Is it weird I think v taper looks like shit compared to overall strong and beefy physique?

Is it weird I think v taper looks like shit compared to overall strong and beefy physique?

The guys at men's physique manage to look extremely muscular but still frail

Attached: ddc.jpg (1844x695, 319K)

the dyel on the right doesn't do enough heavy compounds, so of course he looks weak

>DYEL on the right

Lol. Cope harder

t. sub-4pl8 deadlift

why are you picking the worst example of a v taper and comparing it to what is essentially peak-bearmode

V-taper obsession is egoism, plain and simple.

how is it the worst example when he's the winner of men's physique?

What the fuck is wrong with the BB on the right? He looks so asymmetrical, and is wearing board shorts for a show too, meaning his legs have to be even more fucked up. Is there some tragic story to this guy?

>smearing pajeet paint on your body

fuck this gay earth

>he looks weak
lmao fucking nu-Jow Forums

Muh deadlift

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It's because a v taper is non functional and only appeals to closet homos



Oly weightlifters have the best physiques in the world, absolutely goals

Lu Xiajun is the ideal male form
Klokov is close

fight me

>weak dyel twink
>referring tumblr
like pottery

Men's Physique

Are any of them natty?

What the fuck do you think bodybuilding is ?



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bodybuilding is pure vatiny, it has literally no point and will fuck you up big time only because you wanna put the maximum amount of muscle in your body by all possible means.

They literally lack the balls but yet call it a "sport"

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V-taper obsession is also bodybuilding, yes.

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fair point

I'm just asking

How do I get a lean functional physique like a marine or climber rather than a vain inflated bodybuilder one with an obnoxious V-taper?

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So is powerlifting/strongman and bodybuilding in general

all you have to do is a simple roundhouse kick to the guy on the right and he will die

They are forced to wear those for that division and most of them have good legs.

Guy on the right is a shit example, but also the guy on the left still has a taper, look at those chest and shoulder dimensions. He’s hardly a fridge.

>skinny legs
>small penis
>bitch tits
>shit triceps
>pussy neck
>looking down like a cucked bitch


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Take roids and have good genetics whike someone takes a flattering black and white photo of you
>20 fucking 18
>people still think bodies like that are achievable natty and photos are not artifical

Lol, if you think any average soldier looks like that. Being big like that isn't conducive to most solidering anyway. Any big solider does BB in his free time as a hobby, or is a model in costume. Or a reservist who lifts as a hobby and doesn't get run into the ground like active. Best pic I could find because surprise, most uniforms are functional and hide the body. Yeah, it's AF, but most don't look different than any guy in my OSUT.

In b4, but my country's better. No. It's not. And I can pull out cherry picked photos of US servicemen too.


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t. Basketball American. We Wuz construkteev kritiks and sheeit

>having pictures of niggers saved on your device

>that picture
you reckon they cooked their own meat and rice?

I picked the wrong photo but the question still stands

Unironically, do crossfit. Otherwise do a shit ton of bodyweight exercises everyday, and run like 20 miles a week.

he is the winner of men's physique

the cope

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>Ideal male body
Choose one. This isn't the 1950s anymore, gramps. If you don't juice amap, you can go home.

any "strength" you acquire is for vanity's sake as well, since its just as useless, if not moreso. good looks will help you in any society, while there's no need use the strength acquired from benching 4 plates
and going on here and bragging about your lifts is equally pathetic as uploading your shirtless pics to instagram. its ultimately about validation

I think it the same way my nigga

He's Jeremy Buendia... The guy who is famous for beating his girlfriends

>strength is useless

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t. insecure manlets with skinny legs, a small penis, bitch tits, shit triceps, a pussy neck, a neckbeard who spend most of their time looking down like a cucked bitch

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God competing body builders look fucking disgusting. The worst thin is, it actually turns some people off lifting.