My friend David Hogg is looking for some workout tips, specifically he want's to work on his guns. Any tips for him Jow Forums?
My friend David Hogg is looking for some workout tips, specifically he want's to work on his guns...
Soy 1xfailure
His wrists look almost as big as his biceps. Hogg needs to eat like one and start lifting some damn weights.
Stop being a glowing cia nigger x failure
Not even joking this. Kid is spooky skeleton
Hogg's arms are so skinny they don't even look real.
>balding at age 17
>Of course we bullied him, he was so weird!
>You don't know, you didn't go to school with him.
this kid literally looks like anorexia on legs, look at this. jesus
he's not balding, he's just got a goofy shaped head.
>soyboy literally trying to ban my funs
I wish a nigga would.
Lmao why did they make her take her shoes and socks off
2 scoops of powdered laundry detergent in a bleach smoothie every morning.
Look at him on the magazine cover. The recession in the temples is extremely obvious
You could easily pin his arms to his sides and lick him all over his face.
He's cute honestly
choke on my dick until (heart) failure
5 x 5 of letting your mutt gf get fucked by tyrone
I hate the butch lesbian at the front, so damn much.
Which one would win in a fight?
If it happened on live television?
Jesus, they are fucking ugly. Race mixing was a mistake. My money's on xer.
Which of these two dudes, you mean? The guy on the right looks meaner, but the guy on the left looks angrier.
la goblina clearly
Le goblina is weaker put probably more vicious than Hogg. They've got the same test levels and Hogg will probably crumble after a little pressure
yeah... really dont know why that bitch is barefoot
The manufacturers of their acne medication
She said she did it because hippies did it and she wanted to do a callback to their movement. (not making this up)
"Muh anti-leather vegan stance, and I can try to stop stepping on bugs when I walk."
Hogg is one of the few people who could actually take full advantage of GOMAD.
>ostracized kid in school
>in interviews talked about how they thought he'd shoot up the school
>dumbass kid proceeds to shoot up school
>Oh man it's the guns there's no way it could be anything else!
every fucking year.
Asking the real questions
Hearty chuckle
>take picture that will be assoicated with you for the rest of your life
>don't wear shoes
>wear ripped jeans
How can anyone take these kids seriously?
Are ripped jeans back in? Maybe I still have mine somewhere.
I went back home to Parkland this weekend and the front hill behind Hogg in that picture looks like a graveyard. The once green grass is now completely sand and looks like a graveyard with the now removed memorials. It's hugely depressing and I'm extremely impressed with these young people exposing themselves to this unfortunately even crueler world.
>les goblina des america
This girl is seriously such a great poster child for that meme
She's the avatar of the current age. She IS 2018.
Race: Unidentifiable
Gender: Ambiguous
Sexuality: Indeterminate
Politics: Uninformed and confused
>actual children in charge of changes to the constitution
The world would be a safer place if everyone was armed. These stupid bootlickers are going to willingly let go of freedom
I hate how true this is. The fuck happened to our country
These people were born to be victims. And our society now idolizes victims.
people like you and the faggot you're responding to started getting triggered and upset by high school girls looking a different way than you would like them them to look. the absolute state of our country. I remember when adult men had careers and convictions and didn't concern themselves with such beta bullshit like getting triggered at a woman with short hair who has a lifestyle they agree with. do better, anons.
>balding as a senior in high school
busy flying all over the country making appearances on national media, i suppose. what do you do, again, user?
Jow Forums forgets how skinny a lot of teenagers are, GOMAD isn't a meme
It's weird since Jow Forums is mostly 15 year olds
Teenagers ARE skinny.
Hogg looks like a concentration camp survivor.
>I remember when adult men had careers and convictions and didn't concern themselves with such beta bullshit like getting triggered at a woman with short hair who has a lifestyle they agree with. do better, anons.
Yeah, those men ignored those kinds of people, and we're in the situation we're in because of precisely that. We ignored them, and they influenced policies and laws throughout the last 40 years.
>Politics: uninformed and confused
I don't think she's confused. Id bet my dick that she is a leftist
I looked like that when i was 15 and coming out of a big growth spurt. I was like 5'11 and 120 lbs. Hogg is 17 or 18 though and i was like 6'2 and 180 lbs by then
dat gap tho
>hating a high school student
imagine being this pathetic
Your daughter will be a Xe too huh
imagine, just imagine, being a teenager or early 20s on Jow Forums being this triggered by teenagers from a high school. imagine trying to comprehend being this pathetic
Jokes on you, I'm in my early 30's
Left to right
>Self-hating (likely upper middle class) white girl, which is symbolized with her being the only one lacking footwear.
>Angsty RATM/Korn-listening "fuck the system" skinnyfat. Doesn't actually support anything except bringing down the man
>run of the mill bulldyke
>chad's younger brother. Parents gave up on Ryan (depicted) when they found out Scott already had basketball, soccer, and STEM scholarships.
>stuck with a 12 year old face at 21 and the social skills of an autist due to overprotective parents keeping him sheltered until junior year in high school. Likely collects MtG, YuGiOh, or equivelant TCG for the sole purpose of casually expanding his collection.
no the joke is still on you
Your post was pretty pathetic.
no one is triggered. just you faggot
M8 what i never said those shit. 6'2 isnt tall if youre a white American(inb4 Amerimutt) just above average. Also i was skinnyfat as all hell and only started lifting when i was in college
Hes probably a manlet ignore him kek
imagine a society where the children determine the rights of adults.
>these are the people that will be responsible for the further destruction of civil rights and the constitution
I mean fuck, if they at least looked like Zyzz instead of the soy patrol I think I'd feel slightly better about it.
Why doesn't the largest one on the left there simply eat the other four?
1x kill crisis actor till failure. don't let them take your rights. after the guns comes speech. i should know.
DEATH TO AMERICA (unironically)
i dont go around talking out of my ass about shit i know nothing about
Eh, I honestly looked exactly like that until my 20s. My first driver's license at 16 had me at 6'0", 130 lbs. It never went above 150 until undergrada
What is this low test shit doing on Jow Forums?