I'm 30 years old. I'm 5'6". I'm ugly and I'm poor. I was a drug addict and an alcoholic for 11 years of my life

I'm 30 years old. I'm 5'6". I'm ugly and I'm poor. I was a drug addict and an alcoholic for 11 years of my life.

Tomorrow I step into the gym for the first time. If you could say one thing to me what would it be?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Just don't stop

That's what I needed to hear.

Don't let it be the last time. Also it won't cure your addiction problems but it will help.

I'm fucking sick of being a scumbag I'm never going back to that. I'm going to apply for college next year. I feel like I'm ten years late starting my life lads.

>falling for the alcoholic and drug Jew

Good goy

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You will tho, life will happen, you'll miss a week maybe two but the important part is you get back in there and start again. Success isn't a straight line and life isn't about how many times you fall down, it's about how many times you pick yourself up.

We're all gonna make it brah!

Nothing. You're not special kid. Fuck off for attention or validation somewhere else.

All I can say is that youve gotta stick with it. It's gonna feel shitty at first and your gonna not want to go back to the gym, but don't stop no matter what. Once you've been doing it for a few months you'll see growth and progress and everything will be worth it. You're gonna make it man, or believe in you.

Came here to post exactly this. Never stop improving.

You are.

That's what your growth spurt needed to hear 15 years ago too.

You're going to get a lot of people in here blackpilling you for the keks, don't listen them. There are a lot of deranged people who were injured in their childhoods that are grabbing at your ankles and trying to drag you back into the swamp with them.

At thirty you're just beginning, the Buddha didn't even leave his walled garden until he was 29. Don't be hard on yourself, keep pushing, explore all options for your own flourishing and you're going to be OK. As someone who dealt with severe existential depression and binge drinking, yet somehow survived to see all the good things this life can offer, I sincerely believe many of these drug addictions come from self-hatred and guilt.

Seriously though, don't neg yourself. You've made some serious gains already by deciding to quit drugs and get your life back in order.

Hit the gym. Keep that job. Find fulfilling hobbies that give you meaning. Lock down a QT and have a family.

Consistency > intensity

Stick with it, friend.

No one owes you anything.

Fellow ex addict here. Opiates for 7 years, 4 of them heroin.

Lifting will save your ass. You need something to be excited about, something to use all that misplaced intensity. The beginning is the hardest, you feel awkward and pathetic. Everyone started that way. Within a couple years you will be pulling deadlift that normies will literally not believe until you show them a video. I highly recommend PPL (push, pill, legs, look it up) starting 3-4x/week working up to 5-6/week after a few months. Concentrate on form first 3 months, then start going heavy.

Set a plan, 3 days a week, 6, whatever, just stick to it. Don't skip days. Eat big. Don't skip fucking days. Eat bigger.

>Non sequitur of the year award

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You're actually about 13 years late starting your life. You should go to trade school and become an electrician or something.

You can do it no matter the age. I started when I was 35, Im 47 now.

This guy wants to improve himself, why do you get your kicks from knocking him down? Thirty isn't too late to start a new career, it's not like he wants to be President one day or something.

Abandon all hope ye who enter here

At this point it's financially a much better option for him to go to trade school than to do anything else.

are you just going to leave that machine covered in your druggy sweat?

We’re all gonna fuckin’ make it, brah.

work hard and leave tired

How did you turn it around OP? Do you think it was a slow subconscious process or a sudden breaking point?

congrats on not being a fookin junkie !

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dont quit kid

I love you user you are a kind heart. May your future be as you dream it to be and godspeed

alcoholic here as well, I've been through some shit youtube.com/watch?v=yxL-D0UYdIs but I've been sober for almost a month now

'"Greatness is a lot of small things done well. Day after day, workout after workout, obedience after obedience, day after day."

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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

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All you need to do is make sure you don't miss your days. Whether you need to go before work, right before you sleep, or in the dead of night. Don't. Miss. Days.

Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months, etc. That is literally all you need to do to keep it up. Drill that into your head.

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I'll also throw in some general tips:
>don't be shy to ask a buff guy if you have a question
Just go like "hey man you're in good shape so I wanna ask you something; how do you..."
They will be flattered that you asked them for advise and will gladly answer

>buy a picrelated to track your progress
I weight myself once a month and also take a picture. If you've been clean for a while, you could track the following: lifting, cardio, flawless diet day

Make sure to keep your mp3 player or phone filled with new music. It's extra motivation to hit the gym when you want to listen to a new album or mix you downloaded

It's not that healthy to be honest, but it can really help you in having great explosive workouts. All other supplements are pretty much useless

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Enjoy it. Have fun. The gim is like a videogame where your score has an efect in real life

It's too late.
I was like you and started improving my life in my mid-20's, gonna be 30 years old.

The only thing that's improved is my health, I'm still a loser with a shitty low-end job, two friends, I look good but in the end it's all about your status in society via career or social life. Nothing, absolutely nothing has improved besides my appearance.

No time for school, since I have to work full-time to pay for my shitty apartment (fuck off parent moochers). I tried doing night classes but I had a stroke from all the work. I think of ending it all everyday, working out has just become a habit, the only goal in my life that has upward momentum. The only women I ever get are stupid whores, unsophisticated, bar hoppers, women who can't hold a conversation for two minutes about anything intellectual.

Literally nothing to live for.

unironically seek spirituality gains my friend

We're all gonna make it.

Get a good looking body.

It'll fix the ugly (provided right clothes) + give you confidence to get other shit in order

Being fit and even a little muscular improves job prospects too. If you and a similar aspect are interviewing for the same position, do you think he's picking the disciplined fit guy or the skinnyfat/fatso?

