources with little nutritional value

It's not shopped... it's one those... jokes... ever heard of em?


lmao, my uncle told me today thats all i need to do to get chicks and dont need to "get huge"

el goyim de las americas...

I bet he looks like pic related.

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>you thought women didnt care about height and its all about the personality? i'll have to diagnose you with retardation

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>His approach is purely anecdotal
t. hasn't read fucking any part of the book

I hate Adventure Time so goddamn much.

No surprise their fans are also fucking retarded.

Battletoad is 5'8"

If your not a turbo manlet his shit program works but much much much slower. There is a reason his book has no mentions of femur length and he can only teach low bar and conventional squats.

>I hate Adventure Time so goddamn much.



>"You're doing... 'Military Press'?"

is that literally riptletoe?

At started the whole "let's make retarded jokes and reference anime xD" shit for sad teenagers.

It was never good in any way and all the spergs that worked there just made more shit (Steven Universe post season 1, that cat cartoon scam, etc)

Who cares what he looks like, he has experience and knows what he's talking about. Respect your elders underage faggot.

I enjoyed Adventure Time for it being a kid's show. I'm not that reddit tier soyboy kind of person either. I thought it had some pretty fucking funny moments. I think it gets a little off track once in a while because the creator is a libfag, but I think Cartoon Network kept him in check. Like I'd heard he really wanted the princess and the vampire to be gay together, but CN wasn't having it, and the creator got all pissy about it.

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>"You're... 'cutting'?"

Hes right though

>Alright user, so just a quick question. Are you sexually active?

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>calling someone with a Doctor title, Mrs.
What a cunt


yes, ask my archaeologist.

d-define sexually active

Actually and I guess it proves im a loser for even asking. But does regular masturbation count as a yes?

He's not wrong.

No. They're concerned with issues arising from infections/stds/whatever from actual sex. That question refers to sex, if they want to know about your masturbation habits for prostate health or whatever reasons, they'll ask you directly.

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dady rip

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He is actually a scientist by qualification

What is his problem with the high bar squat actually? I fee nothing with the low bar squat.

How would people know she has a female doctor?