That 30 year old guy that goes to the gym

>that 30 year old guy that goes to the gym

Get a fucking life already, you're 30 go raise your kids so they don't end up as fucked as you

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did your dad go to the gym for milk when he was 30 and never come back, user?

Nice blackpill thread fag.

Why are you fagging out on people for being over a certain age?

I never accepted the retard premise that you have to start getting decrepit because you've been alive too many years, and I'm better off at my age than a lot of teenagers.

I think I might use my old man money to open a gym chain that serves token alcohol just so I can make it 21+ and keep OP out.

I remember when bros encouraged bros young and old on here. This is some faggot pussy nigga shit op and I urge you to cut it out it doesn’t belong here. We’re all going to make it

Lol keep crying old man! Shouldn't you be putting your kids to sleep?


This autist posts this every fifteen minutes. Talk about pathetic.

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Found the preteen prancing lala homo who is pissed his teacher told him he was going to hang himself with a belt for being such a fucking tide pod eating faggot.

>thread lasts more than one hour
where the janitors

Aeschylus fought at Marathon when he was 45. Men age like wine if they take care of themselves

you'll be 30 soon :)



I'm 42 and in the best shape of my life.
Also have a wife that's 31 ;)

>that 19 year old who thinks he'll never age

You newfags are really easy to spot. Not even going to give you the (you) OP.

I remember being edgy and saying stupid shit when I was young, but this is simply abhorrent. I hope that time catches up to you sooner than later. Enjoy your existential crisis.

>that 30 year old guy that goes to the gym
that 30 year old guy who turns into a gross sack of shit from not exercising

A thread died for this.

My dad started doing sports at 50 after a life of desk jobs
Live and let live, my man

Someone is mad they are not getting attention irl.
Probably lost your woman to some 30 year old bro science guy who wears white sunglasses.
Poor, OP. Jow Forums will help you transition