You have no idea how high you can fly

You have to think outside the box

the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second best time is now

Thanks guys, not OP but in a similar situation.

Not OP, but I wish this user all the best

You'll probably fail then die of your addictions.

Post gains in 6 months, and then keep going, prove me wrong you fuckface.

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eat big, lift heavy

God bless you user

Don't dwell on time misspent or bad choices. When you're feeling dismayed remember how far you've come, all the progress you made by your actions. Give yourself credit. Remember you chose it. Remember you made it happen, and you can do it again.


Damn, you're thirty? Where's your walker?

People have overcome worse. You can too.

Most people today are lazy and irresponsible. Simply using half you ability puts you head and shoulder above the masses.

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Do Starting Strength.

I'm not even memeing.

Give yourself time and don't try to eradicate 11 years of dumb mistakes in 6 weeks. Change takes time and preservance.
But you can do it. One step at a time.

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Don't obsess over the time you've already lost. Most of us have done dumb shit that we regret. I've been drinking for years, only quit at 29. I'm almost 31 now, and never was in better shape in my life, even as a teenager. A guy in my BJJ class was a shoe-in for the olympics as a boxer at 20, and fucked that up with drinking and gambling. Now he's 33, and absolutely the best whitebelt in our class. He's seriously a monster physically, he gets submissions on our coaches regularly. So he wasted a decade, he missed his chance at fame and glory. But he still has a chance to do something with his blessed genetics, we're getting ready to compete in two to three months.

That's the rub. You start where you are, and build from there. Don't look back and beat yourself up over where you could've been if you only started earlier in life. That way lies madness. And don't compare yourself to others in that regard either. There's always, ALWAYS some 18 year old prodigy that's gonna make you look like a scrub and a failure. That's just the nature of the game.

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2/10 attempt at tough love, see me after class

>Whence come the highest mountains? I once asked. Then I learned that they came out of the sea. The evidence is written in their rocks and in the walls of their peaks. It is out of the deepest depth that the highest must come to its height.

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Nice one

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The ultimate blackpill


not really, there are cheaper places to live and save money, and you can make internet money from any shithole as long as you get enough money for food and internet

problem is if you are mentally stuck in your city/town for some reason, which most people are

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You are none of those things. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself and go and do great things. :)

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Seconding this. Fucking toxic pieces shit on this board are the worst. I know this is Jow Forums and all but goddamn. 30 isn't that old, OP. I'm happy that you're actively making changes in your life.

He wasnt knocking him down though, he was giving him some of the only good advice in the thread. Go be a reactionary cunt somewhere else.

Whatever. 30 isn't too old to go to a real college. It's just that most guys on this board are like 18/19 so it seems ancient to them.

>If you could say one thing to me what would it be?
What the fuck do you want a medal?

y-you too

We're all gonna make it brah

Jow Forumsness autobiography plz

>Most people today are lazy and irresponsible.
When was it ever any different?

Your going to change one addiction to another, not that its a bad thing, keep training and keep your focus, fuck drugs and booze

>Literally nothing to live for.

Of course there is...go into /tv and say The Last Jedi was a masterpiece...then watch them go nuts

Go and become the best version of yourself, train smart and you're gonna make it my dude


Don't overextend yourself. Make your first priority to create a habit of going to the gym. Begin with lighter weights.

We're all gonna make it brah

Not OP, but thanks for that.

Congrats OP, overcoming your past addictions will haunt you for the rest of your life probably, but you made an important step. Now make the gym/working out your new addiction and show everyone how it is on this bitch of an earth.

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Don't compare yourself to others. Simply think about your ideal self and strive towards it everyday. When you screw up, just try again, it's literally that simple.

I don't mean it's too old socially; it's just a waste of time and having a bachelors degree and 0 years experience at 34 isn't going to get you much of anywhere. Better off with a trade skill.

Download MyFitnessPal and track your food. It's the only way to ensure you're eating right

Literally become an appretice, good physical fitness will get you a job in construction. Make more money and get a god damn hobby. Find girls other places then bars or places where lowlives hang out. Go to chuch. Quit fucking crying online pussy.

I was a heroin addict many years ago .I went to the gym and started running,rowing and weights. The buzz you get from being exhausted is similar to opioids,but only in a positive way. Many days you won't feel like going to the gym,but you've got to force yourself,and afterwards you'll feel god tier. Just get your sorry arse to the gym 3 times a week,I don't care how tired you feel,just go and do it,and it'll wake you up anyway.

Most don't make it... but I hope you do :)

Don't kick a man when he's down, idiot.

>That way lies madness.
I've spent too many nights losing sleep over "What Could Have Been" or "If Only".
People love to bring up the past to hurt your future, learn from it but don't let them dictate it.

>If you could say one thing to me what would it be?

kill yourself my man


if you actually want to make something of yourself, find a trade school or an apprenticeship. something practical where you get to work and also learn valuable skills.

college is a meme at this point. people go there because it's literally 4 years of non stop sex, drugs and partying, but im pretty sure you've already had more than enough of the degenerate lifestyle.

Hey OP, I'm 24 and in a similar position. The worst part being that 4 years ago I was on my way to getting Jow Forums, but depression crippled me.

Life is what you make it, free will means that we have the power to do whatever we like - and with the right perspective you can do quite literally anything you want. Even at 30.

seek spiritual gains, seek ways to make money online - there are a shit ton of realistic ways to make full time income that don't require years of learning. just stop being tied down to a normie idea of a life. go beyond where others dear.

>If you could say one thing to me what would it be?

Don't even bother.