Have any of you used your muscles to commit a crime? Rape, theft, murder?

Have any of you used your muscles to commit a crime? Rape, theft, murder?

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Who would make such a thread? Hmmmm...

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I'm afraid to fight someone because I know I will sperg out immediately and go for the eyes and I will land in jail.

Be american
>Train for years and get very strong
>Try to commit a crime using your superior strenght
>Get shot

Yes euro friend I agree the guns are a great crime deterrent

nice try FBI

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Something I do, not really rape though
>find drunk girl at the club
>tell her I got coke at my place and get her away from her friends
>take off her clothes and then creampie her
>if she says she doesn't want to I tell her she can leave my house and call an Uber
>They're drunk and dont want to be dressed like a club slut in 10F weather for a $40 Uber ride
>They just go with it
Done this several times I'm surprised it has a high success rate, one time a girl was even crying but I didn't feel too bad since I technically didn't force her

That's pretty fucked up user not gonna lie. Must feel fucking amazing though.

They're free to leave whenever they want it's not fucked up

>I didn't feel too bad since I technically didn't force her

user let's be real here, you didn't feel bad because you're an asshole incapable of empathy for women

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>implying club sluts are deserving of empathy

and why should we as men feel empathy for women? Enjoy the decline cunt

Because they're our mothers, wives and daughters you stupid degenerate. Club sluts who fuck for coke are not real women though, like how soys are not really men.

That picture makes me both angry at them and sad for them.

>The absolute state of our american women
where did it all go wrong, user?

Why would you be sad for them? Their parents fund their lifestyle of getting fucked by Chad and Tyrone on ecstasy then after 4 years of that they'll have 60k starting salary

>then after 4 years of that they'll have 60k starting salary
The won't even finish their degrees user. They'll hit the wall at 30 with no husbands and probably suicide by 40. If you look at suicide rates for women the 2 highest age groups are 16-19 and 35-40 and the reason is behaviour like this. The 16-19 year olds are the same types of people as these slags but were too ugly or poor to afford to delay the inevitable until their 30s. Both die because they're parents failed them and the parents failed because they grew up in a weak society.

My friend tried to put me down in front of a girl I liked because he coincidentally liked her, too. We were both drunk and after he fucked with me all night I beat the tar out of him. It was so bad some people didn't recognize him after. And he still got her in the end.

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then why are you defending them like they are?

i wanna hear the full story if it isn’t too painful to recall

Sounds like neither of you considered the other their friend, you degenerate pieces of shit.

Two degenerates do not make a right.

>tfw 6'6
>tfw intimidating by default

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Its nothing that interesting and I'm over it now honestly.
>Air Force
>Small as fuck town, every girl has been fucked by half the base
>Go to local college with buddy to fuck some college girls
>New girl hanging around
>She literally just started school, so she'd never been with anyone from the area
>My chance
>Friend was too busy with some thot to care
>Talk to girl all night, pretty sure she liked me
>Got her number
>Friend ventures over, don't think he knew I was talking to her
>He starts talking to her and finds out what I already knew, she was new
>Tell him later I like her
>"Huh... Too bad user, so do I."
>"Ok, I guess she'll just decide."
>I already got her number so I figured I was good
>Friend asks her, maybe she might've said yes but I was right there and she declined
>We stick around and drink more, I keep talking to the girl
>By this point only a few of us
>Friend is basically just trashing me, "user didn't even wanna come. Now look, he got a girl's number cus I dragged him out."
>"Nothing'll change. user will text you for a while, then you'll see how weird he is. It always happens."
>That was the shit that really pissed me off, I stood up and beat the soul out of him
>All that was there were skinny college girls trying to tear me from him
>So I just kept beating him
>Only stopped when I heard someone mention calling the police
>Wasn't friends with him anymore, but hear later from a mutual friend that he took that chick out
I have no idea if it went anywhere, or even if it is true now that I think about it. Either way it is whatever.

A contemptible set of dubs.

Lemme fix this for you since you don't know the power of Stacy
>finish degree with honors, her srat has all the test answers and hires people to do their essays
>get many job offers because of nepotism and looks
>keeps whoring until about 25
>finds a 9-5 Brad that she wouldn't be embarrassed to show to her family and friends
>gets married 2 years later and shits out a kid
>after a few years being married gets boring and she's back to fucking Chad and Tyrone during her girl's night out
>By now she has gotten promotions where she is making 80k give or take
>Loses all respect for her husband since he isn't a master of sex or a millionaire, will keep cheating or just file for divorce if it's not too inconvenient
>keeps being a whore while Brad is stuck with their kid on the weekends
>marries whichever loser is best at fucking her and lives happily ever after

>chad is cool
>stacy is horrible
What did he mean by this?

Shitty friend but you deserved him.

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>Have any of you used your muscles to commit a crime?
Yes, I was going over the speed limit with my bicycle.
75 km/h where 60 was allowed.

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