How do I use my anger and self-hatred as motivation to lift and how to harness it to lift more?

How do I use my anger and self-hatred as motivation to lift and how to harness it to lift more?

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sauce now

You should already be able to do that. You can't teach it.

Twitch streamer dinglederper

>tfw they were born at the right time to be a woman
God, women have it so damn easy when they show a bit of tit and hundreds will pour money into their own pockets for a chance they'll never get to see the whole thing.

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You don’t
Life’s too short to be angry

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Ephesians 4:26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:

Oh fuck off, you know it's true.

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Do women even feel slut shame anymore?

Its lia from kids react. I think she is a youtuber now

Treat mental illness/self-loathing like a terrorist, never negotiate with it.

that lia marie johnson. used to be on kids react. now she does a youtube show where she sits on logan paul

No. Its good for fucking, terrible for society as a whole though. There's gonna be a societal collapse in our lifetimes, but at least we can get laid easily while we're young so it's not all bad.

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Look up “George Leeman motivation” on YouTube

Listen to metal or other fast songs that make you emotional

Hold in the anger, bitterness, and resentment and unleash it as blind fucking rage right as you start the lift

I like to look at myself in the mirror, or my front cam to remind myself how ugly and inadequate I am. Tell myself I’m not worth loving and I should lift to make myself bearable to the world

just ask an asian kid, those incestoid manlets treat lifting like studying for the SATs.

Look up pictures of the people you hate having fun...realize everyone is happy and moving on without you. Unironically isolate yourself with teh realisation you're the only thing holding yourself back. Repeat every 4 days until can't cry no more.

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If you have to ask, you obviously don't hate yourself.

read siege

same tee bee aitch
this mindset is prolly gonna be the death of me but at least i’ll leave a huge fucking coffin

It's easy, just think of all the people you want to prove wrong and let the anger of that and the prospect of doing so drive your lifts to new heights.

Don't focus on cynical stuff like this. I stopped reading news and following politics a long time ago, and I feel a lot better. Focus on things that make your life better and stop ruminating on how fucked up everything is.

I like you, user. I hope you succeed.

This is me. I'm in my first year of uni. How do I break out of this? I'm not a robot I've been a normie all my life I'm just a bit nerdy

Shit you're right my bad


The World is a fucked up place user, and while what you mentioned on your post is true, there are some things you must know
>stupid girl whores herself out
>stupid beta men throw money at her
>she makes a living out of being a camwhore
>she then begins to ride the cock carousel
>she has jpgs, webms, gifs, etc all over the net
>hundreds, if not thousands or dare say millions of people have those files or have seen them
>she will never wife material
>she will grow old and her looks will wither away
>yes she made a lot of money
>yes she probably married some stupid beta male
>yes she had kids
>the internet knows
>the world knows
>God knows
>She is a whore
>She has no value
>She is worthless
>She probably doesn't know how to cook
>She will never raise her children properly
>Her legacy is over...
Now then user, I ask you, What will you do? Will you continue wallowing in sorrow? Or will you become better than her and actually do something with your life?
God rewards the hard worker user, never forget that

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Cope. She won life

You don't get it do you? She may be beautiful on the outside, but all that whoring around makes her just a beautiful husk, she has no value

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shut up faggot.

Societal values have changed. She probably super valuable and no one sees anything wrong with it. It’ll become the norm.

>implying 99.9% of the world's populace care about your inner values

Of course she is a husk, but people don't care. They see her tits, her gifs, her videos, whatever. They feel mogged (girls), or they bust nut after nut to her (men)

She fulfills her role breh

The best trigger for the super saiyan transformation is anger. Always remember that.

>in my head a ll these bad things happen to people who i am jelous of for having sex
Absolutely pathetic

When I feel like I can't do on be more rep I use my hatred for Muslims as motivation to keep going. I think about all the air strikes I called in on them while I was in Iraq.

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So much this.
When training, there are like 2 people in my head fighting, one is the lazy fucker that i currently am, the guy who never found love, the guy who is always below mediocre, the guy who gave away so many chances.
The other guy is the person i could have become beating the shit out of the other guy.
It's only if we suffer through the pain of self destruction that we can ascend.

I don't know how to not do this... Every rep is like beating the things I don't like about myself to death with the barbell.

>Play angry music while lifting
>If possible, walk/run to gym and sperg out in your head on the way there thinking about everything going wrong, make a plan to make it right
>Mentally picture yourself doing 5-10% more weight than you normally lift. Lift your regular weight for higher reps.
>More time spent clenching fists in between sets

OP, as someone that was in the same boat on a consistent basis years back, just mentally vent the rage on something and think more angry, violent thoughts as you're building up to a heavy lift.

You'll get more adrenaline going and more test pumping, and it's a great way to vent.

And don't forget to turn to God afterwards if you're still angry after the workout.

I hate myself all the time so it's easy for me to use that energy

This has worked for me for a solid 10 years.

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Do you hate me if I left the religion?

>ignorance is bliss the post

More like there's no point concerning yourself with issues you can't do anything about.

this but unironically i think about my ex gf and listen to love songs

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>get out to buy your meat for the week
>see a skinny fat bellow-average face holding hands with a HB8
>he sounds confident and interesting
A nice reminded that lifting will never solve my autism.

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I sometimes listen to r&b, like the niggerest of down and dirty fuck songs. It makes me think of having sex with a lover and laying in bed together and intimacy in general, I'll never admit this IRL though.

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Here's the answer: To get a really standout physique, something has to be wrong with you. It can be sent loathing and inadequacy, or the exact opposite. You can hate yourself or you can be a literal narcissist. If you get to know some successful people in the fitness industry you'll see this.

As far as a normal guy at the gym you can try to use your depression as motivation but you'll be happier if you try to imagine the positive consequences of working out. Think about succeeding

>Her legacy is over...
Only rich people care about legacy

this picture is enraging

>spending so much time in the gym when this fat fuck can get any girl he wants with shit teeth and awful hair

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This. If it doesnt happen naturally you dont hate yourself enough

>dat hover hand

Lift with happiness and self-love instead.
Since eventually you start making gains it gets easier and easier to love yourself more and more then going home after the gym feels like that kind of post-orgasm bliss

>the hair
>the teeth
>the slightly open mouth
>the hand
>that fucking hand

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You just do it, jesus fuck do you cucks need a guide for everything.

thank you for removing kebab

Talk to girls.

Your failures will fuel the engine.

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Beautiful painting. Source?

how does she fuck?
i think shes the kind whos boring on bed but get laid anyways cuz her appeal
