>accidentally ate a whole jar of peanut butter again
>accidentally ate a whole jar of peanut butter again
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2 months
No you didn't, you fat fuck. Reap what you sew for your gluttony and lack of discipline.
sure thing fatso
who is the semen demon?
"Guiz! You should have seen it! I was walking past the kitchen and tripped. Somehow, that made me grab a spoon from the drawer, knock the peanut butter jar out of the pantry, spin it so the lid came off, and then bounce my hand and arm holding the spoon between the jar and my mouth 100 times. I accidentally ate the whole jar!"
Does anyone know when summer actually starts here?
I have no idea. It's still snowing where I'm at.
Do you not have any control over what you buy in the market you flaming faggot?
June 21
>mfw it's "almost summer" one week into spring
Huh, haven't seen this shitpost since last year. Summer is upon us already it seems.
It's a hundred degrees out
A cut is usually a few months long.
Which is also relative to a season such as spring, or winter if you will.
Kids gotta start now so he's "done" by the time summer comes around.
That being said I reckon if he doesn't have enough self control to stop eating peanut butter after a few spoons then id say he doesn't have the willpower to talk to all the birds he was initially planning on impressing with his summer body.
So yeah nah no bigggy op.
Also the spoon ended up in my ass
>tfw snow just barely started to melt
This but for six months is summer
You didn't "accidentally" eat anything, you lazy fat fuck. You made a conscious decision to eat that.
Stop making excuses for yourself or you'll never get anywhere.
I was above 20% body fat at the start of this year, now I have a nice pair of abs. Why? Because I put in the work. Did I fuck up at times? Yes, but I acknowledged it and moved forward.
>It's a hundred degrees out
Americlaps are literally retarded. A hundred degrees. The point at which water starts boiling. Go ahead and count in your fahrenheit,lbs,inches,feet,cubit and whatnot
>Anonymous 03/31/18(Sat)10:21:09 No.4
sauce me bitch
i just began bulking.. lol it's summer in 4 months.
3 months of bulking then a week or two of cutting and i'm set.
Ethan pls
Lilias right
>Lilias right
Come to Argentina, 9 months until summer
>i cant do math unless it is arbitrarily defined into easily divisible increments of 10
Who exactly is retarded?
I'm just fucking with ya, Imperial is dumb. It's a good thing Americans use metric as well as imperial, huh? Otherwise, all those scientific advances we spearheaded after we appropriated German scientists probably wouldn't have been much help to the rest of the world.
Nice, what are your endemic diseases there?
>accidentally ate a cubic light year of pudding
Water boils at 212 you dummy
Leftist governments, as usual
I was thinking about malaria and shit like that, but that sounds worse. Kek
The second you posted, buddy.
>Reap what you sew
Brainlet confirmed
no it's not. op's pic is some ukrainian chick
1. The only part of the world that is relevant is east coast USA, and it is currently March 31st, 11:40 AM
2. College semesters are finished by the start of May, so that is technically "summer break"
2a. If you're not in college or college aged (18-25) you honestly shouldn't even be concerned about "cutting for summer" as it's not relevant to you
3. East coast May is 80-90% of what mid summer is, meaning regularly 60-80s, or "summer weather"
4. Cutting takes at least a month (4-8 pounds lost, done right)
"Summer" is only 1 month away
>tfw given up on summer cutting to reach strength goals
its retarded to pretend summer starts at the solstice when may-june are the sunniest uk months
damn thats a lot
u rack dissaprine
If you can't control yourself, don't buy it. I generally don't get the hype around nut butter, because yeah, nuts are great and all when you put maybe 3 hazelnuts in your porridge, but I can't really think of any context in which nut butter is a good ingredient and not just “a healthier substitute for Nutella“
Specifically if your self control is shit, you just don't buy things that are that calorically dense. Go binge on apples or carrots! You'll puke before getting severely off track.
I accidentally ate 4 chocolate digestives
You still crashed a satellite on Mars because Lockheed decided to measure thrust in pound/second instead of N/s
Ninel Blagorodnykh
the hell kind of link is that?
$125 mil gone, just like that
fuckers should've given it to me instead
mootles thinks linking to that site is spam. it's ".hk" if that wasn't obvious
I'm a brainlet, thanks user